Vertigo - Chapter 32 - WabbitTurtle - 鬼滅の刃 (2024)

Chapter Text

Ava sat in her room at her sitting desk in a light purple haori and black hakama with the leg rolled up on her right side–the day relatively uneventful.

Ava had settled in at her sitting desk–mindful of her injuries as she explored the piece of furniture. Given she’d mostly been at the butterfly estate prior, she felt like she was rediscovering everything in her own room at the stardust estate over time. The sitting desk sat low to the floor with a black cushion for its seat. A wide center drawer was framed on either side by two other drawers. All of them were pretty shallow–and Ava discovered Jirou’s ink and paper in one along with a sketchbook.

She also discovered envelopes full of money. The discovery initially struck Ava with a sudden anxiety before she inspected it to find it was actually her pay–because she was a working slayer. It was all addressed to her, stamped with the corps seal. Ava had actually been wondering about that–how she was supposed to be getting paid. Cinder mentioned the corps paid well but Ava hadn’t seen any money until that point.

Ava didn’t want to outright ask about her pay–or seem overly rude. Plus, things were moving so fast that the thought slipped her mind for the most part. She knew Cinder would handle anything for her–but the thought of confronting the corps master for money felt bizarrely…out of bounds. Even if the Ubuyashiki family was rich.

Ava had spent a little bit of time after that discovery attempting to doodle–but like usual, despite being happier than before when Cinder vanished, she couldn’t muster the desire to finish anything she drew. Halfhearted scribbles of buildings she’d seen and wisteria blossoms collected over the paper before her–but none of it felt right. None of it was worth the effort.

It’d be best if she just left all the drawing material to Jirou–he actually made better use of it all. She still marveled at the sketchbooks he’d filled–of elaborate ink spreads. From dragons to koi fish and flowers. It was like he could ink absolutely anything from memory alone.

Ava shifted–bracing her back against the wall with her sitting desk to her left. Tucked away in her corner as she stretched her right leg out, moving slowly to avoid pulling anything loose.

Jirou was at the center of her room, between both of their futons as he reclined on his left side with his back facing her. He wore his usual light green haori and black hakama–the observation suddenly making Ava wonder if she should get him other sets of clothes.

Jirou held his head up on his left hand, his long brown locks threaded into his usual curly braid. He’d been quiet the whole time–motionless while not once looking back at her. At least not that she noticed. Ava couldn’t help but wonder if he was bored–the only thing making her doubt that being the book before him on the floor that he would infrequently turn the page of. It’d been a random one Ava found in the storage racks of the rear hall–a field guide for local plants. A pretty boring read–but it at least had pictures to go with it.

Ava hadn’t realized she was staring at him intently–and when she did, she quickly frowned before looking back to her desktop and the paper she’d drawn on. Ava picked it up with her left hand, giving the collection of scribbles one last look over before deciding it had a far better use.

Ava ripped the paper into smaller pieces, the sound instantly making Jirou raise one brow but he didn’t care to turn and look. He assumed she was simply reducing the size to make her trash more compact–but that assumption was quickly proven false when he felt something suddenly land in his hair on the right side just behind his ear.

Jirou blinked–book forgotten as he listened, able to hear Ava crinkling paper. The sound was then followed by a subtle pluck.

To his left, a sudden small paper ball hit the floor and rolled forward. Evidence enough for what exactly was going on. Jirou eyed the scrap for a moment–at a loss for words. What was she–ten? What a stupid thing to do–if she were that bored she could just leave . Or do something more productive rather than make a mess.

Ava frowned when her last scrap of paper missed and rolled past Jirou–the rest however had landed in his hair just like she’d intended. A collection of paper balls amid the stands. Like white flower buds.

Jirou pushed himself upright with his left arm–the action instantly sending multiple paper balls to the floor behind him. They hit the floor lightly–rolling and bouncing away from him as he sat upright with his legs crossed. He lifted his right hand to flick away the one behind his right ear as he turned his head to peer back at Ava who smiled guiltily.

Jirou frowned, closing his book with his left hand. “Are you having fun?”

“A little.” Ava admitted.

“You should do something else.” Jirou started, reaching for the paper ball to his left that had missed him. He idly unrolled–just enough to catch a glimpse of a part of a wisteria branch on the paper alongside a half finished cat. He hadn’t taken her for an artist–but it looked like she wasn’t much of a fan of herself either. “Maybe work on your aim.” He added as he balled up the scrap again in his fist, flicking it back towards her, yet not with force. It bounced towards her leg and stopped. “It’s pretty awful.”

