Seminar Training Catalog - [PDF Document] (2024)

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Seminar Training Catalog

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01 COVID Catalog (Addendum A)

02 Diversity Training Catalog (Addendum B)

03 2021 Catalog (Addendum C)

04 Family Matters

Authoritative Parenting

Autism Overview

Advance Directives

Becoming a Pet Parent



Children and Divorce

Children and Stress

Communicating with Young Children


Dealing with Change: Families

Disaster Preparedness

Dual-Career Relationships

Elder Care

Fatherhood: A Day in the Life

First-Time Parenting

Grief, Dying and Death

Handling a Family Crisis

Helping our Children Achieve Their Dreams

Helping Troubled Teens

Internet Information for Parents

Keeping Your Aging Loved One Safe

Managing Fear & Anxiety in Children

Navigating Decisions as a Family

Navigating the Teen Years


Parenting Your Toddler: Communicate, Motivate and Build Confidence

Parenting Your Parents: The Second Childhood/Reversed Roles

Preparing for College

Resiliency for Working Parents

Screen Guide

Single Parenting

Surviving and Thriving Through Divorce

The Sandwich Generation

Teaching Our Children about Money

Teen Suicide Prevention

Too Much Gaming

Today’s Family: Challenges and Changes


Vaping—What Parents Need to Know

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05 The Diverse Family


Raising Children to Respect Diversity in Your Home

The Effects of Unhealthy Eating

The Importance of the Family Bond

06 Parenting Your Teen Series

Parenting Your Teen: At Risk Behavior

Parenting Your Teen: Career and Life Goals

Parenting Your Teen: Communicating

Parenting Your Teen: Finances

Parenting Your Teen: Friends and Family

Parenting Your Teen: Giving Back

Parenting Your Teen: Managing Conflict and Problem-Solving

Parenting Your Teen: Relationships

Parenting Your Teen: Sibling Rivalry

Parenting Your Teen: Social Issues

Parenting Your Teen: Success in School

Parenting Your Teen: Teens and Sports

Parenting Your Teen: Test Anxiety

Parenting Your Teen: Tips for Parents of Teenage Drivers

Parenting Your Teen: Understanding Important Health Issues

07 Healthy Living Seminars

A Balanced Retirement Life


Alcohol and Substance Abuse

All You Need to Know About Cholesterol

Alternative Medicine: Fact or Fiction

Alzheimer’s and Dementia

Be Positive

Best Practices for Supporting Others

Bicycle Safety

Body Image

Breast Cancer Awareness

Cafeteria Shopping

Clean Living



Conquering Fear and Anxiety

Coping with Civil Unrest


Dare to be Bold

Dealing with Mental Illness

Dealing with Sleep Issues

Decreasing Violence on College Campuses



Eating Disorders

Eating for High Energy

Eating Right for Life

Eating Right on the Run and on a Budget

Embracing Happiness

Emotional Eating


Filling the Nutritional Gaps


Getting Organized

Getting You Help


Green Tips for the Home

Health News

Healthy Aging

Healthy Kids

Healthy Tips for Business Travel


Holiday Survival Guide

How to Boost Your Self-Confidence

How to Speak with Your Physician

How Safe Are You?

Inflammation, Diet and Disease


Learning about Headaches

Life in Today’s Uncertain Times

Lightening Your Life with Laughter

Living with COPD

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Maintaining a Health-Conscious Workplace

Manager’s Guide to Self-care

Maximizing Your Brain’s Potential

Medical/Recreational Marijuana

Men’s Health

Mental Health


Mindful Meditation

Navigate Life Transitions

New Years’ Resolutions

Nutrition Navigator

Opioid Addiction – Employee

Opioid Addiction - Manager

Overcoming Burnout

Overeating vs. Binge Eating

Political Anxiety

Patient Safety

Power of Volunteering

Promote Family Health: Employees

Suicide Prevention

The Art of Feng Shui

The Path to Inner Peace

The Power of Persuasion: How to Influence Others

Promote Family Health: Managers

Reclaiming Your Health: The Guide to Recovery

Reducing and Managing Pain



Relaxation to suit your Lifestyle

Resiliency, Part One

Resiliency, Part Two

Resiliency Bounce Back Stronger

Self-care in the Face of Adversity

Sleep Basics

Smoking Cessation

Staying Focused During Times of Change

Staying Strong and Resilient

Stress Reduction Toolbag

Sun Protection

The Truth about Dieting

Understanding Colleagues with Autism

Understanding Personality Types

Understanding Your Immune System

Using Apps for Health and Technology

What Is Anger?

What Makes a Successful EAP training?

What You Need to Know About Demonstrations

Women’s Health

Women and Depression


You Can Be Smoke Free!

Your Healthy Heart

08 Exercise Program

Exercise Program • Exercise as You Age

Advanced Exercise

Technology and Exercise

Psychology of Exercise

Exercise Science

Athletes in The Work Place

Debunking Myths of the Fitness Industry

Recovery: The Forgotten Piece of Your Workout Routine

09 In the Workplace

Active Shooter

Assertive Communication

Benefitting From Ergonomics

Building a Team Brand

Bullying and Violence in the Workplace

Business Etiquette

Business Writing for Managers

Call Center Stress Management

Career Development Strategies

Career Transitions

Change Management for Leaders


Collaborative Communication

Collaborative Customer Service

Communicating Change to


Communicating During Times of Change

Communication for Managers

Communication Skills for the Workplace


Compassionate Leadership

Components for Great

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Conflict Management for Employees

Conflict Management for Managers

Creating a Great Place to Work in Ten Easy Steps

Creating Positive Work Environments

Creative Problem-Solving

Critical Thinking

Customer Expectations

Dealing with Challenging People

Dealing with the Elephant in the Room


Diversity in the Workplace

Dual-Career Relationships

Dynamics of Change Management

Effective Interviewing Skills for the Interviewer

Effective One-on-One Conversations

Effective Performance Appraisals

Effective Presentation and Public Speaking Skills

Effective Presentation Skills for Leaders

Emotional Intelligence

EQ Making it Work for You

Ethics and Values in the Workplace

Everything You Need to Know About LinkedIn

The 5 Buckets Principle™

Fostering Inclusion in the Workplace

Handling a Death in the Workplace

Health and Well-Being in the Workplace

How Financial Stress Affects the Workplace

How to Create the Secret Sauce

How to be an Inclusive Leader

How to Execute in Business

How to Take the Edge Off Giving Feedback

HR Trauma

Interacting with Ill Coworkers

Interviewing for the Interviewees

Introduction to Social Media Marketing


Leadership for Women

Maintaining a Safe Work Environment

Making Meetings Effective

Making the Most of a Multi-Generational Workforce

Managing Priorities to Maximize Your Day

Managing the Pregnant Employee

Managing Social Connection

Managing Stress for Managers

Managing Strong Emotions: Employees

Managing Strong Emotions: Managers

Managing Teleworkers for Managers

Managing Your Boss


Motivate, Recognize and Energize Employees

Motivation: Bringing Out the Best

Motivational Interviewing

Nonverbal Communication

Preparing for Interviews

Professional Use of Texting

Professional Writing and Email Etiquette

Quality Improvement

Renewing Your Human Resources

Riding the Change Wave

Science of Goal Setting

Sexual Harassment

Sexual Harassment in CA

Sexual Harassment in NY

Sexual Identity in the Workplace

Shifting Priorities: Being Your Best on a Shift Schedule

Staying Connected in Today’s Digital World

Stick With it

Stress Management for High Burnout Professions

Stress Management for Managers


Substance Abuse for Managers

Successful Teleworking for Employees

Surviving Mergers and Acquisitions

Survivor’s Guide to Downsizing

Taming Tech


The Art of Negotiation

The Importance of Showing Up to Work

The New Résumé

Thinking Traps

Recognizing the Troubled Employee

Unconscious Bias

Using Your EAP

When the Worst Happens

Workday Workouts

Working with Millennials

Workplace Trauma for Managers

You’re Promoted! The New Manager

Cultural Myths in Media: Fact of Fiction

Is High School Enough? The New Age

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10 The Millennials Series

Buying a Car for the First Time: New or Used, Buy or Lease?

Campus to Career: Transitioning into the Workplace

Communicating in a Tech World

Don’t Forget Your Social Life!

Managing a Budget for the First Time

Productivity Skills

Stress Management for the New Professional

11 Minding Your Money

Adjustable-Rate Mortgages

Basic Banking and Banking Tips

Building Good Credit and Improving Your Credit Score

College Tuition: Understanding Financial Aid

Documents for Life

Eldercare – Financial Planning

Estate Planning

Holiday Budgeting

Home Buying: The Best Investment

Identity Theft Protection and Self-Help

Investment Basics

Living Off Your Paycheck

Managing Your Money in Tough Times

Mind Over Money

Money Basics

Personal Finance Boot Camp

Planning a Financial Future

Social Security Retirement Planning

Tax Tips

401k Savings Fundamentals

12 Executive Finance Program

Advanced Tools and Techniques for the Fully Funded 401k

Estate Planning–Ramifications of your Employee Benefits Package

Selective Executive Benefits- a Primer to Help Plan Your Money

Financial Rescue

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Authoritative ParentingThis parenting focuses on responsiveness and de-mands. There are times we all need to take control of our children and their lives.This particular style works very well helping parents keep in-tune with their children.

We will discuss communication techniques, ap-propriate discipline, and listening skills.This class is meant to be very interactive and real-life scenar-ios will be discussed.Age group is best for children up to 12 years old.

Autism OverviewAutism is an issue that impacts many families. This class is designed to provide an overview of the signs and symptoms as well as offer some guid-ance on how to cope with the challenges of raising an autistic child. There is opportunity for discus-sion and review of resources and how to get help and support.

Advance DirectivesThere are so many life issues that you cannot pre-pare for, but advance directive just as the name implies, are the exception. This class will Define advance directives and identify the benefits. Par-ticipants will learn about living wills and durable powers of attorney for health care. We will also identify strategies for communicating with older relatives about the need for advance directives as well as resources that can help you complete your advance directives.

Becoming a Pet ParentHave you been considering pet adoption? This seminar offers pertinent information to prospec-tive pet parents, with topics ranging from selecting the right type of pet for your family, to expenses associated with pet care, to the differences be-tween pet stores and animal shelters. Attendees will also be provided with numerous topics for fur-ther research to aid in their pet adoption journey.

BullyingIn this class, parents will begin by looking at cur-rent statistics about bullying to understand what

bullying is. We will discuss how to know if your child is a bully or being bullied. Participants will learn family risk factors that can influence bullying. We will also cover cyberbullying.

CaregivingNearly one out of three Americans is providing care for a family member. This class will cover the issues of self-care, how to assess your family needs and how to maintain balance in your life. We will also discuss common emotions caregivers may experience and discuss special situations of caregiving.

Children and DivorceThis class will discuss many issues affecting chil-dren and divorce, including how to tell your chil-dren, reassure them and deal with self-blame. We will look at their basic needs at this time, how to achieve continuity while living in multiple homes and how to help children communicate.

Children and StressStress impacts children as young as seven years old. How can we help children have a happier and more balanced childhood? This workshop out-lines the causes and signs of stress. When should parents be alarmed? What are the red flags to look for in our children? We will discuss the symptoms of stress in children and techniques that will help children on an everyday basis.

Communicating with Young ChildrenThis class specifically covers how to communicate with young children. We will explore the impor-tance of good communication, what to expect at various stages and what kinds of communication techniques work best with younger children.

Co-ParentingParenting itself is a challenging responsibility. For parents who are going through a separation or divorce it can create a completely new set of challenges. The good news is, with planning and understanding you can parent just as effectively. In this class participants will learn the challenges and

Family Matters

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strategies to co-parent successfully and learn how to focus on what is best for your children.

Dealing with Change: FamiliesChange is inevitable in life. This seminar will equip participants with the tools they will need to navi-gate change successfully as a family. In this semi-nar, we will discuss what big or small changes are going on in participants’ lives and address what is needed to work through these changes as a fam-ily, while acknowledging that it may be harder for some as everyone may react differently.

Children, partners, spouses and friends will all be addressed in this one-hour seminar.

Disaster PreparednessWhen unexpected events, such as hurricanes, oc-cur we sometimes wait for disaster to strike. Often, however, we have no warning. In all situations, ba-sic knowledge and preparation is the key to surviv-al and recovery. We will talk about people and pets as well as how you can prepare everything from documents to home protection—what to have ready to go and how to plan with your family.

Dual-Career RelationshipsDual-career relationships are here to stay. They require special attention to remain healthy, pro-ductive and loving. Recognizing we may not have grown up with a dual-career model to cope with today’s challenges, this program gives participants tools to evaluate where they are, what they need to do and how to keep communication channels open.

Elder CareIt’s not uncommon for one family member to be the sole caregiver for an older relative. This sem-inar will teach participants how to create a family approach to caregiving. We will discuss how family dynamics and family history impact a family’s abil-ity to work together as caregivers. Participants will learn strategies for problem-solving and managing conflicts with siblings and other family members.

Fatherhood: A Day in the LifeThis journey we call life has plenty of plot twists along the way. Becoming a father is toward the top of this great story. You are your son’s first super-hero and your daughter’s first love.

First-Time ParentingFirst time parenting can be exciting, overwhelm-ing and exhausting. Although everyone will have their own individual journey as a first-time parent, this class will help to prepare you for some of the

things you can expect. In this class, you will also learn some tips for staying sane, getting sleep, asking for help and many more topics!

Grief, Dying and DeathThis is meant to be a thoughtful and compassion-ate seminar that helps people talk and deal with a topic that’s not often discussed. For many of us, this can be a very confusing time in our lives when we lose someone close to us and we don’t have a lot of experience with it. This is a session where people can share, explore and educate themselves on ways of coping.