“It’s a lot better than when I started.” Ava countered–recalling when she’d nearly struck Aoi during training sessions to figure out how to aim better just so she could throw her sword with more precision.

“That can be said for a lot of things but just because you’re better doesn’t mean you’re good .” Jirou countered, instantly making Ava frown. The ink demon rotated atop the floor to fully face her–his purple eyes drifting to her right arm where his ink remained.

Jirou could easily recall how frantic she got in the woods–there didn’t seem to be a single pause in her increasing heartbeat the entire time. He was still a bit surprised she even survived at all–he hadn’t been fast enough at first when he shoved her aside. His mistake–and shortcoming–for being weak. He wasn’t fit to fight an upper rank, but they managed to drag him into combat with multiple upper ranks.

Seeing the ink demon's eyes linger on her right arm, Ava spoke up. “What? Gonna give me another tattoo?”

“Do you want one?” Jirou questioned–he’d been considering it, in fact he had something in mind but hadn’t vocalized it. He’d tattooed her arm before because he was restless. He wasn’t restless now, but the thought still came to mind–he wanted to tattoo her.

Ava’s expression instantly lit up–a smile popping onto her face so suddenly that Jirou blinked back in brief confusion. “Yea!” Ava nodded, already moving to scoot herself across the floor towards him. Jirou hadn’t expected the swift acceptance–her readiness to be inked was a peculiar part of her personality–especially considering it was demon ink.

Jirou eyed her as she moved–dragging her ass across the floor, not willing to use her crutches. The ink demon reached out–grasping her left ankle before pulling her towards him in a single tug. Ava froze at the sudden snatch–tugged to the ink demon in an instant and repositioned so her right side was towards him.

Jirou kept his left leg folded beneath himself while his right moved over her own right leg–resting above her shin to keep her in place so she didn’t move her injured leg more than she had already. Ava lifted her left leg and then propped it over his right ankle in turn, locking in his right leg entirely.

Jirou wasted no time in reaching for her right arm–her position with her right side facing him making it all the more easy.

Ava watched as he rolled up her right purple sleeve all the way to her shoulder–exposing her arm. The lower half was wrapped in white bandages–a fact she’d forgotten–but Jirou seemed undeterred. The ink demon moved to unwrap them–earning a noise of protest from Ava in the process. She had literally just replaced her bandages that morning–and then the prick went and unwound them.

The act exposed her lower arm then–revealing the cuts across her skin from her attempt to block Norinobu’s strike on the train. They weren’t deep and noticeable, and could probably heal over the next few days, but a few cuts had crossed Jirou’s ink. They marred his prior work with thin lines of healing skin. A sight that made the ink demon scowl–his purple eyes narrowed before shifting his focus higher up her arm.

Jirou lifted his right hand and did as he had before, using the end of his index finger to trace over her skin, just barely touching her enough to leave behind a cold sensation across her upper arm.

Ava’s thoughts traveled back to Aoi then–of when she’d treated Ava for her injuries. “You know–” Ava started as she watched Jirou work. “Aoi, over at the butterfly estate, she saw the tattoo of the branch and snake and actually seemed pretty concerned.”

“Is that supposed to surprise me?” Jirou retorted, eyes never leaving her arm. “Most people don’t really approve of getting inked. It’s a cause for concern.” He said simply. A cause of concern for most–but not for Ava it seemed.

“Well…Aoi was definitely concerned.” Ava murmured, grimacing at the memory.

At first Ava was worried the blue eyed girl had somehow sensed the tattoo’s demonic origins–if that were even possible. Given how no hashira pointed it out, Ava assumed that the tattoo lacked any actual presence that could be noticed. Tanjiro had noticed it by his sense of smell–and Ava wasn’t sure if Aoi had a similar secret talent.

But Aoi had surprised her–rather than concern because of it being a demon's mark, she was concerned because of more human reasons. Of whether Ava was in trouble with anyone–or if she owed anyone money. Aoi was positive Cinder and Kocho would help her, if that were the case.

Ava quickly realized Aoi had assumed it was somehow related to a gang or even the yakuza. The unexpected assumption nearly made Ava want to laugh had it also not struck her with a sudden sweetness–it was nice Aoi worried, even if what she had in mind wasn’t the case.