Handling a Family CrisisFor those who may be going through a family crisis or simply want to prepare, this class will cover managing expectations and guilt. Learn how to cope with financial challenges and what to expect during transition times. This class can also be geared toward managers supporting employees going through a family crisis.

Helping our Children Achieve Their DreamsDuring this seminar, participants will gain the knowledge to help empower our children with the tools to turn their dreams into realities. We will focus on the importance of fostering a supportive and non-judgmental environment. This presenta-tion will aid parents in the transition to becoming their child’s coach, in all things.

Helping Troubled TeensThis seminar will cover the facts of what it is like for a teen to live with a mental illness, including signs and symptoms, when a parent should be worried and how to get help. We will introduce what an addiction is and give suggestions on what you can do as a parent to help your child.

Internet Information for ParentsThis class will look at the realities of the Internet as well as the benefits. We will discuss the impor-tance of learning the language of the Internet and how to identify concerns and risks. Participants will learn strategies to increase safety online with instant messaging, social networking and chat rooms.

Keeping Your Aging Loved One SafeWe all want to be safe and enjoy the best life pos-sible as we age. For that to happen both caregiv-ers and seniors need to be informed about basic safety procedures. This seminar will introduce six areas of Safety Procedures, with resources & tips that seniors and Caregivers can use to stay as safe as possible through the years. (This program is

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available in 2 Parts each covering 3 areas or a com-bined presentation.)

Managing Fear & Anxiety in ChildrenDuring this presentation, we will discuss some im-portant tactics to help deal with anxiety and fear in children of all age groups. Attendees will learn that our own fears and anxieties must be handled in order to provide proper support to children. After completing this training, you will be able to help your children cope with their anxieties with com-passion, structure, and flexibility.

Navigating Decisions as a FamilySometimes there is no choice…. Decisions are made and we need to learn the tools to be able to communicate these decisions with our children and families. In this seminar, we will address the questions you may have about how to navigate family decisions with as little stress as possible. We will address decisions you may be facing; concerns you may have and how your decisions will affect the entire family. This seminar will provide you with the tools you will need to navigate decisions as a family. People may be at different places, but the process should be about the same.

Navigating the Teen Years This seminar will touch on very important topics for parents who are or will soon be navigating the teen years with their child/children. Participants who attend this seminar will begin to look at the difference between what is important to their teen vs what is important to them. During this seminar you will discuss risky behaviors and how to pre-vent them, managing conflicts with your teen, and the do’s and don’ts of parenting a teen. You will leave this seminar with practical best practices for managing those tricky teen years.

ParentingThis hands-on course details the trials and tribu-lations of parenting. Basic parenting philosophies are discussed as well as how they apply to real-life situations. Topics include discipline, eating, sleep-ing, academics and values.

Parenting Your Toddler: Communicate, Motivate and Build ConfidenceThe toddler stage is the most challenging stage of any child’s development. Toddlers are continuous-ly going through developmental milestones. They are experiencing growth patterns, physical coor-dination and their first friend, and learning how to communicate with complete sentences and cope with fast-changing emotions and mental feelings.

Parenting Your Parents: The Second Childhood/Reversed RolesMost children learn the responsibilities of “parent-ing your parent” in their 40s. This new job of safety monitoring, health care and legal and financial issues will leave you with a fair amount of stress and anxiety. This class will give you some tips on managing a healthy relationship between you and your aging parents.

Preparing for CollegeA child going to college is a major family milestone. Household dynamics will never be the same. Pre-paring your child, his or her siblings, and spouse as well as yourself for this transition is the goal of this program. If your child is attending college, you are already in the midst of coping with all the changes. If your child is still in high school, you have ample opportunity to take notes to prepare him/her and yourself for a productive transition.

Resiliency for Working ParentsToday’s working parent needs to build resiliency in order to prevent burnout. This class will give you the tools to manage stress while maintaining a sense of work and family life balance.

Screen GuideIn today’s digital world many parents are conflicted on when and how often to let children use their “screens”. We will discuss age limits, and help par-ents define for themselves and their families their limits. We will also recommend some of the apps/web sites that have been approved. Setting limits often brings many challenges and we will delve into how to tell our children why guidelines are necessary.

Single ParentingThis workshop offers a basic discussion of the challenges of raising children alone. Techniques for caring for your children’s needs while still having time for you and your needs will be cov-ered. We will discuss how to enjoy life even if it has become different that you had expected.

Surviving and Thriving Through DivorceThis seminar provides helpful and practical in-formation for those experiencing all stages of a divorce or separation, including an overview of the divorce process, litigation versus mediation, cop-ing skills and tips on surviving the emotional toll of divorce or separation.

The Sandwich GenerationMost employees today will face having to take care of an elderly relative while they are still taking

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care of their own families. This is known as the “Sandwich Generation”. This class will discuss how tocollect information, communicate with compas-sion, be proactive and respectful and cope with the issues people in the Sandwich Generation must face.

Teaching Our Children about MoneySurveys repeatedly show that many teenagers do not understand even basic financial concepts. This class will cover how to teach children about money by looking at our money values and how we com-municate about money. We will discuss parental attitudes toward allowances and working as well as how to set goals and create spending and sav-ing strategies.

Teen Suicide Prevention“13 Reasons Why” is a Netflix Series released at the end of March 2017. It is based on the book by Jay Asher. The mental health community has raised major concerns around the topic of suicide being portrayed in an irresponsible and dangerous man-ner. The show is being watched by youth who see themes of blame and revenge as a romanticized notion of “speaking from the grave”. Educational opportunities to teach youth about depression, help, resources and treatment are glaringly ab-sent. Adults are portrayed as preoccupied and out of touch.

Rape, bullying, accidents, and alcohol are includ-ed as well as a very graphic depiction of the sui-cide. Without adult supervision, these themes can be difficult for youth to process. Youth who have a history of depression are at risk and advised not to watch this program. Other youth may also be at risk and should watch only with adult supervi-sion and follow up discussion if at all. There is a fear among the mental health community that the program may lead to suicide contagion, copy-cat behavior without full awareness of the finality

of death. The show has produced an increase in dialog around depression and suicidal warning signs and the need for education and treatment. Parents are becoming more aware of alarming sta-tistics and what they can do to help their children and others.

Too Much GamingGaming Addiction is a newly named Disorder that can affect your life the same as a substance addic-tion. In this program, we will discuss the difference between playing games and having an addiction to games. Learn how to spot this disorder and treat-ment options so those affected are able to get the help they need.

Today’s Family: Challenges and ChangesWhether you have a traditional family or a sin-gle-parent family, all families face the same chal-lenges. Parenting is still one of the toughest jobs we have. This class looks at the history of families and offers some best practices for how to have a healthy family, including some fun things families can do together. This class is meant to be discus-sion-based.

TrustA cornerstone of every relationship is trust. Defin-ing trust and understanding its components are the keys to having meaningful relationships in our personal lives and at work. We will discuss why you need trust, how you get it, how you lose it and how you get it back.

Vaping—What Parents Need to KnowThe works of e cigarettes and vaping are becoming a crisis. This class will inform parents about the dangers of vaping and how to talk to your children.

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StepfamiliesWhat is a stepfamily? This seminar will explore what the meaning of a stepfamily is and why it can be such a wonderful and strong part of you and your life. The seminar will touch on family values as well as the expectations of both the parent and the child/children of a stepfamily. It will also dis-cuss the benefits of being a part of a stepfamily.

Raising Children to Respect Diversity in Your HomeWe all come in different shapes and sizes, and we have different backgrounds, beliefs and abilities depending, in part, on where we come from—adoptive families, single-parent households, blend-ed families, families with stay-at-home fathers and same-sex households. The care and support family members offer to one another is essential to the developmental process and to adequate function-ing of children in today’s society.

The Effects of Unhealthy EatingThe effects of unhealthy eating are a major con-tributing factor to the onset of several diseases and heart health issues in various cultural groups. This class will teach cultural differences in eating attitudes and behavior from an individual’s cultural orientation, which may influence his or her behav-iors toward healthy eating.

The Importance of the Family BondA family unit is the unit that builds up a person’s character and personality. How you conduct your-self and what you grow to be in life is very much dependent on your family life. Psychologists believe that a child learns mainly from his or her family life. The manner in which your family members deal with you has a lifelong outcome on your personality.

The Diverse Family

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Parenting Your Teen: At Risk BehaviorThis session addresses the realities of today—the good news and bad news. We will discuss essen-tial facts of at-risk behavior and give parents the chance to have frank discussions about their fears. Learn what we really need to know, what to do and what not to do.

Parenting Your Teen: Career and Life GoalsThis module is designed to help parents discuss career and life goals with their teens in a positive way by looking at their teen’s personal values, interests and work skills. Parents will learn to help teens discover their true passions.

Parenting Your Teen: CommunicatingFeel like you and your teen are talking different languages? In this seminar, we will discuss how to create a comfortable climate for parent/teen com-munication, review the basic rules, dos, don’ts and best practices so you and your teen can communi-cate better.

Parenting Your Teen: FinancesLearning about money at a young age is very important. As a parent, you can teach your teen about finances by determining how your money values impact your teen. Learn how to teach them about having financial goals and how to develop autonomy with money.

Parenting Your Teen: Friends and FamilyThis class helps parents of teens understand the distinction between teen/family and teen/ friend relationships. We will discuss communication breakdowns, rewards and the importance of com-munication as well as best practices and advice for families with teens.

Parenting Your Teen: Giving BackResearchers say that people who offer love, car-ing and support to others have better mental and physical health, less chronic pain, less depression

and a better overall sense of well-being than those who are less altruistic. The goal of this seminar is to help parents foster a sense of giving back in their teens.

Parenting Your Teen: Managing Conflict and Problem-SolvingConflict between parents and teenagers is a fact of life. In this seminar, parents explore ways to help their teenagers resolve conflicts and establish guidelines for acceptable behavior. The goal is for your teen to become a mature young adult who can make good decisions independently so he or she can manage his or her life in appropriate, autonomous ways.

Parenting Your Teen: RelationshipsAdolescence is a time when peer relationships in-tensify, teacher and work relationships grow in sig-nificance and parental relationships are routinely challenged. This module will define relationships, review best strategies and discuss conflict resolu-tion techniques to share with your teen.

Parenting Your Teen: Sibling RivalryMany parents suffer with sibling rivalry in their households. In this seminar, we will discuss how to lessen tensions between siblings and even be-tween both parents. We will examine what habits may encourage rivalry.

Parenting Your Teen: Social IssuesTo understand teen social issues, you have to learn what is important to your teen as well as what is important to you. We will review best prac-tices for “the biggies” and give you some important takeaways and resources to deal with your teen.

Parenting Your Teen: Success in SchoolParents will learn which healthy habits are import-ant to school success, how to help teens deal with teachers and academics and how to encourage teens to get organized. Learn to recognize when

Parenting Your Teen Series

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your teen is overinvolved or under involved, how to handle discipline and how to help him or her deal with peer pressure.

Parenting Your Teen: Teens and SportsTeens today are exposed to multiple entertain-ment avenues that foster inactivity, such as video games, television and other media devices. Obe-sity rates among teens are rising at an alarming rate. Participation in organized sports is a great solution, but when is it too much? In this class, we will discuss the importance of providing our teens with balance and perspective for the activities they choose.

Parenting Your Teen: Test AnxietyTest anxiety is a reality for many teens that pre-vents them from demonstrating their competen-cies academically. This seminar will give parents tools to assess whether their teen has test jitters or test anxiety. Parents will also learn how to help teens manage the anxiety with proactive exercises.

Parenting Your Teen: Tips for Parents of Teenage DriversIn this seminar, we will review statistics on teen driving, learn the major causes of accidents and discuss how to prevent them. We will help par-ents understand the factors to determine driving readiness as well as discuss proven strategies for parents to manage and guide their teen with this milestone of independence.

Parenting Your Teen: Understanding Important Health IssuesThis candid seminar will help parents understand the physical changes of boys and girls during pu-berty and how to cope with these changes. We will discuss the importance of supporting your teen’s mental and physical health.

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A Balanced Retirement LifeThe goal of this seminar is to help people ask the right questions to make decisions that are right for them as they approach retirement. We will cover the issues to consider for future planning or to help you evaluate your current road map with a focus on the positive aspects of retirement—not just the challenges.

AddictionThis seminar will cover it all, from what is addic-tion? To what do we need to look for and the signs. If you or someone in your life are dealing with addiction this seminar will help you to understand the symptoms, components, and even the myths of addiction. It will also end with tips and steps on the recovery process.

Alcohol and Substance AbuseThis class will address the basics of alcohol and substance abuse. We will look at how to identify if someone has a problem, the difference between substance abuse and dependence, how drugs affect the body and the basic family and social problems that arise from substance abuse, along with how to get help.

All You Need to Know About CholesterolIn this program, participants will explore the com-plex role of cholesterol. They will examine the role it plays in nutrition and health as well as deter-mine the numbers that indicate good cholesterol levels. There will be an opportunity to discuss the various types of fats that contribute to good and bad cholesterol numbers. Additionally, diet sug-gestions will be offered.

Alternative Medicine: Fact or FictionLearn the basics of the most utilized alternative and complimentary healing arts, including Chiro-practic, Homeopathy, Herbal and Chinese Medi-cine, Naturopathy, Acupuncture and Therapeutic Massage. See how these healing arts can con-tribute to and enhance your overall health and wellness.

Alzheimer’s and DementiaThis is not a medical class about what Alzheimer’s is; it’s a seminar about lifestyle and care for those living with Alzheimer’s. You will learn that by living a brain-healthy lifestyle, it is possible to prevent Alzheimer’s symptoms. We will talk through and suggest the steps you can take to slow down, or possibly reverse, the process of deterioration that the disease can have.

Be PositiveAlthough not everyone believes in the power of positive thinking, it is a field that has been around for centuries around the world. Today, scientists understand why the attitudinal approach—positive versus negative, dramatically impacts us as well as our relationships with others. In this class, we will discuss our ability to benefit from the pow-er of positive thinking by making changes to our thought process and perspective.

Best Practices for Supporting OthersThis seminar will allow participants to begin to dis-cuss the basic techniques for providing help and supporting others. It will allow them to begin to learn how the can provide support without taking on the role or a counselor/therapist. This class will leave those who attend with real life strategies they can use to help others, listen to other, and most of all be supportive.

Bicycle SafetyThis seminar will provide you all the information you need from bike maintenance to road safety.

Body ImageEver catch you looking in the mirror and being judg-mental, self-critical and feeling ashamed? Unfortu-nately, that is normal and from time to time we are probably all guilty of it. If your body image is some-thing you find yourself struggling with on a daily basis then this seminar will guide you through tips and tools to overcome your image issues and love the whole you for exactly who you are. It is time to make a change and stop picking yourself apart!

Healthy Living

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Breast Cancer AwarenessThe purpose of this seminar is to educate and empower participants regarding breast cancer. This seminar is for informational purposes only. It is not intended to give medical advice, diagnose or make treatment recommendations. Breast self-exam demonstrations can be added.

Cafeteria ShoppingFor many people, trying to eat healthy during the workday seems unachievable. This Webinar Work-shop will lead you through the typical cafeteria choices to help you create a personal “shopping list” of foods for better health.

Clean LivingClean living is all about cleaning out the toxic in your life. This is a mind/body approach to living a clean and healthy life. We will discuss what adds toxins to your mind and body and how to elimi-nate them for good. Some aspects of this semi-nar will discuss how we can establish a healthier way of eating by eating whole, real, nutrient-rich food and, in return, beginning to eliminate all the processed food that is a normal and usual part of most people’s diets. We will discuss toxic products we use in the home, vitamins and supplements and many more areas during this seminar.

FatigueFor many of Compassion us our day-to-day jobs are not only physically exhausting but mentally exhausting. The class will guide you through what compassion fatigue is, the sign and symptoms and real-life strategies to combat your everyday lives.

ConcentrationHave you have ever driven to work but not re-membered the trip? If so, then you can benefit from learning about the importance of concentra-tion and how to improve it.

Conquering Fear and AnxietyFears and anxieties are made up of thoughts that are based upon either personal experiences or beliefs. Pretending that these thoughts and fears do not exist, or are not that bad, can actually make them worse. In this class, we will learn how to talk through our thoughts to realize that our fears and anxieties are manageable and controllable.

Coping with Civil UnrestAttendees of this training session will be provided with tools to help cope with civil unrest around the world – for now and for the future. Topics of discussion will include the emotional impact of rioting vs. looting, how to build our courage, and

how to follow through on our responsibility to support others.

CuriosityIn today’s times we need to look at what we are curious about and why. Curiosity drives motivation and often encourages to take our careers and lives to new levels.

Dare to be BoldIn today’s emerging and aspiring world, we need to be bold. This seminar encourages us to achieve what we have yet to accomplish and to help us cre-ate an action plan to get there. It will touch on why we need to be bold, what holds us back but also what empowers us to move forward. This is a high-ly motivating class that will leave all participants thinking about their next steps in work and life.

Dealing with Mental IllnessMental illness can affect your life and those around it. Whether it is a friend or loved one deal-ing with mental illness, there are things you can do to help clear a path for better living.

Dealing with Sleep IssuesDo you have difficulty sleeping? Check out this program where you will explore sleep disorders and their causes (circadian rhythms, insomnia and snoring/sleep apnea), discuss the benefits of sleep studies and examine sleep’s relationship to stress and the release of cortisol. Additionally, you will identify ways to address insomnia and leave with helpful resources.

Decreasing Violence on College CampusesAs parents, we want our young adults to thrive in their new world—to feel comfortable socially, be challenged academically and step into a new phase of their lives. Understanding the facts about violence on campus, planning how to talk with your young adult about these issues and learning about the resources available are important first steps to help protect your daughter or son.

DepressionDepression occurs in persons of all genders, ages and backgrounds. It is among the leading caus-es of disability worldwide and affects about 121 million people. In this seminar, we will discuss the causes, symptoms and impact of depression as well as ways to both seek and receive help. Though depression can be reliably diagnosed, few of those affected receive the proper treatment. We will learn the barriers to treatment as well as ways to overcome them for a happier, healthier life.

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DiabetesWhat is diabetes? This class will answer all your questions! During this seminar, we will discuss causes, signs and symptoms of diabetes and inves-tigate the differences between the multiple types of diabetes. By the end of this seminar, we hope to help participants be aware of the lifestyle and nutrition changes they need to make to manage living with diabetes.

Eating DisordersWhat is an eating disorder? What are the differ-ent types of eating disorders? What are the signs to look for in someone that may have an eating disorder? These questions and many more will be addressed during this presentation. The facilitator will explain how eating disorders affect work and home life as well as address resources and next steps to get help for others or yourself.

Eating for High EnergyLooking at how food can make you feel more ener-gized is the focal point of this class. We will discuss blood sugar levels, exercise and best foods to fuel your mind and body!

Eating Right for LifeDonuts for breakfast, candy bar for lunch? Eating on the run? Does this sound familiar? Participants in this seminar learn the benefits of nutrition, including the importance of making informed food choices to develop and maintain sound eating habits.

Eating Right on the Run and on a BudgetWe all make excuses for eating “junk” or “fast” food. This seminar will cover real strategies for us to eat out quickly and cheaply. There are many op-tions and knowing the truth empowers us to make the right choices so our health and wealth will ben-efit. Learn the basics of eating healthy within your financial means as well as when to select organic foods.

Embracing HappinessWe have so many “things” at our disposal, but are we happy?This seminar focuses on what it means to be happy and provides insight into what we need personally to live a happy more satisfying life.

Emotional EatingAre you an emotional eater? This program will define it and identify reasons for it. Participants can explore their own personal food history and examine the relationship between mood and cravings. They will also look at questions to height-

en awareness of choices and determine their own eating behavior. For those who want to move out of emotional eating, there are identified steps, best practices and resources.

ExerciseCannot seem to find the time to fit exercise into your daily schedule? This workshop looks at the benefits of fitness and exercise. Strategies to in-corporate exercise into your busy lifestyle will be discussed. Learn how to enjoy exercise at home, work and when you travel.

Filling the Nutritional GapsIn this program, participants will explore snacking, determine its benefits and examine its impact on blood sugar. They will discuss effective snacking in meeting the body’s need for recommended nu-trients as well as how can be used to determine gaps and which recommend foods can address those gaps. Participants will explore the role of fiber, compare and contrast soluble and in-soluble fiber and identify sources of each. They will also have an opportunity to engage in an activity using oranges as a food source to meet multiple needs.

ForgivenessWe all carry around grudges—some small, some huge. These scars can possibly leave lasting ef-fects. The consequences of living with grudges are negative relationships, weight gain, jealousy to-wards others and even difficulty achieving success at work. The art of forgiveness allows us to “let go” and move on.

Getting OrganizedIf you need help getting organized, this program is for you. It looks at the downside of lax organiza-tion, helps you determine your own organizational quotient, explores why we are disorganized, ex-amines the benefits of organization and identifies how to start. It addresses both home and work, discusses storage issues, helps you determine if disorganization is a problem and offers resources.

Getting You HelpOften times in life things can get so busy, we forget to check in and see how we are doing. We need to stop from time to time and evaluate our own mental health. Are we anxious all the time? Sleeping well at night? Overeating or under eating? This class will provide you with the opportunity to remind yourself to run through the check list evaluate both your emotional and physical wellbe-ing and untimely assist you in getting the help you might need.

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GratitudeThis seminar is about learning the science behind gratitude and how it can help to increase the meaningful relationships in all areas of your life. The newest research empowers individuals to learn how to incorporate gratitude both at work and home, and this class will incorporate tips and tolls to help you do that. This topic is a true contin-uation of increasing awareness of the complicated relationships we have in our lives. When we focus on what we can be grateful for each day it offers a new perspective on our daily life.

Green Tips for the HomeBLI’s seminar “Green Tips for the Home” provides an overview of practical actions one can take to reduce our carbon footprint while saving money in addition to detailing the advantages of using or-ganic and natural products. Learn how to increase thermal efficiency and save electricity. The curric-ulum demystifies many elements of an ecological lifestyle to start participants on the road to going green in their own lives.

Health NewsThe sheer volume of health news available today is overwhelming. The good news is we have access to current information to keep us informed and make good decisions about our health and health care. This class will teach you to filter out what you need, know which sources to trust and how to make sure the information you find is accurate and relevant to your health care decisions.

Healthy AgingThere is a new saying that “60 is the new 40.” The way our society looks at age is changing, reflecting longer life spans and conditions never experienced before. The way we relate and interact with our surroundings makes a huge difference in our indi-vidual perception of the aging experience. In this class, we will discuss age as a state of mind and in relation to our surroundings.

Healthy KidsHealthy kids lead to healthy adults. We will dis-cuss the research behind living a healthy life and practicing preventative health for kids as well as the impact healthy living can have on kids’ minds and bodies as they grow. The areas of discussion include nutrition for kids, exercise, immunizations and sleep, to name a few. Learn how you can raise a healthy kid!

Healthy Tips for Business TravelDo you love or loathe business travel, or are you somewhere in between? In this program, partici-

pants will identify things to prepare ahead of time, determine how to avoid unhealthy temptations and explore how to incorporate exercise, sleep and healthy food choices into business travel. We will also examine hazards and best practices.

HIPAAYou keep hearing about HIPAA, but what is it? This program explains HIPAA, discusses patient rights, examines the Security Rule, identifies protected information, explores when information can be disclosed and addresses compliance.

Holiday Survival GuideWe all have special feelings about the holidays. For many, it is a wonderful time of celebration, family gatherings and joyful times. For others, it is a time of sadness and feeling overwhelmed. In this semi-nar, participants examine sources of holiday stress and learn strategies for coping and managing their emotions, time, relationships and finances. Share ideas for organizing holiday tasks and managing holiday demands and look at the role of holiday traditions.

How to Boost Your Self-ConfidenceTo handle today’s extremely challenging situations, we need to be at our best and believe in ourselves. This seminar will outline why confidence is so important and how to continue feeling strong and empowered. We will have an interactive, engaging conversation that will help you feel more confident both at work and at home.

How to Speak with Your PhysicianThis seminar is necessary due to all of the changes anticipated in healthcare. Doctors really do not have adequate time to spend with every patient. Thus, every second and minute with a physician count. This seminar is designed to give patients a set of specific tools to optimize visits, including pre-appointment preparation and communication during and after an appointment.

How Safe Are You?We live in a world where personal safety is an issue that cannot be ignored. This class covers some basic steps we can all take to be safer in our surroundings, including common sense best prac-tices and options for making yourself safer as well as changes we can make in our personal behavior to reduce the risk of becoming a victim.

Inflammation, Diet and DiseaseIn this program, participants will explore inflam-mation, including chronic inflammation, and learn how it leads to disease as well as how diet and

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lifestyle choices impact it. They will also have an opportunity to identify and discuss foods that comprise a pro-inflammatory diet and determine ways to avoid those issues.

Kindness*This brand-new seminar will discuss how desper-ate we are to feel better during an incredibly chal-lenging time. Included will be the science of how kindness works, the components, teaching this to children and finally participants in this interactive class will be challenged to brainstorm ways that they can be kinder in today’s world.

Learning about HeadachesIf you or a family member is a headache sufferer, you know how headaches can disrupt your work and life. In this class, we are going to provide you with an overview of headache types, what causes them and helpful ways to prevent and eliminate them.

Life in Today’s Uncertain TimesThe uncertainty of our world poses many challeng-es for us in our workplace and at home. The in-crease in stress from social and racial tension and well as the fast-changing climate requires having tools to make good decisions.

This class will look at the dynamics of this en-vironment and provide tools for managing the range of emotions we feel, talking with coworkers regarding sensitive issues as well as taking care of ourselves and increasing our resiliency.

Lightening Your Life with LaughterLook at life in a way that takes some of the stress out of it. This informative and enjoyable workshop shares proven techniques for using laughter to re-duce stress in your life. The history, practices and beliefs of this therapy as well as how to become more positive will be explored. This seminar re-minds participants about the wonderful energizer called laughter, with its many therapeutic benefits.

Living with COPDWith more than 3 million cases diagnosed each year (Mayo Clinic, 2014) and numerous commer-cials for new pharmaceuticals on TV and online, there is a clear need for honest, unbiased edu-cation on this disease of the lung. No, it is not a disease exclusively for smokers, and no, there is no known cure. However, there are effective treatments, and some are very new! While this is by no means a comprehensive course, it serves as an excellent introduction to anyone who is newly diagnosed or knows someone who is. The goal is to present a variety of topics relating to

COPD and spark a conversation on the overall idea of lung health.

LonelinessWhat is loneliness? Are you lonely? How can you overcome loneliness? Loneliness is something that can affect our overall health and well-being as well as our mental health. All your questions plus some very practical suggestions and tips for overcoming loneliness will be discussed during this seminar.

Maintaining a Health-Conscious WorkplaceFor many of us, the last time we heard about inci-dent command, safety, or a healthy work environ-ment was during orientation or the onboarding process, which could be many years ago! However, these topics, among others, have remained rele-vant, and recent events have highlighted the need to reinforce and reinvent the way we communi-cate them between yearly renewals of training. This topic is centered on a novel, general pitch of these topics that will illustrate how employees can become involved and raise awareness of work-place policy management. While not a formalized training on these issues, the seminar will spark conversation and ideas about how to better im-plement safety and health-conscious attitudes in the workplace and serve as a springboard to the government-certified courses.