Ava peered at the side of her right shoulder–able to see Jirou was adding in a sun to her arms growing sleeve of ink. Rays were cast down from the orb–varying in their opacity. Offhandedly, she noted that despite removing the bandages on her lower arm, he didn’t move down to the uncovered area. He’d taken them off for no reason.

When Jirou was done, he withdrew his right hand and released her. Ava wasted no time in inspecting his work–bending her neck over while tugging at her arm as if that’d help her view it better. Ava was starting to grow familiar with the sensation of Jirou’s ink–it was cold and wet as it moved across her skin–but when it settled, she didn’t even notice it. Just like a normal tattoo.

Jirou watched her–raising one brow at her eagerness to see what he’d done. Ava let go of her arm, idly wondering if perhaps he’d chosen a sun because of their last mission–given that they’d lasted till sunrise. She wondered if maybe he felt guilty in those last few seconds before he passed out–considering he was surprised they were alive. The thought made her frown slightly–she should train more, if only to be less of an actual job and burden.

“Those kids that were here before–” Jirou started, pulling Ava from her thoughts as she turned her brown gaze up to him on her right while she rolled down her right sleeve. “Are they visiting again today?” Jirou asked, leaning back on his palms, but didn’t bother to move his right leg.

“I don’t think so.” Ava said–at least, she wasn’t expecting them. Inosuke on the other hand was debatable. He might show up. He might not.

The day prior, after Tomioka left, Cinder went back to her room. The redhead seemed eager to inspect the envelope Tomioka gave her–which left Ava with the others. Tanjiro seemed concerned–given what they’d heard. Kanae Kocho –Shinobu Kocho’s sister. He remembered the insect hashira mentioning that her elder sister had died–but couldn’t figure out why Cinder would be investigating it.

Zenitsu on the other hand was torn between concern and a desire to remain distanced. If it was something that could kill a hashira–he wanted no part or involvement in whatever Cinder was up to. Inosuke, ever the oblivious one, was fixated on the fact ‘so many cool people showed up’ and was still upset none of them would train him. Jirou had resigned himself to the corner of the room at Ava’s desk–eying the group with a sharp stare, especially Nezuko.

Nezuko’s small form made the ink demon oddly restless–but he chalked it up to the fact she set him on fire. Nothing more, nothing less.

Once Tanjiro regained his composure, he confronted Jirou as he originally intended–relaying his apologies over his rudeness the last time they’d spoken. Apologies Jirou hadn’t asked for nor wanted, but the fact the kid had at all surprised him. Maybe he was another slayer Jirou was wrong about–all three of the kids swore their silence over his existence, and he hadn’t even asked them to.

Before the group departed the day prior, one peculiar interaction stood out to Ava. A sparrow appeared at her engawa door–tapping its beak on the bottom panel until Inosuke went to crack the door open. It was a sparrow she recognized–Zenitsu’s bird, Chuntaro.

The tiny feathered bundle hopped into the room, although bounced would be more fitting. Chuntaro chirped loudly–and repeatedly while moving towards Zenitsu, instantly gaining the blonds attention who looked wholly surprised at the sight of his bird. Zenitsu knew it couldn’t be a mission–he was still in recovery like the rest of them. He wasn’t combat ready.

As Chuntaro hopped onto Zenitsu’s left ankle while his legs were extended before himself, the blond noticed it then–a small paper tied to Chuntaro’s leg. A message. Zenitsu gestured for his bird to come closer, but Chuntaro instead did the opposite–he flew away back to the sliding door while chirping impatiently.

Zenitsu’s brows drew together in a confused frown, but released a resigning sigh as he moved to rise to his feet on his crutches before hobbling to the engawa door that Inosuke left open. At the door frame, Zenitsu paused to peer back into the room at the seated group just as Inosuke dropped back down on Tanjiro’s left with his legs crossed. Nezuko blinked back at him from Tanjiro’s right side.

“I’ll be right back.” Zenitsu said, turning forward again as he moved out onto the engawa. As he did, another piece of his mostly shredded robe drifted to the floor–yet another blue scrap among the many.

“...Now that I think about it–” Tanjiro started, co*cking his head to the right in thought as he turned his gaze to Inosuke on his left. “Where’s your crow, Inosuke?”

Inosuke released a low rumble of a laugh, the sound instantly striking Ava as evil. “I tried to eat it and it never came back.” Inosuke said.

“Inosuke!” Tanjiro practically hissed, his mouth falling open with shock at the thought–that poor crow. Tasked with helping a slayer and under threat of being eaten by the slayer themselves. Behind Ava to her right, seated at the sitting desk in the corner, Jirou released a sudden snort.

Ava’s lips drew back into a tight frown at Inosuke’s admission–disapproving of boar-on-bird violence. Before Ava could think of anything to say however, her eyes were drawn to her left–catching sight of Zenitsu out of the corner of her eye on the engawa as he leaned against one of the roofs’ support beams on his right while holding Chuntaro’s message in his hands. His grip on the paper was almost knuckle white, and his shoulders shook ever so slightly despite the obvious tension to them above his crutches.

Chuntaro sat on Zenitsu’s left shoulder, head hung while releasing a single chirp. Tanjiro’s expression went blank as he picked up on Ava’s sudden worry–following her gaze to the engawa where Zenitsu stood. Nezuko mimicked her brother–eying Zenitsu with a low hum. Tanjiro’s brows furrowed in concern while Inosuke went quiet. Jirou cast the blond a glance–if that wasn’t the look of someone who just got bad news, he’d be surprised.

“...Zenitsu?” Tanjiro spoke up, calling out to his blond friend in concern. The first to break the sudden silence in the room. “Are you alright?”

Zenitsu flinched at the sudden sound of Tanjiro’s voice directed towards him. Yet, immediately after, Zenitsu inhaled deeply–instantly composing himself before turning to face them with a strained smile.

“Yup! I’m alright!” Zenitsu replied, moving to fold the message he’d received–then placed it in his robes’ lower right pocket–one of the last areas still in decent condition.

Ava slowly frowned, able to catch on to the shift in mood– something was wrong. She just didn’t know what.

Ava was pulled from her thoughts as Jirou huffed–drawing her back to the present. “Good.” The ink demon started. “I don’t wanna deal with those brats again. At least not anytime soon.” He admitted. While he could tolerate them, he wasn’t keen on surrounding himself with people. He already had one human to look after–and that was enough.

Besides, the smaller demon girl–Nezuko–still caused Jirou to feel restless. While Jirou was glad he was awake, he wasn’t keen on seeing Nezuko again. Especially not after she’d set him on fire. He could have sworn she was taller on the train too–but supposed it made sense she could alter her size to fit in her wooden box. An odd ability, though.

Ava rolled her eyes at Jirou’s words. “I’m gonna go check on Cinder.” She announced, moving to extract her legs back to herself as she went for her crutches next. As Ava moved to stand, Jirou scowled at her from his seat on the floor while he eyed her crutches. “I’ll be back.” Ava added as she moved to her engawa door–all while Jirou watched her go.

Ava stepped out of her room and slid the door shut once more. Aside from the fact it was still daytime, she didn’t want to risk one of the maids passing by and spotting the ink demon. They generally didn’t intrude on her unless absolutely necessary, and thus Jirou’s presence still remained a secret from Mimi and Kimi.

On the engawa, Ava peered ahead into the right side yard–the place they usually trained when they were able. She turned her focus to her right then–turning to advance towards Cinders’ room along the engawa. The redheads room was right next door to Ava’s–enabling her to be nearby at a moment's notice.

Ava’s crutches were loud atop the wood, but it didn’t take her long to reach Cinder’s engawa door with a few steps.The redheads door was shut–but Ava could hear movement inside along with the rustle of paper.

Ava lifted her right hand to knock on the wooden frame with the back of her hand. “Cinder?” Ava called, then cleared her throat before speaking again, slightly louder just in case she wasn’t heard because of Cinder’s recovering ear. “It’s me. Can I come in?”

All movement on the other side of the door halted, but was shortly followed by Cinder’s voice. “Yea. You can come in.”

Ava slid open the room's door–her brown eyes peering ahead to find Cinder in the middle of the floor atop her futon. She was situated facing left–keeping her good ear angled to the engawa door. The redhead's legs were crossed as she read over a paper in her left hand. A multitude of others were spread out across the floor around her.

Ava stepped into the room, curiously eyeing the arrangement around Cinder as she closed the door behind herself. “I see you’ve been busy.”

“I’m mostly just theorizing right now. What ifs. Could be’s.” Cinder said vaguely with a wave of her hand. Ava moved closer–mindful not to step on anything with either her left foot or her crutches.

Ava paused behind Cinder, peering over her head at the spread. There was even a larger sheet in front of Cinder–it looked like a map. Three areas were circled in red ink. There were multiple notes taped down as well. Ava could recognize a few location names on the map–especially Tokyo–but a lot were unfamiliar. Ava had never been to Japan nor really looked at its geography, but something about the map before her just felt…off.