Manager’s Guide to Self-careIn order to take care of employees’ physical and mental health, managers must prioritize their own first. This step-by-step guide will delve into the complexities of this challenge and how to over-come the obstacles to ensure that they are model-ing the best possible behavior. When the manager is focused on self-care and operating at their best the team will also

Maximizing Your Brain’s PotentialIt is extremely important to make the most of your brainpower for both work and fun. Doing this means taking care of your whole self. In this class, you will learn how everything you do, including learning, impacts your brainpower. This program draws on ongoing research in neuroplasticity, the brain’s ability to continue to grow.

Medical/Recreational MarijuanaSince the legalization of the use of marijuana in several states we offer a class to bring clarity to some of the issues surrounding this change. The information includes facts and guidance from the American Medical Association and includes re-sources for adults and parents.

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Men’s HealthCurrently, it is clear that men have their own set of health issues and are less likely to seek help for their medical issues. This class will emphasize the importance of preventive measures for men’s health and discuss everything from sleep issues to cancer screenings and how to find a doctor.

Mental HealthIt is important to know that mental health prob-lems are more common than we think, and you CAN get better and some can recover from them completely with the right help and treatment. This class focuses on people who need information on mental health and illness but may not love or live with someone with mental illness. This includes an overview of mental illness, stats, the facts, stigma, treatment, resources.

MenopauseEven though menopause can be a unique experi-ence for each woman, there are many things that are shared. This program will define menopause and contrast it with perimenopause. It will identify what you can expect, examine causes and explore potential complications. It will also look at tests, treatments and remedies, as well as the impor-tance of partnering with your doctor.

Mindful MeditationIn our busy, “automatic pilot” lives, we may find that we crave opportunities to be mindful. In this program, participants will examine the focus of mindful meditation, define it, explore what it is and is not, identify its benefits, discuss data that supports mindful meditation and have an oppor-tunity to experience it.

Navigate Life TransitionsChanges in our personal and professional lives often occur around major life transitions, such as moving, marriage, death and divorce. We all need strategies to make these transitions easier.

New Years’ ResolutionsEven though this class is meant for January 1—ev-eryday can be like January 1! This is a fact- filled class about resolutions that, when done properly, can truly change our lives. This seminar offers help, encouragement and guidance. The class is meant to be extremely interactive and participatory.

Nutrition NavigatorLooking to plan some healthy meals during your busy week? Looking to better understand compo-nents like nutrition labels, blood sugar levels, and fiber? This seminar is a nutrition navigator that will

help you being to plan healthy meals and intro-duce some of the nutrition basics on your journey to a healthier you!

Opioid Addiction—EmployeeOpioid abuse and dependence have become a na-tional epidemic. The training will educate on what opioids are as well as provide information on signs and symptoms of opioid abuse/dependence and treatment options available to those struggling to recover from this addiction.

Opioid Addiction—ManagerOpioid abuse and dependence have become a na-tional epidemic. The training will educate on what opioids are as well as provide information on signs and symptoms of opioid abuse/dependence. This training also outlines what to do if you suspect an employee has an opioid problem and what the employer’s responsibilities are in this situation.

Overcoming BurnoutIf you’re feeling overwhelmed by the pressures of everyday work and home life, then this workshop focusing on the issues of burnout will help bring your life back into balance. Learn to identify the symptoms of burnout and explore strategies for coping with and avoiding burnout.

Overeating vs. Binge EatingFood fuels and prepares us for activities and events, as well as replenishes us after a long day. Eating too much every so often is normal. So is eating for emotional reasons. People who compul-sively overeat, however, may use food as their only way of coping with negative emotions or feelings. As a result, they often feel that their eating is out of control. This leads to feelings of guilt, disgust, and depression. Binge-eating disorder is a very se-rious disease that isn’t always easy to spot in loved ones, family members, and friends. Symptoms, treatments, health concerns, and effects of BED will be discussed in detail. Along with this info, we will talk about what you can do to help yourself or a loved one. Whether it be through counseling, or group therapy, or alternative means.

Political AnxietyBy now, nearly all of us have encountered those uncomfortable situations where friends or even family members have engaged in a heated conver-sation about candidates in the upcoming election. Our culture has become so divisive lately that lifelong friends are “unfriending” each other on social media and many folks are afraid to join their family for the holidays, even virtually, for fear of inadvertently sparking a confrontation over poli-

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tics. Regardless of our political affiliation, there are ways to avoid this stress. This course offers strate-gies to acknowledge our anxieties, addressing the areas of our lives that we can control, and engage with each other in a respectful way all with an eye toward mitigating that Political Anxiety.

Patient SafetyWhat do we need to know to be safe? We and our loved ones are all patients of the health care system at one time or another and it is critical for our safety and care that we are well informed. This class will help make patients aware of their rights and remind them of the potential problems that can arise in hospitals or under a physician’s care.

Power of VolunteeringThis class explores why volunteering benefits individuals and organizations. Physical, intellec-tual and emotional benefits of volunteering are discussed in depth. Participants will gain a deeper understanding to both the personal and profes-sional benefits of volunteering.

Promote Family Health: EmployeesIt is a family’s responsibility to take care of each other. We will discuss empowering people with knowledge to promote healthy living on the home front.

Suicide PreventionIn today’s world, knowing the early warning signs of suicide is of critical importance. In a considerate manner, this seminar will explore the best ways to handle this topic.

The Art of Feng ShuiThe term Feng Shui has grown in popularity re-cently, but what is it? This program defines and explains it while exploring the tools used and examining what it does. During the course of this presentation, participants will look at the impact of clutter, the role of color and the five elements associated with Feng Shui. They will also leave with suggested resources to learn more about the concept.

The Path to Inner PeaceWould you like to walk the path to inner peace? This presentation can show you the way participants will learn to identify both where to start and pathways to inner peace. Participants will also examine how to let go of things that work counter to that goal and examine how one’s past may help. They will determine how to come to acceptance and explore best practices for maintaining inner peace.

The Power of Persuasion: How to Influence OthersWe all need to talk people into doing this or out of doing things. We will cover best practices tips exam-ples and ways to be able to shift your style to the audience you are speaking to.

Promote Family Health: ManagersWhen managers show they care, employees are more likely to be more dedicated to their work. Managers will learn how to empower employees with knowledge to promote and maintain healthy living on the home front.

Reclaiming Your Health: The Guide to RecoveryMany people today are struggling to regain a healthy lifestyle after a life-threatening disease, addiction, or physical and/or mental disability. Overcome the “symptom management mode,” gain back energy and be productive.

Reducing and Managing PainExperiencing short term pain? Chronic pain? Look-ing to figure out what could be causing your pain? If you have asked yourself any of these questions before and want to learn more about what pain is, common causes and how we can begin to reduce it then this is the seminar for you. We will discuss everything from treatments, medications and the mind/body connection associated with pain.

RelationshipsThe definition of a good relationship is that the partner you are with wants to see you grow and get better and better. This class will include inter-active and lively discussion on the misconceptions of relationships, the meaning of fulfillment, the importance of communication and the real defi-nition of happiness.

RelaxationIn this introductory meditation workshop, we will use guided imagery and breathing to learn how re-laxation techniques make you even more productive during the day and help you sleep better at night.

Relaxation to suit your LifestyleRelaxation is necessary for staying healthy, physical-ly, emotionally and psychologically. This seminar will explore the obstacles to practicing relaxation in our lives and provide practical tips and techniques to fit every person’s lifestyle.

Resiliency, Part OneResiliency is a major factor in our personal well-being. We all face difficult times in our careers and in our personal lives, but the challenge is how

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to bounce back and forge ahead despite adver-sity. In this two- part class, the goal is to educate participants about ways in which they can become more resilient and how to implement these strate-gies in their daily lives.

Resiliency, Part TwoResiliency is learning to manage your life to the best of your ability every day so that when you encounter some of life’s challenges, you are pre-pared to deal with them and rebound quickly. In the second part of this class, we will identify the major challenges we come across daily, along with how we can respond positively to these common pitfalls by learning effective goal- setting strate-gies that will help us be proactive and prepared for life’s downfalls.

Resiliency Bounce Back StrongerResiliency is all about bouncing back and this sem-inar will teach just that. No matter what life throws at us, we can always learn tips and techniques that we can use daily to help us bounce back and be-come more resilient no matter what we go through. This seminar will leave participants feeling empow-ered that they have the knowledge of what steps they need to take to become more resilient.

Self-care in the Face of AdversityThis course will provide information on the histo-ry of adversity, trauma symptoms and triggers, and how to care for yourself while dealing with these issues. Participants will explore the different sources and types of traumas. After attending this seminar, you will have the tools you need to set healthy boundaries to maintain optimal self-care.

Sleep BasicsIn this seminar, you will learn the physical and mental benefits of a good night’s sleep, how to establish daily habits that promote sleep and ways to improve your sleep environment. We will discuss techniques for relaxation and dealing with insomnia. Special customized slides are available for women and men.

Smoking CessationQuitting nicotine can be a challenge, however when you are equipped with the tools and the knowledge needed, you can successfully quit nicotine for good and start reaping the benefits to your health almost immediately.

Staying Focused During Times of ChangeThis class is designed to explore the value of mind-fulness and focus during times of change. We will look at how the brain works and the importance of

regulating emotions. Steps and tools for improving focus for ourselves and others will be discussed.

Staying Strong and ResilientHave you recently changed jobs, had a change or loss in your life, or begun caring for an aging rela-tive? How do you handle challenges, problems and hardships in your life? Learn strategies for staying strong and resilient, maintaining a positive outlook and reducing stress in your life.

Stress Reduction ToolbagHow do you know you are stressed? Do you recog-nize the symptoms of stress? Explore the newest research and what experts are saying about good and bad stress. Participants will gain the tools to manage stress, including mindful communication. Versions of this class are also available with a fo-cus on CISD, tragedies, or veteran’s unique needs.

Sun ProtectionWe all know and hear that it’s important to wear sunscreen and limit sun exposure, but do we know the long-term damage the sun can cause? This will be an in-depth seminar that will review and address the dangers of the sun. In this seminar we will discuss sunburn, sun protection tips, as well as topics related to the summer heat like heat rash and hydration. Participants will leave this class with a true understanding of how to protect them-selves from the risks that the sun can cause them.

The Truth about DietingIn this seminar, we will discuss why diets don’t work and, more importantly, explain what does work. When to eat, what to eat and how much to eat, among other topics, will be covered in this seminar that will leave you with a good idea of how to maintain a healthy weight the right way!

Understanding Colleagues with AutismThis training provides important information re-lated to adults living on the autism spectrum. This training will identify common behaviors, challeng-es and how to set your employees with ASD up for success within your organization.

Understanding Personality TypesUnderstanding personality types can be somewhat confusing. This one-hour seminar is designed to gain a practical understanding of the different types of personalities and teach you how personal-ity types can impact our behavior. Participants will identify their own personality- type preferences and learn how to use type preference as an energy management tool and to enhance interpersonal communication.

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Understanding Your Immune SystemThe immune system is complex, intricate and in-teresting. In this seminar, we will look at how your immune system works so that you can understand what it is doing for you each day and what it is not, as well as the effects of nutrition, exercise, sleep and stress on your immune system.

Using Apps for Health and TechnologyApps have many benefits, and we will break down which ones can help finances, health, and produc-tivity.

What Is Anger?What is anger to you? We all tend to get angry at times. In this seminar, we go over self- reflecting on our past and present and how anger affects us. Knowing exactly what anger is and what it is not is a big step in helping us learn how to keep it under control. Discussing the best practices to avoid any feelings of anger or resentment can help us live a happier and less stressful life.

What Makes a Successful EAP training?A recipe for an interactive EAP training class that will cover the following ingredients: Making an interactive training, handling negative and difficult audience members and what not to do to make a training go bad. After taking this seminar you will be better equipped as a trainer to deliver the best possible training session leaving the audience wanting more!

What You Need to Know About DemonstrationsThis presentation will provide participants with his-tory and background of political demonstrations and demonstrators. Attendees will learn about the psychology of protests, the differences between looting and peaceful protesting, and strategies to help explain these sensitive topics to children.

Women’s HealthWomen often have an intuition when something is wrong and are more likely to seek out medical help. However, women are not always aware of the risks of heart disease, which is the number one cause of death for women, and strokes, both of which are silent killers of women, as well as many cancers. The good news is there are many preven-tative steps you can take, and this class will cover those as well as the signs, symptoms and alterna-tive solutions available today.

Women and DepressionDiscover the depth of this illness and its effects on your life, professionally and personally.

We will discuss the signs, causes and ways to cope and get help. Classes for both employees and managers are available on this topic.

YogaThis class covers a brief history about yoga and provides descriptions that clarify the difference be-tween some of the most popular types (“brands”) of yoga in the United States. There is a version available that includes examples of some yoga stretches.

You Can Be Smoke Free!Whether the occasion is your next birthday, or the Great American Smoke Out, this class will provide information, facts and strategies for smokers to become nonsmokers. Participants will develop a personal action plan to reach their goal.

Your Healthy HeartPaying attention to your heart health is one of the best things you can do to improve your quality of life, longevity and overall health. In this seminar, we will touch on the various terms and factors you need to know for better heart health.

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Exercise Program • Exercise as You Age Understanding the changes in the mechanics of the body as it gets older and how these changes affect what kinds of exercise is optimal for overall health. Will journey through some common inju-ry and illness prevention and treatment through fitness and wellness.

Advanced Exercise Explores different types of higher-level fitness and the benefits of specialized training. Explains how to train for different events and offers tips on nutrition and recovery for maintaining peak performance.

Technology and Exercise Dive into the rapidly expanding world of tech-nology in the fitness industry and how to benefit from this immense inflow of information and innovation. From new types of exercise routines and equipment to suggested apps and tech wear-ables- knowing what is available will provide a huge advantage in reaching your exercise goals.