“...So what are you doing?” Ava asked, moving to lower herself to the floor on Cinder’s left so she would be easier to hear. She picked up the paper nearest to her–it looked like an information sheet on some specific breed of boar.

“I guess in the most basic terms, I’m hunting.” Cinder said, glancing at Ava as she spoke. Ava’s brows lifted–that hadn’t really been what she expected to hear.

“You’re hunting?” Ava questioned. “What are you hunting? Boars?” She asked, turning the paper she held so Cinder could see why she’d specified boars. The redhead smiled at the assumption but shook her head.

“No–not boars. I’m a hunter, but for a different kind of prey. It’s a demon.” Cinder said. “One you’ll recognize.”

Ava frowned at that–that meant it was from the original story–a canon demon. “Which one?” Ava asked, almost hesitantly.

“Doma. Upper rank two.” Cinder said, instantly causing Ava’s brows to shoot up as her eyes widened. Even her mouth fell open slightly–unsure what to say first.

Ava didn’t recall reading of any encounter with Doma–but given his kizuki ranking, Ava was positive he probably showed up for a fight later at some point. Aside from that, he was a…character. He was the reason for Gyutaro and Daki’s demonification as well–given he was the demon that stumbled upon them when they were human.

As the initial shock passed, Ava felt a sudden tug at her heartstrings alongside a burst of annoyance. “Cinder, we barely managed to get past upper rank four and three with no casualties besides civilians.” Ava pointed out, frowning at the memory. “And Hantengu wasn’t even supposed to be there–”

“He wasn’t supposed to be, but he was , just like we were.” Cinder cut in, meeting Ava’s frown with one of her own. “And so was Norinobu. The change was his fault, I think. A few things went wrong, and they’ll probably keep going wrong unless we figure out how to handle things early, or at least create some kind of countermeasure or cushion.” Cinder said, scowling to herself.

“Cinder, you’re looking for something worse .” Ava said, wincing at the thought. Doma was ranked two for a reason–he’d be worse than Akaza. And Doma wouldn’t care if he were fighting a woman or not.

They nearly died at the last canon encounter–Ava thought she’d lost Cinder again when she didn’t come back right away. And here the redhead was, looking for something even more deadly. She was looking on purpose .

Cinder bit her lower lip before looking away, not meeting Ava’s gaze as the shorter woman continued to stare. “Cinder, why are you looking to begin with?”

“It’s–” Cinder started, but then snapped her mouth shut again as she looked at Ava. The redhead sighed before continuing. “Look, we defeated upper rank four–Hantengu–so that leaves a hole in the future plot for the swordsmith village arc.” Cinder explained, earning a nod from Ava. The shorter woman had considered that, but it felt so far away that she hadn’t thought about it further or in detail. “I need to fix it.”

That single sentence made Ava’s frown deepen. “...You don’t need to fix anything.” Ava said slowly.

“I have to.” Cinder countered, gesturing to herself as she did. “Things are–” Cinder started but paused again, trying to decide on a good enough wording.

Cinder wasn’t sure how to tell Ava she got a little too familiar with the world–talked to a little too many people. Learned a little too many details. Cinder felt like it wasn’t fair–for the locals' lives to get altered negatively simply by them being around–because of Norinobu.

Ava might have just arrived but Cinder had been around for four years going on five–she tried to keep that detachment going–but some of them just wouldn’t let her. If it wasn’t Rengoku, it was the master himself. If it wasn’t either of them, it was Mitsuri or even Gyomei. Random slayers–kakushi. They were all just getting by. As real as real could get.

Ava’s frown deepened at the conflicted look on Cinder’s face–this would be something the redhead wouldn’t budge on. Even if Ava was worried.

Cinder inhaled as she composed herself before continuing. “...Since we defeated Hantengu–” Cinder started. “That leaves an opening in the swordsmith village arc. Daki and Gyutaro are supposed to die in the next arc coming up, so we’re left with three potential fillers for Hantengu’s role in the swordsmith village arc.” Cinder explained as Ava listened. The short woman still felt their prior conversation deserved another visit–but she’d humor Cinder for now and hear her out. “Akaza, Doma, or Kokushibo.” Cinder listed the possible filler candidates. “I guess technically Norinobu is also an upper rank…So maybe four possibilities.”