Psychology of Exercise Going into your workout with the proper mind-set can drastically change the results you yield. Practicing mindfulness, breathing techniques, and meditation increase your mental strength so you can tackle your day with optimal energy and focus.

Exercise Science The study of human movement. Offers ways to live a healthier life through exercise, rehabilitation, and nutrition. What happens before, during, and after your workout (science terms).

Athletes in The Work Place Many Athletes find trouble after “retiring” from their respective sport to a cubicle/office setting. This seminar will explain the psychology of losing your sport and how to identify ways to cope. Debunking Myths of the Fitness Industry The saturation of the Fitness Industry has caused an immense flooding of misinformation. This sem-inar is designed to point out some vastly accepted myths of the Fitness Industry and provide the right information (to the client).

Recovery: The Forgotten Piece of Your Workout Routine Explains what goes on in the body during the re-covery process, why this process is paramount to a healthy body, where to seek out recovery options, and tips on how to give yourself top-level recovery treatment from the comfort of home.

Exercise Program

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Active ShooterThis presentation focuses on what to do as an organization to plan and rehearse in the event the organization is a target for an active shooter. In addition, it shares specific actions someone should take if involved in a real-life shooting event.

Assertive CommunicationThis class will cover good communication vs. poor communication as well as understanding what assertive communication is. We will review a communication model to determine the purpose, focus and process of assertive communication. Tips and obstacles to good communication will be reviewed.

Benefitting From ErgonomicsErgonomics is about aligning our workstations/sites/tasks and our bodies. This program examines the impact of poor ergonomics on both the work-er and the workplace and identifies common risk factors and types of injuries. Participants will have an opportunity to identify problems with an office station setup and discuss common factory issues. This program will also offer suggestions for prop-erly setting up an office station.

Building a Team BrandTeamwork is an important part of continuous improvement. No one knows the job, tasks and goals better than the individual team members. To get real change, you need all team members’ knowledge, skills and abilities to come together. When pulled together, you will be a successful team. This class includes the Marshmallow Chal-lenge exercise.

Bullying and Violence in the WorkplaceWorkforce environments are experiencing in-creased bullying and violence. Regardless of the contributing factors (stress due to downsizing, sandwich generation issues and/or financial strains), bullying and violence deteriorates produc-tivity. This class will discuss the warning signs and strategies for both employees and employers to cope with bullying and violence in the workplace.

Business EtiquetteGood manners and business etiquette have always been based on common sense and thoughtful-ness. Social skills can help us build more produc-tive relationships and project a positive image. This class will include an interactive discussion on the dos and don’ts of business etiquette, including email etiquette.

Business Writing for ManagersSecond only to verbal communication, written communication is a key to being a successful manager. Not only does effective writing help com-municate what the manager is trying to say, but it also creates an image for the reader—whether he or she is a client, employee or associate.

Call Center Stress ManagementWorking in a call center can be interesting, enjoy-able, challenging and stressful. In today’s difficult economy, most of us are feeling additional stress in our lives. For customer service representa-tives, these stresses can heighten an already high-pressure situation. This seminar will provide information to help you better understand call center stress and offer strategies to help you successfully manage it.

Career Development StrategiesThis interactive seminar helps participants build an effective career development plan by taking a strategic look at self-awareness, career options and current job skills. The workshop will help participants identify their true passions, learn how to incorporate those passions into their individ-ual career action plan and develop strategies for implementation.

Career TransitionsCareer transitions are inevitable. Facing them because of downsizing, mergers and relocations takes courage and planning. Regardless of the reason for job change, moving forward can be a satisfying personal journey. This seminar looks at all aspects of job changing, including emotional,

In the Workplace

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self-evaluation, networking and resourcing op-portunities. Participants will gain the tools and attitude to build a bright, satisfying future.

Change Management for LeadersThis training is designed to familiarize participants with the elements of change. The goal is to help leaders manage the change process and under-stand the importance of their role in the process. We will provide an overview of each element and define each as it relates to the leaders’ role in change management. Opportunities for sharing examples from your own experience for each of the elements will be included.

CoachingCoaching is a one-on-one process and a rela-tionship between two people—the coach and an individual. We can all benefit from coaching. You will leave this seminar with tools and tips to be the best coach you can be so that you can begin working with others to develop their professional skills and goals.

Collaborative CommunicationCommunication is an important skill to develop, but not many people understand why it is so important to communicate together. This class is applicable to parents, spouses, partners, colleagues and bosses. It explains why better communication can enhance our lives by teaching us new things. This is an interactive class in which participants will get to practice the techniques that are taught.

Collaborative Customer ServiceThe goals and objective of this seminar are to understand the challenges of delivering great customer service through effective, professional customer service communication. We will discuss stress management related to working in custom-er service as well as final comments, action plans and evaluations.

Communicating Change to EmployeesDoes your staff dread change? This program will identify the kinds of changes organizations face, describe how to develop a communication plan and explore the importance of being proactive. It will also explain how to communicate change successfully using empathy and active listening skills, determine common employee reactions and explore working through the change.

Communicating During Times of ChangeWe have experienced many more violent attacks in the last 10 years. Social media keeps us in the

“know” every Nano-second. When those topics come up at work it can be an opportunity to share our views, however, we need a new set of tools to prepare us for engaging in conversations on these issues where others may have different opinions. This class will focus on how to look at our thought process and think before talking when controver-sial topics come up so that we can reply with tact while being respectful of others.

Communication for ManagersCommunication is perhaps the most important skill a manager must learn and work to improve to be effective. From the One-Minute-Manager concept to continuous feedback, there are many ways to be an effective communicator. In this class we will learn and practice the various skills that are needed to communicate as a manager.

Communication Skills for the WorkplaceCommunication is perhaps the most important skill to develop to be effective in the workplace. This skill can be developed with practice. This class will help participants learn how to determine the goal of a conversation and what to do before, during and after it, in addition to how to identify barriers and use best practices.

CommutingThis class covers all aspects of commuting, includ-ing ticket purchasing, tips on traveling to and from the station and making the most of your commut-ing time. We will cover how to find balance and what family adjustments might be necessary as well as the emotional side of commuting.

Compassionate LeadershipThis training will give participants an in-depth look at how to lead with compassion. Attendees will learn the positive impact created by empathizing with the work force. This course will illustrate how genuinely caring for the people you lead fosters better feedback, professional development, and overall productivity.

Components for Great Communication Great communication starts with you and this class will equip you with the tools and skills of being a great communicator. The seminar will dis-cuss the importance of first impressions, various communication styles as well as giving feedback. This is a step-by-step class for making your com-munication with others the best it can be at work and also in your life in general. Remember, success in life all starts with you and how you communi-cate with others!

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Conflict Management for EmployeesThis class will allow participants to understand and dissect their role in conflict. That is the first step to managing conflict. This is a journey to assess and learn what you can do differently to “play in the sandbox” productively with the greatest amount of people. Participants will take ownership with self-assessment and self-awareness.

Conflict Management for ManagersAbout 60-80% of all workplace conflicts come from strained relationships between employees and managers. Learn the skill of resolving conflict in the most amicable way, benefiting individual and team productivity.

Creating a Great Place to Work in Ten Easy StepsThis seminar will teach participants the vision and ten steps to creating a great place to work, be-cause who doesn’t want to come to work every day and love where they are and what they do? Partici-pants will come out of this class with a clear vision of not only what a healthy work environment is but also how to create it in their workplace. This will be a step-by-step process. To make it work, an investment must be made by each person.

Creating Positive Work EnvironmentsTopics covered in this seminar are building trust, positive communication, setting expectations and needs, creative ideas for recognition and rewards, building teamwork, finding meaning in your work, accepting responsibility and humor in the workplace.

Creative Problem-SolvingEvery problem has a solution. In this program we will explore some techniques to help us get to the solution sooner rather than later. This interactive class begins by asking for a list of problems that the attendees are currently working on, so they can see real life benefits.

Critical ThinkingBeyond just memorizing facts or learning from rote, learning to think critically expands a per-son’s ability to problem-solve and see things in a new way. By learning how to ask different kinds of questions, we open the floodgates to different ways of viewing concepts. This class will look at the origins of the critical thinking concepts as well as applications in our work and private lives.

Customer ExpectationsThere is a perceived expectation that every cus-tomer has when going into a business relationship.

To manage expectations, you must first start by understanding what the client expectations are. You must learn how to manage your promises and how to measure satisfactions. Delivering on expectations means excellent customer service. To understand what your customers feel is a good level of service, you first need to ask them. Find out what your customer wants from your prod-uct or service. Then work out how you can meet those needs.

Dealing with Challenging PeopleWe all have different perspectives when defining a “challenging person.” Some people challenge the lives of many others, and then there are types who just get under our skin and “push our buttons.” Regardless of the particulars, we have two choices: 1) learn how to effectively deal with the “difficult” person, or 2) remove the possibility of interaction with them. In this class we will learn how to deal with the difficult.

Dealing with the Elephant in the Room“Dealing with the Elephant in the Room” is a communications development seminar in which participants learn the skills to talk to anyone about anything. Participants begin by identifying the un-comfortable issues and realties they face at work and at home. Then they learn how to confront such issues with tact, empathy and clarity. This seminar helps increase productivity and improve relationships by addressing problems, conflicts or misunderstandings proactively.

DelegationThe concept of delegation garners agreement; in practice, it is much more difficult. This program will define delegation, determine what it is not, explain when to delegate and explore the barriers to delegating as well as the benefits. There will be plenty of opportunities for discussion, and partic-ipants will use a delegation pyramid to describe the delegation process, examine the importance of regular and frequent communication and when to say “no.”

Diversity in the WorkplaceThis class is not meant to fulfill a diversity re-quirement. It is meant to be an honest and open exchange of how detrimental and unacceptable certain demeaning behaviors are to groups that are different from the majority. The goal is not to attempt to change people’s beliefs on diversity, but instead to change their behavior and reactions to situations.

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Dual-Career RelationshipsDual-career relationships are here to stay. They require special attention to remain healthy, pro-ductive and loving. Recognizing that we may not have grown up with a dual-career model to cope with today’s challenges, this program gives par-ticipants tools to evaluate where they are, what they need to do and how to keep communication channels open.

Dynamics of Change ManagementChange is stressful and learning how to manage and cope with change is crucial to our well- being in this ever-changing world. Although the stress of change is unavoidable, you can learn how to deal effectively with change in the workplace and in your personal life. In this seminar, participants will learn effective ways to cope with change in addition to learning how to take charge of those aspects that can be controlled. Core concepts related to stress and the emotional and physical responses to change are discussed, along with effective stress management strategies.

Effective Interviewing Skills for the InterviewerIn this interactive seminar, participants will learn and practice essential skills for conducting suc-cessful interviews and creating a systematic hiring process.

Effective One-on-One ConversationsIt is our goal to help participants learn how to be understood by one person. We will examine why the conversation is happening, what needs to hap-pen and how to achieve your goals effectively.

Effective Performance AppraisalsDelivering a performance appraisal can be as intimidating for a manager as it is for the employ-ee. The goal should be to not only document and evaluate the employee’s performance but also to set goals for growth and have an open and honest dialogue about expectations.

Effective Presentation and Public Speaking SkillsHaving excellent presentation skills is essential for success. In this seminar, participants will learn how to plan for successful presentations, build confidence, practice verbal and body language elements and learn how to build a rapport with an audience to keep them engaged. We will also discuss how to use humor in presentations and manage adversity.

Effective Presentation Skills for LeadersEveryone can learn how to become a more powerful speaker. A leader needs to influence and inspire their team. This class will take a look at some effective, proven orators and how the power of words empowers individuals to accom-plish things they never thought possible. We will cover powerful word choice as well as dos and don’ts.

Emotional IntelligenceMany of us know that getting along with others is the key to success. Our ability to “play nicely in the sandbox” is fundamental to our career as well as our health. We will discuss what an emotion is and why you are having it and participants will learn how to understand what they are feeling and how it affects their moods, daily life and oth-ers around them.

EQ Making it Work for YouThis seminar is meant to follow the Emotional In-telligence class, although not a pre-requisite. This is an in-depth class focusing on what an emotion is and how understanding our emotions can help make or break situations. It is an interactive tool-based seminar that dives deeper into the amazing world of emotional intelligence.

Ethics and Values in the WorkplaceWhat a changing world we live in. What are the core values and ethics of our business world? How do we live by them and why are they import-ant? This workshop addresses the philosophical aspects of ethics and values as well as hands-on, practical approaches to apply in participants’ per-sonal and professional lives. We will also address how to show your manager/partner/child that you are a person of ethics and values.

Everything You Need to Know About LinkedInThis program defines LinkedIn and explains what it does and what it is used for. The presentation gives instructions for getting on LinkedIn and how to network and connect with the participants’ interests. Participants will also explore types of LinkedIn services, additional networking options and how to use it for marketing.

The 5 Buckets Principle™Is it possible to meet the competing demands of finances, friends and family, work, health and community? The resounding answer is yes! In this fun, interactive seminar, participants will learn the 5 Buckets Principle™ of work/life balance to get the tools to prioritize what is and should be important to them. They will learn how to think about the

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BIG PICTURE without ignoring the little things that matter. We will show them how to find the time to manage it all, including time for themselves and for fun, by identifying priorities, making choices and managing expectations.

Fostering Inclusion in the WorkplaceInclusive work environments are productive environments! This seminar discusses how em-ployees and managers can create an inclusive workplace. Participants will learn to identify activities, attitudes and assumptions that exclude coworkers. Then they will explore ideas to include others in ways that enrich the office as well as their personal lives.

Handling a Death in the WorkplaceThere are many ways people handle grief and death. The challenge is to be able to handle all the personal coping behaviors and not be judgmental during times of high emotion at the workplace. Participants delve into handling awkward, uncom-fortable interactions at work while acknowledging variable relationships between coworkers.