Ava grimaced at the thought of any of them going to the swordsmith village with Gyokko. She could still remember Kokushibo from the night she met Jirou–his six eyes empty yet piercing just before he drew his sword.

“I highly doubt Kokushibo would be sent–he’s usually directed towards more delicate or important matters.” Cinder explained–Muzan usually sent him to look for the blue spider lily as well, along with hunting certain individuals. “Akaza is in a similar boat as Kokushibo.” Cinder started, instantly thinking of the pink haired demon from her time in the cave. “He’s…better fit for other assignments. Sudden assaults–swift and quick operations.” She said, waving her hand dismissively.

Akaza was usually the one Muzan dropped in suddenly for a fight–because Akaza was a fighter and simply needed an opponent to crush. Much like Kokushibo, he was also on the lookout for a blue spider lily–which was what led her to bank on that fixation during their train encounter.

“So…Doma.” Ava said slowly, still unhappy with the choice of opponent.

“...Yea.” Cinder said, able to pick up on Ava’s disapproval, feeling both guilty for it and simultaneously slightly offended–she was just doing her job. She was a slayer . “His blood demon arts would be perfect to quickly decimate an entire village.”

“What even is it that Doma can do?” Ava asked. She didn’t really have anything to go off of–he didn’t appear in much of any of the manga she’d read before her phone died.

“Cryokinesis.” Cinder said simply. “I think the most deadly aspect to Doma specifically is that his ice can generate airborne particles that if inhaled too deeply, run the risk of shredding a slayer's lungs from the inside.” Cinder noted while Ava winced at the thought. “Of course, such a thing instantly makes breathing forms near impossible to perform. Both before and after the fact–you can slow your breathing so it's more shallow, but the forms won’t be as impactful then and you still run the risk of inhaling too much too deeply. And if you do endure any extensive internal damage, you likely won't be able to perform a breathing form at all–or if you do, it might be your last.”

Ava’s lips pinched together at that–she still couldn't believe Cinder was actually looking for such a demon. Doma sounded absolutely awful to fight–with a slim to none chance of success, much less survival. “So…how can it be countered?” Ava asked. “The ice?”

“Broad, strong swings to dissipate the particles and blow them away.” Cinder speculated with a slight shrug. “Shinazugawa? Rengoku might be a big help too–for his fire. He might be the perfect counter to Doma, actually.”

Well, that made sense, Ava supposed. Didn’t make her feel all that confident about the entire thing though. Another part of Ava felt even a little upset at the thought Rengoku might have slipped past Akaza just to go after something stronger.

“...I guess that's a solid counter, in theory. Doma sounds like a scary opponent though, if I’m being honest.” Ava said, frowning. “Cinder, he could kill you–you know that right?”

“So could any other demon, but I’m still here and able.” Cinder said dismissively–only furthering Ava’s frown. “You don’t even have to come with me when we go–I’d completely understand if you don’t.” Cinder added, casting Ava a look of understanding.

“You think I’d just let you go alone?” Ava said, shaking her head. “No. We go together.” Ava said firmly. Like she said before–she didn’t find Cinder just to lose her again. If Cinder was going to walk herself into an impossible fight–Ava would be there to maybe help tip the scales whichever way Cinder wanted.

It was still an intimidating sounding demon, though–no matter how Ava looked at it. Her lungs shredding–suffocating on her own blood more than likely–it sounded like an awful way to die. While she found Cinder’s pursuit reckless–another small part of Ava was a little impressed at the sheer bravery it’d take to actively look for such an opponent.

Another part of Ava whispered that Cinder from almost five years ago would have never pursued such a fight. But the Cinder now was–like Ava continued to discover–familiar yet different . Harsher. Even a little reckless.

“...Aside from Doma’s ice–” Cinder continued. “He wields gold bladed war fans. Given he’s ranked as two with Akaza still at three, it’s safe to assume he can even outperform Akaza in close combat martial arts.” Cinder explained. “He can also absorb victims into himself–kind of like…the villain from Inuyasha .” Cinder started, but blanked on the man's name.

“Naraku?” Ava supplied, earning a nod from Cinder. “You actually forgot Naraku?

“It’s been a while, and I don’t really have anyone to talk to about series’ I’ve read or seen. Most don’t get the references or jokes either.” Cinder said, ignoring Ava’s sympathetic frown in favor of continuing. “As with all upper ranks, Doma has increased regeneration. And despite how he might seem, he’s also very clever and smart–with a good sense for battle. He can adapt to most situations and styles, even when outnumbered.”

Ava stared at Cinder as her brows drew together. If the redhead was trying to make it sound even remotely doable, she was failing spectacularly.

“Alright…so, Doma.” Ava started, inhaling and working to exhale the tension from her shoulders while turning her focus to the map in front of Cinder next. She wanted a break from the heavy conversation–it only left her feeling at a loss, and even a little out of her element despite having already faced kizuki demons before by this point. Demons who put her on crutches. “How are you going to find him? I assume you know a few hints?” Ava questioned.

Cinder, unlike Ava herself, had read the entire series–at least, she had before she arrived. A few key details might be blurry, but Cinder was still more knowledgeable than Ava.

“A few, yea.” Cinder nodded, patting a pile of papers in her lap. Papers topped with a brown envelope Ava recognized–the one Tomioka had given her.

Seeing where Ava’s eyes landed, Cinder spoke up again. “Kanae Kocho–” She started as Ava looked up to meet her gaze. “The former flower hashira died after an encounter with Doma. She was near a village at the base of Mount Yari.” Cinder explained, pointing at the map before herself next with her splinted right hand. “She was sent to investigate a missing persons case after someone contacted the corps after local authorities wouldn’t do anything. The missing person was a woman–of no notable background. In fact her family wasn’t even the one to look for her–it was a local shopkeep that let her sleep in the storehouse at night.” Cinder added with a frown.

It was fitting for Doma to target women or men with little attachments to the world around them. Few would notice them leave–or die. If Cinder could recall correctly–that was what category the majority of his followers fell into. The unfortunate or isolated people with nowhere left to go or anyone left to turn to.

“Kanae managed to intercept Doma during one of his outings. Their battle was pretty one sided with Kanae enduring tremendous internal damage.” Cinder continued as Ava listened, shifting in place with nerves. “Shinazugawa and Gyomei along with Kocho were all dispatched as backup given they were the closest ones nearby, but they were too late.” Cinder said, her lips pulling back and down as she spoke. “Shinobu Kocho ended up getting a description of Doma from her dying sister. A demon with white hair crowned with a blood stain, golden fans and rainbow colored eyes.”

“No one ever thought to investigate the mountain further?” Ava questioned.

“No–it appears not.” Cinder replied, shaking her head. “The corps technically isn’t aware Doma runs a cult either, given that information died with Kanae I assume–the eternal paradise faith.” Cinder added.

“A demon running a cult feels kind of…sacrilegious.” Ava admitted with a grimace. “How’d he even get to that role?”

“His parents put him on a pedestal at birth, thanks to his rainbow colored eyes. They made him an icon–and treated him more like a thing than a person. Marketed him as some savior to garner followers and money.” Cinder explained–pointing towards a few notes she’d taped to the left side of the map for the cult specifically. “When his parents died, he was left alone with the cult and developed an artificial charisma and smile to meet their needs. Doma doesn’t care, though–he’s actually unable to feel anything and is nihilistic at his core. He only imitates emotions to fit in and cater to those around him.” Cinder said, crossing her arms after while being mindful of her splinted right hand.

“Eventually, Muzan found him and turned him into the demon he is now. The cult ended up revering Doma even more after that–because now he had longevity on his side across decades.” Cinder continued. “The cult’s a sham though–he markets it like a paradise but all of his followers are just food. He eats his own followers with little care for them.”

Ava recoiled at that–that sounded very reminiscent of some serial killer tendencies from podcasts she’d heard and videos she’d watched in the past. “How’s no one noticed the growing list of victims and missing persons going to the cult then?”

“Easy. He picks people that won't be missed or looked for.” Cinder said as if it were obvious. “Runaways, widows, abuse victims or people who just had nowhere else to go and no family to turn to. Those with the least amount of hope are the easiest to give hope to–even if it's a lie. Public records weren’t super thorough either–some people inevitably slipped through the cracks. They weren't exactly in a time where forensics and public records were well kept.

“So, are you fully set on the cult being on Mount Yari?” Ava questioned, given it was the one she mentioned from Kanae’s last mission. It sounded like only one hint though–Ava wouldn’t be surprised if Doma just traveled. Ava glanced at the map again–the three areas circled were all on the same mountain range–the Hida mountains.

“I’m banking on it but if not exactly on Yari, then near it–so one of the other mountains.” Cinder said, shrugging lightly. “I don’t technically have a concrete location yet, but I’m working on it.”