Health and Well-Being in the WorkplaceDiscover how to enhance your health, well-being and productivity by relieving stress with simple relaxation techniques. Explore ergonomics and learn how to prevent on-the-job injuries from lifting, repetitive stress (such as carpal tunnel syndrome) and computer-related injuries (head-ache, eyestrain and back pain). The discussion will include work/life balance, how to establish priorities and the importance of healthy eating and regular exercise.

How Financial Stress Affects the WorkplaceThe past years have proven financial stress is here to stay. New financial pressures have come about that can spillover into work performance. By examining the stressors, participants will begin to take charge of financial aspects of their lives.

How to Create the Secret SauceThis class addresses the elements that go into creating a high functioning team. This class is an interactive discussion and takes a glimpse into the way a team needs to work in today’s fast paced environment. It encourages individuals to think about what they do that adds to the team as well as what they want to work on adding to the team.

How to be an Inclusive LeaderDuring this session, participants will examine the meaning behind inclusive leadership. We will focus on tools to unlearn our biases, the importance of

psychological safety, and best practices for creat-ing an inclusive work environment.

How to Execute in BusinessHaving a vision is only half of the equation in hav-ing a successful business. So many leaders often get derailed from a great strategy as they do not know the proper steps to take to execute on their strategy. This class will focus on the key building blocks to ensuring that your business strategy is successfully executed.

How to Take the Edge Off Giving FeedbackThe objective of this course is to teach participants how to give constructive feedback. Some topics to be reviewed include the reasons to give someone feedback and why we avoid it. Participants will also learn about an effective feedback model and how to avoid value judgments.

HR TraumaThis class delves into the topic of mental health and how it is currently impacting ourselves, our families, and our colleagues. We will discuss best practices for how to make a compassionate refer-ral. Role playing is encouraged. The goal of this class is to encourage conversation about mental health and mental illness. The class will focus on understanding boundaries and embracing the notion of talking about mental health. This much-needed class will have a direct impact on the HR community especially during these trying times during which mental health is likely to be an increasingly pervasive issue.

Interacting with Ill CoworkersHaving a seriously ill employee in the workplace can be difficult for both the employee and their coworkers. The situation can create stress and awkward conversations. This class is meant to ease the stress of these interactions by teaching real strategies as well as dos and don’ts.

Interviewing for the IntervieweesWe spend more time at work than anywhere else, and a decision as big as where to work deserves thought and planning. In this class, we will look at each of these individually: our values, interests, skills and passions. Participants will also learn how to put their best foot forward and be prepared for the interviewing process.

Introduction to Social Media MarketingAre you overwhelmed with the vastness of social media and wonder how to even begin using it as a marketing tool? This introductory session will help you understand the basics of social media

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marketing. In addition, you will receive an over-view of Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, Pinterest, Snapchat, Google+ and Hootsuite. This session is a good first step toward creating a social media marketing plan for your organization.

LeadershipLeadership is a critical skill that every professional should possess to be successful in today’s work environment. In this interactive workshop, we will discuss essential skills to enhance your leader-ship abilities, such as motivating employees, as well as strategies to strengthen communication skills. Through discussion and role-playing, we will explore the five components of an emotionally intelligent leader.

Leadership for WomenThis class is specifically for women and covers the history and trends of women in leadership as well as the special challenges and needs women have when in positions of leadership.

Maintaining a Safe Work EnvironmentA safe work environment is created by organiza-tional leadership and staff. It involves understand-ing risk. It also involves defining unacceptable behavior and establishing consequences for such behavior. Workplaces are safer when employees know how to handle disruptive situations and effectively document incidents. Workplaces that are open to the public, that service clients and customers face special challenges which are also addressed as appropriate.

Making Meetings EffectiveWe often must spend more time in meetings than we would like. Whether you attend or run meetings, we will review how you can make them efficient and productive.

Making the Most of a Multi-Generational WorkforceThis is an exciting topic and the new “diversity” topic of today. This is the first time in history it is possible for four generations to work together. This class will help you understand why each gen-eration has certain identifiable characteristics and how to best work with each generation.

Managing Priorities to Maximize Your DayTo keep up in today’s dynamic and fast-paced business environment, people continuously need to improve their planning and prioritizing skills. Feeling overwhelmed by competing priorities, tight deadlines, meetings, emails and interrup-tions can derail professional growth, impair team

performance and lead to stress and burnout. The focus of this program is on obtaining practical skills, tools and techniques to maximize collective gains in effectiveness and increase productivity. Through interactive participation and analysis of their own data, participants will learn a set of tools they can apply on a continuing basis to achieve better results.

Managing the Pregnant EmployeeManaging the pregnant employee means balancing concerns of the pregnant employee, pregnancy-based ADA laws, and meeting the need for reasonable accommodations. Discussion will include supporting your entire team through the employee’s transitions during maternity leave and her return.

Managing Social ConnectionManaging social connection is essential for work-places to be environments of appropriate work relationships between direct reports, employees and supervisors. In a competitive world, savvy searchers can discover corporate strategy that is unintentionally disclosed through network com-munication on social networks. Workers may ex-pose themselves to wrongful termination, and may expose themselves and their companies to harass-ment, or other legal actions through inappropriate communications. Participants will learn how to protect their reputations and the productivity of their company.

Managing Stress for ManagersThis seminar will equip managers with tools to identify stressors—both good and bad—as well as the physical symptoms of stress and the bad hab-its that are present when stress goes unchecked. Participants will examine many areas of life, in-cluding work expectations, relationships, nutrition, exercise, sleep, finances and time management. Managers will learn how to create a healthy life-style that ultimately benefits work and home.

Managing Strong Emotions: EmployeesStrong emotions are inevitable. This class goes beyond identifying emotions to managing and controlling ourselves when all our buttons have been pushed. We need real strategies to say and do the right thing. We will share state-of-the-art techniques that will ensure you will keep your cool.

Managing Strong Emotions: ManagersPreventing outbursts has become one of our most important tasks. Learn how to read your employees so you can keep strong emotions

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under control. Additionally, learning how to teach appropriate strategies will be outlined in this class.

Managing Teleworkers for ManagersThis class addresses the unique challenges that managers of teleworkers face. We will discuss reservations about allowing work to be done from home, realties of today’s workplace, the character-istics of good tele managers and good candidates, potential benefits to managers and challenges.

Managing Your BossIs your boss brilliant and focus-challenged, or a procrastinator who makes thoroughness impossi-ble? The answer to these and other challenges is to manage your boss. This seminar will give partic-ipants tools to analyze their skills and work habits as well as their boss’s. Participants will be able to create a game plan, including communication tools, to make work meaningful and productive.

MentoringExplore your potential through peer mentoring. Peer-to-peer mentoring involves solution-based conversation and discussion. The focus is on the individual. Conversations can be diverse from office policies and politics to work/life balance. Participants will even learn how to find a good mentor.

Motivate, Recognize and Energize EmployeesThis high-energy seminar will help participants create a tool bag of techniques to motivate em-ployees and managers. We will cover self-care, positive psychology, resiliency, laughter and more! This workshop discusses how motivation and recognition leads to increased productivity. Nonmaterialistic ways to make your employees feel special and valued will also be shared.

Motivation: Bringing Out the BestIn this class, we look at the inspiring theories of motivation and how they help us in our work every day. The class is geared to employees but can be oriented as an effective manager’s tool. This is a chance for all of us to examine what gets us going.

Motivational InterviewingA class that helps teach what questions someone can ask to change unhealthy behaviors.

Nonverbal CommunicationIn this class, we will discuss communicating with-out words, the importance of body language and what body parts send what sort of messages. Discussion will focus on awareness and practice.

Preparing for InterviewsThe Interview is the opportunity for you to sell your skills and to show the interviewer why you are the right fit for the position. In this class, we will cover the tools and techniques to learn how to make a great first impression in an interview.

Professional Use of TextingIn today’s day and age with so much technology at our fingertips one thing we have become very accustomed to is texting, whenever and wherever we are. One thing we have to be very careful of is using texting appropriately in the workplace. This seminar is designed to help both employees and managers use texting in a professional way.

Professional Writing and Email EtiquetteHow do you ensure your email will be read? This program identifies the dos and don’ts of email and offers suggestions for writing emails in a way that captures the attention of the recipient and gives them all the pertinent information. The presen-tation includes information about subject lines, format, content, emotions, grammar and punctua-tion, signatures and the use of CCs and BCCs.

Quality ImprovementMaking an organization, team or department the best is all of our jobs on a daily basis. Quality, or continuous, improvement is a way to look at and make the necessary changes. We will do an overview of a few tools that can help you move forward. Fish boning, process-mapping and change management are a few skills that will be introduced.

Renewing Your Human ResourcesThis class is meant to cover work burnout depres-sion and the blues. It is a real motivational pep talk and teaches self-care and the importance of self-motivation on a daily basis.

Riding the Change WaveChange is one of life’s constants. Like waves on the ocean, there will always be one after another. Each one can provide excitement and a challenge, or it can wipe you out. This workshop begins with a look at the change process and types of change, and then provides eight strategies to help when in transition at home or work.

Science of Goal SettingThis class examines goal setting as a brain function. We will look at how the brain works by creating an awareness of the mental process and, thus, making it easier for us to develop new hab-its in relation to goal setting.

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Sexual HarassmentCovered in this seminar is the definition and his-tory of sexual harassment as well as the different types that can occur. This complex topic will be broken down for employees to understand how important it is to create a respectful workplace. Bully behavior is also explained, and best practices to handle it are delved into.

Sexual Harassment in CAThis class will meet the requirements of the state of California’s mandated training for compliance, which supervisors are required to take every two years.

Sexual Harassment in NYThis class will meet the requirements of the state of New York’s mandated training for compliance, which employees are required to take annually.

Sexual Identity in the WorkplaceSexual identity has aspects that can affect us, our colleagues, our families and our children. The goal of this class is to present information and frame the issues around sexual identity in the workplace to help create a good work environment for all.

Shifting Priorities: Being Your Best on a Shift ScheduleChanging to a shift schedule can be a dramatic change for you and your family. Variable sched-ules pose challenges, but the benefits can be positive, too. In this class, we will show that a little planning combined with family cooperation goes a long way to making the most of the oppor-tunities of shift work.

Staying Connected in Today’s Digital WorldWith the advances in technology we have today, connecting with others is right at our fingertips. However, loneliness is at an all-time high. During this training we will take a look at how technology has changed our day-to-day social interactions and how these changes have affected the way we connect and interact with others. We will explore ways to use technology wisely yet still maintain that personal touch in our relationships.

Stick With itWhat dreams or goals do you harbor that seem out of reach? In this program, participants will gain tips and insights into making those dreams a reali-ty using plans, anticipating what may come, saying “yes,” identifying obstacles and the accompanying myths, determining techniques for starting and exploring motivators, flexibility and the ability to keep going.

Stress Management for High Burnout ProfessionsThis seminar is designed to give Managers and Directors the tools to assess and address their needs as well as employee needs upon returning from high-stress, high-trauma work environment. Explores the newest research about what experts are saying including the 7 signs that correlate with burnout.

Stress Management for ManagersStep by step seminar on what stress is, how it effects your team, and what ways managers can help de-escalate their own stress as well as their staffs stress. This is all about stress and tips and tools to manage stress for both yourself and your employees as a manager.

StorytellingStorytelling is a powerful way of putting ideas into the world. Not only do they move us, inspire us and make us feel alive, stories can bring one hope and make us understand life better. This is not just a feel-good class; storytelling is now recognized as one of the top five skills needed for business leaders. We will examine what goes into good story telling and how it can be a powerful tool for business.

Substance Abuse for ManagersThere are several aspects of substance abuse that managers need to understand to know how to deal with workplace issues legally, sensitively and fairly. Your EAP is the ultimate resource but often a manager is the gatekeeper for making sure that employees who need help get help.

Successful Teleworking for EmployeesThis seminar is designed especially for those considering or currently working from home. We will discuss what teleworking is, who is impacted, how to document your arrangement and com-munication arrangements as well as the potential impact that telework can have on home life. We will review challenges and all-important self-care.

Surviving Mergers and AcquisitionsIn this seminar, participants will learn what to expect amid organizational change, find out ways to navigate through the process and review the five phases of dealing with change as well as the opportunities and importance of self-care and making a commitment to the new business struc-ture and culture.

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Survivor’s Guide to DownsizingCompanies are under economic pressure to remain competitive and survive. Downsizing, or “rightsizing,” is happening rapidly everywhere—from one day to another, from one minute to another. The major purpose of this workshop is to help move you to action.

Taming TechThis seminar is designed for participants to look at their work habits using technology. It will help to teach them to look at their usage and organiza-tional skills to be able to make new goals for what they need to achieve every day. Part of the chal-lenge is accepting that work day has gotten longer and harder and that sometimes technology seems to make our life worse. This class will help to show how technology can and should be our friend.

TeamworkThe ability to understand and communicate effec-tively in teams is an important part of our person-al and professional success. Through discussion, interactive exercises and a debriefing session, we will explore how teams can work together most effectively and learn how to apply successful team concepts and strategies in very practical ways. Interpersonal difficulties, such as trust, skill iden-tification, conflict resolution and communication issues, will be discussed.

The Art of NegotiationThere is no job that does not use negotiation. It is the key to our career success. Since we all know that no one gives us anything for free, it is all about give and take. This is a motivating class in which individuals learn to strengthen their own personal negotiator techniques.

The Importance of Showing Up to WorkShowing up for work demonstrates one’s commit-ment, work ethic and an understanding of one’s role in the larger scope of the organization. In this training, participants will identify work ethics; ex-plore the impact of absenteeism on the workplace; discuss the cost to business, including the theft of time; examine the effect on morale; determine how to encourage attendance and look at illness, root causes of absenteeism and tardiness.

The New RésuméIf you have not looked for a job within the last five years, you may not know that the entire job search process has completely changed and, therefore, the role of the résumé is different. In this class,

we will learn how to create the “new résumé,” a suite of documents both hardcopy and online that establishes you and your “brand.”

Thinking TrapsThis is an exploratory process as to how our thoughts can decrease our productivity and our passions. A complex view which defines them as well as action plans to overcome them.

Recognizing the Troubled EmployeeIn this seminar you will learn to recognize an employee who may be struggling with a variety of issues that can impact their work and also learn how these issues can impact an organization. You will learn key strategies to address these issues to help the employee be productive and thrive in the work environment.

Unconscious BiasAre we on top of our biases, or might we be harboring some prejudices that lie outside of our awareness? This program will define unconscious bias and give us a framework in which to under-stand it. With numerous discussion opportunities, participants will explore biases, examine the con-flict that arises between one’s natural inclination to categorize and the conscious drive towards di-versity, look at how unconscious bias is measured and identify ways to overcome these biases.

Using Your EAPLearn about all the benefits your EAP can bring you—from finding childcare to receiving legal advice and anything in between. We want to make sure you know the ins and outs of using your EAP and how it can help you in your work and personal life.

When the Worst HappensThis is a seminar designed to help participants plan and prepare for when the worst does hap-pen. This class can also be a great option for when a company, team or individual is going through a very traumatic event, helping them to cope. In today’s world it is important we are aware and prepared for the worst of events.

Workday WorkoutsThe objectives of this class include understanding why exercise is vital and learning how to easily make exercise a part of your daily life. We will cover why eating nutritiously is just as important as sweating often, and participants will learn some things they can do throughout the work day to stay fit.

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Working with MillennialsDuring this seminar we will look at tips and tools that can guide you in working with this mission-based generation of millennials, a gener-ation that usually has a lot of misconceptions. We will talk about why those misconceptions are out there and take a deeper dive into discussing what contributions and traits millennials bring to the workplace.

Workplace Trauma for ManagersUnderstanding the various aspects of trauma is part of living in today’s challenging world. In this seminar, you will learn about the different aspects of trauma, including traumatic stress, PTSD, grief, and organizational trauma. The focus in the class is understanding how trauma effects the work-place and learn best practices for leaders.

You’re Promoted! The New ManagerFor participants that were recently given a pro-motion, we discuss the importance of influencing and inspiring others. Participants will learn what it takes to make an effective manager by going over communication skills that help build confidence within their team along with when and how to delegate certain tasks.

Cultural Myths in Media: Fact of FictionIn our culture, pictures have become tools used to introduce planned emotional reactions in the people who see them. This goes for news/media outlets as well. In today’s world of blogs and online media, it is important to learn how to be a critical viewer to distinguish between hype and reality. These images suggest myths and, thus, help con-struct our views. Participants will learn why these myths matter.

Is High School Enough? The New AgeToday, most Americans believe that a college edu-cation has taken on the position that a high school education once had. Having a college degree has become a necessary ingredient for a good job and a way to live a comfortable lifestyle. This value is shared even more widely among African American and Hispanic parents. In this one-hour seminar, we will go over the important life skills and re-sponsibility one gains in college, along with how to determine if the expense is worth it. Do you have a plan for your child or children? We will also go over goal setting at an early age, and how to look past tomorrow and create a plan for your child.

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Buying a Car for the First Time: New or Used, Buy or Lease? Deciding to either pay for a new car or lease a used one for the very first time can be a tough financial decision. There is a lot to understand when it comes to this type of purchase. Weighing options between different fees for leasing or being able to shell out higher payments when buying a car is a lot to figure out on your own. This seminar will help you learn what the best decision for you might be when it comes to this crucial purchase.

Campus to Career: Transitioning into the WorkplaceFor most graduates, it can be challenging to make the transition from a college student to a working professional. Trading the campus life and study sessions for a full-time office job is a big change that not everyone is prepared for. Making sure you stay motivated early on is key when it comes to transitioning into the workplace. “Campus to Career” is a perfect seminar for anyone learning to juggle and accommodate the new lifestyle.

Communicating in a Tech WorldCommunicating face-to-face is not always possible in the business world. Today’s communication de-pends on conference calls, texts and email chains that make it challenging to know when using each is appropriate. Nowadays, it is vital to use technol-ogy to communicate with workers worldwide. This class will show you how to interact professionally in the workplace using technology and adapting to communicating within the new generation.

Don’t Forget Your Social Life!Are you working your life away? Working 6 days a week, or 12 hours a day? Do not forget from time to time that it’s important to close that mental of-fice “door,” kick back for some leisure and fun and remember that stress reduction activities are an essential part of life. Make time for your favorite hobbies as well as the people who are important to you. This seminar is all about balancing out your job with your social life.

Managing a Budget for the First TimeYour first big job comes with your first big pay-check. But it also comes with the tough questions about what you are going to use this hard-earned cash for. Taking time to devise a plan can be a crit-ical part of the process. This class will help assist you to create a good budgeting plan to go with analyzing your income and expenses.

Productivity SkillsPeople commonly understand productivity as a variety of things in a variety of fields. Being pro-ductive is not just limited to finishing your work, but organizing your tasks, building relationships within the office, and being able to manage your time effectively, as well as learning new skills, such as multitasking and being able to block out distractions. Everyone can learn ways to be more productive. This class will give you tips and point-ers on how to be more productive at work each day.

Stress Management for the New ProfessionalStress, especially the pressures of handling a new profession, can be difficult to deal with. Knowing effective ways to help deal with this stress is criti-cal to being positive every day at work. Excessive stress can interfere with your emotional and phys-ical well-being, which is not the way anyone would like to start their new career. In this class, you will learn ways to cope and manage your stress levels to keep yourself at the top of your game.

The Millennials Series

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Adjustable-Rate MortgagesAdjustable-Rate Mortgages provide distinct advan-tages and risks for homebuyers. This seminar will examine the variety of adjustable-rate mortgages available to assist homebuyers to make educated decisions about their home financing.

Basic Banking and Banking TipsLearn the different aspects of banking, banking products, services and procedures and their effect on managing your money. In this class, we will understand the role of a bank in the creation of money supply, the importance of maintain-ing a healthy cost-to-income ratio and the basic concepts of accounting, such as assets, liabilities, debits and credits. Participants will also learn to balance multiple accounts and understand the difference between mutual funds vs. CDs.

Building Good Credit and Improving Your Credit ScoreYour credit score is very important. In this sem-inar, we will motivate and reassure participants that don’t have a good score that there are ways to make it better. We will explain how the FICO system works, what you should and should not do and how you can use this information to improve your credit score.

College Tuition: Understanding Financial AidFinancial aid is an umbrella term that includes many different types of grants, loans and other methods of assistance to pay tuition. This seminar helps parents understand the college financial aid process, which can make a high tuition college more affordable than you imagined. Participants learn how to apply as well as how to understand what the financial aid package means to the finan-cial lives of them and their child.

Documents for LifeIt is often difficult to discuss the future with aging parents and other older relatives. This seminar will guide you through the important discussions concerning your relatives’ health concerns, emo-tional issues and financial and legal issues, as well

as housing options and support services at home and in their communities.

Eldercare—Financial PlanningMany of us help our older relatives with their finances and this seminar will guide you through this process. This seminar with will you an oppor-tunity to create a budget of wants and needs. It will cover the basics of Social Security and Medi-care as well as scams that have affected seniors. You will also learn some warning signs that your loved ones may need extra help.

Estate PlanningThis seminar does not offer legal advice but does explain the documentation needed for estate planning. You will learn the terms for will-planning, guardianships, and trusts, and review the pros and cons of various options.

Holiday BudgetingWe may have our budget under control during the year, but at the holidays it can get blown out of control. This class will help you avoid waking up on January 2 thinking, “How could I have spent that much and eaten that much?!” This motivational class teaches a skill set to keep the holidays in balance.

Home Buying: The Best InvestmentIn today’s economy, there are few investments that offer as good a return as a home. In this sem-inar, we will explain the process of buying a house and the preparation necessary for such a major, long-term investment. We will cover terminology and provide you with resources so you can make informed decisions when buying a home.

Identity Theft Protection and Self-HelpIdentity theft has become a fact of life for many Americans. This class reviews how it occurs and can be prevented, as well as how to recognize “Red Flags.” You can also learn action steps to take if it happens to you. A checklist and resourc-es to prevent, protect and recover are provided to participants.

Minding Your Money

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Importance of Having a WillYou work hard for your money and should make sure it and your other assets end up where you want upon your death. There is much confusion about what you need to do to preserve your wealth and intentions. Participants will leave un-derstanding the components and alternatives.

Investment BasicsThis class will help participants understand the difference between saving and investing. Learn how to identify your investment goals and the keys to investing. We will discuss how to create a mix of investments that fit your needs and a plan to get started.

Living Off Your PaycheckCommon sense, no-nonsense advice for making ends meet. This seminar will cover goal setting and how your money beliefs can affect the way you save and spend. We will discuss how to reduce debt, learn the difference between “meat” and “gravy” and consider how to increase your wealth.

Managing Your Money in Tough TimesFor years we have heard that if you follow sound financial practices and stick to a plan with a solid foundation, you will come out ahead. Financial times today have changed not only the rules, but also how we need to react. In this session, we will try to give you new ways to think and new actions to implement to not only survive tough financial times, but come out even, if not ahead.

Mind Over MoneyThis class examines your personal history with money and how money effects emotions as well as healthy vs. unhealthy attitudes and best practices in dealing with money decisions.

Money BasicsIn this class, we will discuss money: spending and saving. Included will be information on various types of credit, including secured and unsecured, as well as how to understand credit scores and how to manage bill-paying.

Personal Finance Boot CampThis comprehensive three-hour program (which can be offered in three one-hour sessions) puts all the pieces of the financial puzzle on the table in terms anyone can understand. It gives partici-pants the knowledge and tools to move forward to relieve financial stressors created by ignorance and confusion. With tools in hand, participants will leave with their own personal financial priorities to make smart decisions for a lifetime.

Planning a Financial FuturePreparing for the future means having financial resources to fall back on in the event of an emer-gency while building wealth with savings and investments. Yet too many of us are not saving like we should be. In this class, we will talk about some typical roadblocks to saving and how we can deal with them.

Social Security Retirement PlanningThere are many aspects to social security that employees should be made aware of well before retirement age. Due to deadlines for applying as well as understanding how benefits work, planning is very important. This class reviews what people need to know and when they need to act so that they can then include social security retirement in their financial plan.

Tax TipsThis class will help you understand the secrets of reducing your taxable income, how to break down the federal tax reporting system and how to re-move the mystery of the tax return. You will learn how to use deductions and exemptions to reduce your taxes. Discover simple changes to what you are already doing and the four strategies to save tax dollars.

401k Savings FundamentalsThe goal of this class is to provide you with a fundamental understanding of the power of retirement savings and why it is so important to save now. Although these are the key topics, learning how to invest in 401(k) savings plans will not be such a daunting problem once you learn the fundamentals. By starting early in a plan, you will have the advantages of building up wealth accumulation for retirement. Finally, we will provide you with information on resources.

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Advanced Tools and Techniques for the Fully Funded 401k This class will introduce to participants how to best manipulate their current 401k holdings to reduce future taxes, expand the legacy to family, and coordinate IRAs with this 401k tool. The tax advantages (& NUA technique) if they have com-pany stock in the plan, applicability of the ROTH option when deciding on income sources, the opportunity of ‘in service’ withdrawals to man-age risk as you get older, & additional deductible investment tools will be addressed.

Estate Planning—Ramifications of your Employee Benefits Package This class will assist older and highly compen-sated employees, benefits will have additional impact well beyond employment years. Pension, Group Life insurance, medical ins, long term care, deferred compensation, income with respect to a descendent (IRD) and even frequent flyer miles have tax and planning ramifications post-em-ployment for employees and their families. Lost opportunities such as net unrealized appreciation (NUA) to lower taxes on company stock, use of trusts, the differences of IRA and 401k as well as other qualified plans at death or disability, and how to take income (from which assets and when) will all be addressed.

Selective Executive Benefits—a Primer to Help Plan Your Money This class will assist participants by outlining the selective discriminatory benefits offered to your executives to enhance their personal planning. Re-stricted stock units, options, deferred compensa-tion, split dollar, bonuses, long term care, sick pay plans, qualified retirement plans, & ‘reasonable compensation’ can all be addressed and tailored to your company/client needs.

Financial Rescue This class is to design due to the disconnection participants may have between ‘known reasonable financial actions’ and the inaction or bad decisions they currently make creating a scenario where smart people with good jobs and compensation find themselves in financial straits. As we all know an employee with significant cash flow issues and indebtedness is not as productive due to this harsh daily distraction and can be a target for ‘bad’ corporate and personal behavior. The forward view can address the personal impact of inaction, the effect on family, and some of the simple small steps necessary to initiate significant change.

Executive Finance Program

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WebinarsWith the ability to host up to 3000 attendees in a single session and up to 300 sessions concurrently using a market-proven webinar technolo-gy, you can be confident that BLI will be able to handle your web-based training needs. Any of the courses below can be delivered via30, 60, or 90 minute live or recorded webinars in English or Spanish. Options in-cludeClosed Captioningfor the hearing impaired and Technical Hosts to assist those who may be new to webinar technology.

Best Practices for Working Remotely During COVID19Learning to work from home 100%of the time will require adaptability and anew set of skills. This course will outline strategies for communication, productivity, and time management all within the context of working from your home environ-ment.Discussions will include how to work around your children, how to manage distractions and how to cope with the unique emotional pressures of working away from the office.

Dealing with Stress during COVID19This course is geared to helping people dealing with ongoing stress.As this pandemic continuesit is more important than ever to understand how to manage not only our own stress but that of those around us. This course will provide practical strat-egies for identifying the symptoms of stress and keeping it under control.

Families of Children with Autism during COVID19This course deals with the challenges and sourc-es of stress during the pandemic that are unique to families with autistic children. Participants will learn how to draw on inner reserves to cope with the emotional difficulties as well as practical strat-egies for dealing with autistic children. Topics will include resilience, homeschooling techniques, and tips for structuring homelife.

FinancialUncertaintyduring COVID19All you need to know about managing your mon-ey during these challenging times. Highlights include avoiding rash financial decisions, staying the course, and strategies for long term financial security.

Grief: Loss of Pre-COVID NormalcyThis is meant to be a thoughtful and compassion-ate seminar that helps people talk and deal with a


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topic that is not often discussed. For many of us, this can be a very confusing time in our lives where have lost all sense of what we have always con-sidered normal day to day living. None of us truly have experience with a world like the one we are currently living in. This is a session where people can share, explore and educate themselves on ways of coping, and let go of judgement or guilt for feeling a sense of mourning and grief for the lives we used to live.

Handling Life PositivelyA unique and fun discussion-type podcast pre-sented by BLI CEO Wendy Wollner and Work-Life balancing expert, Chris Walchuk. Listen to this engaging conversation to learn how to make the most of your life during this challenging time.

Handling Financial StressA significant subset of Americans is living paycheck to paycheck right now, including many with six fig-ure incomes. Are you one of them? What can you do about it? This course focuses on concrete ways to: 1) stabilize and support your income; 2) control your spending; and 3) plan for emergencies.

Handwashing (Podcast)

Holiday Season During COVIDThis holiday season will be like nothing we have experience before. Let us use this season as an opportunity to examine what we want from the holidays and how we will make that happen. Par-ticipants will be encouraged to discuss planning and tactical ways to make sure we do not miss out on this holiday season, ensuring this will be a healthy holidays season for you and your family. We will include using technology in fun and imagi-native ways.Highly interactive session.

How to Keep Your Family Healthy (Podcast)This course focuses on characteristics of COVID19 as they pertain to your family’s health, including topics such as: how does it spread; how to recog-nize the symptoms; how to respond to a positive diagnosis, etc.

How to Stay HealthyThis class is an overview of why self-care is so important for your health and immunesystem during this time of virus spread. It will also include health tips for reducing yourrisk of contracting COVID-19.

How to Stay Healthy (Podcast)You will be best able to care for those around you if you first care for yourself. This course focuses on

characteristics of COVID19 as they pertain to your own health, including topics such as: how does it spread; how to recognize the symptoms; how torespond to a positive diagnosis, etc.

IncreasingMental ToughnessThis seminar is about using challenging times as an opportunity to increase our mental toughness, is a positive way to look at negative event. We will discuss what is means to be mentally tough and we will also dive into the topic of Grit.

Leading in Times of CrisisCOVID19Certain traits of an effective leader are especial-ly crucial during times of crisis. Learn how great leaders in history used their skills to communicate, adapt, and bring their people together in some of the worst crises ever faced in this country. This course offers practical strategies and tools to calm, inspire, and motivate those who look to you for guidance.

Living inUncertainTimesduring COVID19We are all living in unprecedented times, which fosters worry and anxiety. Heightened worry and fear can only make trigger events worse than they already are. Controlling the way that we process the events is the goal of this seminar.

Living Off Your Paycheckduring COVID19In today’s financially uncertain world we need more guidance on how to live as frugally as pos-sible. Being in control of our money in a time where there is little that we can control is a way to help ourselves and our families. Common sense, no-nonsense advice for making ends meet. This seminar will cover goal setting and how your mon-ey beliefs can affect the way you save and spend. We will discuss how to reduce debt, learn the dif-ference between “meat” and “gravy” and consider how to increase your wealth.

Losing a Loved One to COVID19Losing a loved one is one of the most difficult challenges anyone can face, particularly when it is sudden or unexpected. Chances are high that lives will be lost during the current crisis and we need to be prepared. This course offers guidance for both the emotional (dealing with guilt, etc.) and the practical aspects (funeral arrangements, etc.) of losing a loved one.

ManagingFear and anxiety around COVID19Fears and anxieties are made up of thoughts that are based upon either personal experienc-es or beliefs of the world today. Pretending that these thoughts and fears do not exist, or are not

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that bad, can make them worse. In this class, we will learn how to talk through our thoughts to realize that our fears and anxieties are manage-able and controllable to get you through these challenging times.

Preparing your Family and Children for COVID19This course offers a deep dive intospecific strat-egies for your family members to deal with the current pandemic with a focus on families with younger children. You will be given checklists and guidance for all possible scenarios your family might encounter. This course is designed to sup-plement other courses in this catalog.

Protecting Your Child’s Health COVID19The importance of protecting your children’s health and wellbeing is especially crucial during a nationwide pandemic. In this course, you will learn how to handle the practical aspects of keeping your childrenhealthy, not only physically but emo-tionally as well.

Quarantine vs IsolationCOVID19During a time we are all practicing safety, it is importantreview the definitions of quarantine vs isolation and wheneach comes into play.

Special Education in the 2020-21 School YearThis course covers the many challenges parents are facing during the time of Covid-19, from deal-ing with stress and anxiety, how to advocate for your special-needs child, behavioral issues, so-cialization and how to work with your child home. Also covered are accommodations your child may need, including related services.

Staying Social during Social DistancingIt is easy to start to feel isolated or lonely during these important times of social distancing. This class will discuss the importance of keeping your social life active and the importance of social distancing while giving you different methods of staying socialwhile staying distant.

Stress Management for High Burnout ProfessionsSituations like the current pandemic affect all of us, but no-one more than those of us on the “front lines.” This course is especially designed to help health care workers and first responders deal with the stressors specifically associated with a major crisis.

Talking to Your Child about the CoronavirusTalking about theCoronavirus to your children or

about any challenging topic can be delicate. In today’s world parents need to balance the mes-sage appropriately. Deliver a message of safety while reassuring children that they can continue being children.

The Art of Parenting during Uncertain Times COVID19How do manage the stress of what is going on in the country around the Corona Virus topic and managing the fears of your children. Tips for par-ents on conversations, as well as the extra time spent at home over the next few weeks.

TheFurloughed EmployeeAnunprecedented number of employers have furloughed employees. This course will compare the concepts of furloughs vs. layoffs. Employees will learn tips [] (Managers’ version of this course is also available).

The New Normal: Life after COVID19We all know that life will never be quite the same after the COVID19 pandemic. When will it be over? How will things be different? How will we adapt to the new world without becoming overwhelmed? In this course, we will use lessons we’ve learned from past crises (such as 9/11) to prepare for the post-pandemic world.

Understanding Your Immune SystemThere has never been a time during our lifetimes when it has been more important to understand our own immune system. This course will explain the importance of the immune system and how it functions. You will learn how to separate the fact from the hype and, most importantly, practical measures you can take to strengthen your im-mune system.

When You or a Family Member gets COVID19Given the chances that you or someone you know will become infected, it is important to know how torespond appropriately. Learn how to determine if you are sick,how to quarantine yourself, and how tosafelymanage your household while some-one is ill.

Working with Children HomeIn today’s world we are all being asked to do more while still focusing on our children’s needs and wants. This class will cover best practices for younger and older children to have routines and structure in this uncertain time. We will offer sug-gestions on how to be most productive while also trying to enjoy family time as well.

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WebinarsWith the ability to host up to 1000 attendees in a single session and up to 300 sessions concurrently using a market-proven webinar technolo-gy, you can be confident that BLI will be able to handle your web-based training needs. Any of the courses below can be delivered via30, 60, or 90minutelive or recorded webinars in English or Spanish. Options in-cludeClosed Captioningfor the hearing impaired and Technical Hosts to assist those who may be new to webinar technology.

Unconscious BiasGiven today’s currentcrisis situationwe must start with our ownself-awareness.Are we on top of our biases, or might we be harboring some prejudices that lie outside of our awareness? This program will define unconscious bias and give us a frame-work in which to understand it. With numerous discussion opportunities, participants will explore biases, examine the conflict that arises between one’s natural inclination to categorize and the conscious drive towards diversity, look at how unconscious bias is measured and identify ways to overcome these biases.

Fostering Inclusion in the WorkplaceOne lesson we are learning from current events is the critical nature ofeveryone’svoice.Inclusive work environments are productive environments! This seminar discusses how employees and man-agers can create an inclusive workplace. Partici-pants will learn to identify activities, attitudes and assumptions that exclude coworkers. Then they

will explore ideas to include others in ways that enrich the office as well as their personal lives.

Raising Children to Respect DiversityThis is an opportunity for all parents/care givers to learn how to communicate what is going on in the world today.We all come in different shapes and sizes, and we have different backgrounds, beliefs and abilities depending, in part, on where we come from—adoptive families, single-parent households, blended families, families with stay-at-home fathers and same-sex households. The care and support family members offer to one another is essential to the developmental process and to adequate functioning of childrentoday.

How to be an Inclusive LeaderToday’s challenging times demand specific skillsets to ensure our workplaces allow allthoughts and ac-tions to be voiced without fear. This class will outline best practices and give leaders a chance to self-as-sess where they are vs. where they should be.

Diversity Training Catalog

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What You Need to Know About DemonstrationsUnderstanding history is always key to moving forward. This fast-paced seminar will walk partic-ipants through historical examples showing the important distinction between riots, demonstra-tions, and looting.

Coping with Civil UnrestHistory isunfoldingbefore our eyes.In this class, we will be discussing the challenges associated withthe real-life impacts of social unrest. We will learnthe range ofappropriate emotional responsesto demonstrationswith a focus on the importance of self-care and empathy.

Self-Care in the Face of TraumaThe history of race-based trauma in the US dates back over 400 yearsand its impactisemotional, psychological, and physical.This courseanswers questions about how to avoidit and, more impor-tantly, how to move past it once it has occurred.

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Newtopicsadded toourcatalogto help your clients address the rapid-ly change world of the COVID19 pandemicinto this new year, 2021!

Community and giving back: Leaving Our FootprintsFewer things in life give us more joy than helping others. It is a feeling that provides us with pur-pose and meaning.

But the journey to finding and participating in service can be daunting and intimidating. Sometimesit’seasier to find reasons not to do something than to do it at all. In this training you will learn the benefits (mental and physical) of ser-vice and tips on how to overcome any fears to get involved and help you find purpose.

ResiliencyResiliency during a pandemic/civil rights/financial uncertainty has taken this word to a whole new level. This state-of-the-art class invites us to examine the specific skills we all need to thrive during times of adversity. The discussion will focus on the key attributes of a resilient person in the current situation.

Love“What the world needs now is love!” One of the key ingredients to being successful in life is to embrace love in all its complexity. Interestingly, many of us have never embraced studying love.

This class will delve into defining, analyzing, and challenging us love ourselves, others, and our job in a more holistic way.

Friends and Family: Our Foundation in LifeFamily and Friends are the bedrock of a happy life. They are our dearest and most important relationships celebrating our good times together and helping us through our most difficult experi-ences. However, we are in uncharted waters with COVID-19 19. Managing these relationships has never been more difficultand more straining to ourselves and those who matter most. During this training you will learn the benefits of friends and family (both from a mental and physical health perspective) dealing with friends and family during COVID-19 and how to rekindle relationships in a post COVID-19 world.

Parenting: Communicating with Young ChildrenthroughthePandemic This seminar is for parents with young children focusing on their communication needs from pre-school to elementary school (2-10 years old). This seminar was created to support parents during the pandemic, providing information on how to effectively communicate and manage challenging emotions. The goal is to provide caregivers with


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tips on best practices for communicating with young children, how to carve out time for positive interactions and conversation, the importance of play, and a basic understanding of children’s language development for caregivers to gain perspective on why children may be showing signs of regression orincreasedtantrums during this challenging time.

OvercomingRemoteWorkFatigueFor most, working remotely is no longer new. But the joys of working in sweatpants from the com-fort of home has given way to some unexpected challenges. From “zoom fatigue” to social isolation, this topic explores strategies to implement con-sistent work from home success for employees andorganizations.

Managing Trauma in the WorkplaceThis training is about the signs and symptoms of traumatic experiences and posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). In this training, you will learn about the history of PTSD, thesignsand symp-toms of PTSD, what qualifies as a traumatic event and how to intervene when someone is experi-encing a flashback, nightmare or if they have been triggered. This training also discusses appropriate ways of coping with trauma stressors and practice self-care after experiencing a traumatic event.

Colorectal Cancer ScreeningTo beat colorectal cancer, it is paramount that the disease is detected as early as possible, which is why colon cancer screening is so important. This presentation discusses symptoms, tests,treat-ments,and prevention.

Personal Financial Wellness and Moving Forward in 2021As more time passes, we reflect on what we experienced in the year 2020 and how to move forward in a positive direction. We will explore the positive steps everyone can take to better their Personal Financial Wellness, Health and Interpersonal Relationships. Learn how these threeareasare interrelated and which best prac-tices to use to improve your situation in 2021 and beyond.Learn the skills to adapt and improve your Personal Financial situation as well as realize the positive impact it has on your personal health and relationships. This course will help partic-ipants make this connection regardless of age, current circ*mstances or past experiences. While the concepts taught are incredibly helpful, action steps will be shared on how to apply the best practices to move forward.

Seminar Training Catalog - [PDF Document] (2024)
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Name: Dr. Pierre Goyette

Birthday: 1998-01-29

Address: Apt. 611 3357 Yong Plain, West Audra, IL 70053

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Hobby: Embroidery, Creative writing, Shopping, Driving, Stand-up comedy, Coffee roasting, Scrapbooking

Introduction: My name is Dr. Pierre Goyette, I am a enchanting, powerful, jolly, rich, graceful, colorful, zany person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.