Ava hummed, taking another glance at the boar paper. “Is this why you asked Inosuke what mountain he grew up on?” Ava asked, recalling the peculiar question the day prior. “Why’s that even matter?” She asked, returning her focus to Cinder.

“Well–” Cinder started, her lips pressing into a grim line. This was something Ava didn’t know, given it hadn’t been revealed till the last part of the manga. The only reason Cinder managed to remember it was simply because it was a key motive for Inosuke’s future fight against the ice demon. “Doma killed his mother. Shortly after she was struck, she dropped Inosuke from a cliff into a river. It was the mountain Inosuke primarily remained on.”

Ava’s mouth fell open slightly– of course there would be some sort of lore tie-in for the main characters, she just hadn’t expected Inosuke to have any tie back to Doma. “Really? Inosuke’s mom? ” Ava said in near disbelief–she couldn’t imagine the boar kid's reaction. He seemed to love attention and affection–probably because he lacked any parental figure. “Wait–” Ava paused, frowning. “Why was his mother even near Doma to begin with?”

“She went to the cult to escape abuse.” Cinder explained, frowning. It wasn’t exactly an uncommon occurrence. “Doma actually liked her, though–but more like someone watching a kitten at play with mild interest. The only reason he killed Inosuke’s mother was because she found out he was eating his followers and ran.”

Ava’s lips pressed into a flat line–she supposed that definitely explained Inosuke’s struggle with mother figures she noticed when reading the manga.

Cinder sighed as she looked back down at the map. “Because of that though, it implies Inosuke’s mother managed to run from Doma–how far though, I don’t know. There’s no way for me to figure that out or give myself a ballpark guess. I was mostly looking at river pathways.” Cinder admitted with a frown. “And since Inosuke was dropped in a river, he could have washed down further away. Or even settled on Yari after traveling.” Cinder explained. “Regardless, the entire Hida range is suspect. The rivers flow through the three main mountains, I’m only focusing on Yari for now given Kanae and Inosuke’s involvement with it.”

“What makes you think Doma’s cult would be on a mountain and not somewhere at its base in a village?” Ava asked, curious more than anything. Cinder seemed pretty set on it being on a mountain.

“Well, it’s a religious cult with Doma at its center.” Cinder started, turning her focus back to Ava as she spoke. “Most religious practices and shines are typically on mountains–elevated locations. Closer to the higher powers and such.” Cinder explained with a vague wave of her hand. “It’s also more remote–and difficult to get to. Doma’s own little corner of paradise–elevated above the rest, because he fancies himself a god for his followers.”

Ava hummed in response–she could follow the logic but it only made her dislike Doma further. Everything about him was sounding like trouble–and making him out to be dangerous. Even if he was nihilistic, if he was seen as a god by his followers, he probably had some sort of twisted view on how to interact with people in general.

“...I figured if we take care of Doma, it removes him from possibly going to the swordsmith village later.” Cinder started slowly. “And besides, if we can somehow weed out other upper ranks, it’d only help the survival of everyone in general for later.” She added–yet despite her hopeful tone, Ava caught the way she bit her bottom lip, as if anxious.

Cinder knew taking out Doma would probably secure Shinobu Kocho at the very least–but if they got to handle other upper ranks–even if it interrupted the plot a little–who knows how many other hashira and people in general would be spared from the canon final arc of the manga. It wouldn’t just be Shinazugawa and Tomioka walking out alive. Maybe it didn’t have to be.

“I planned on sending Mimi and Kimi out to scope out around the base of mount Yari.” Cinder started, instantly causing Ava’s gaze to shoot to Cinder, alarmed.

“Your maids?” Ava exclaimed–suddenly reminded of when she could have possibly been a maid. It seemed not even maids were spared from involvement with demons. She couldn’t believe Cinder was even willing to send the twins.

“Mimi and Kimi are both former slayers themselves.” Cinder continued, as if able to read exactly why Ava’s face contorted with concern. “They know how to look for information. I can trust them with this.” Cinder nodded, voice full of confidence, yet Ava was still unsure.

Before Ava could express her concerns, Cinder’s inner door opened off to Ava’s far right–revealing Kimi and Mimi in the frame with grins on their faces as the sitting rooms’ fire crackled behind them.

“You flatter us, Cinder!” Kimi spoke with a wide smile. Her short black hair tipped yellow bobbed slightly as she silently laughed. Mimi released an amused huff from her left before throwing Ava a small wave.

“We might have overhead the last part. We didn’t mean to eavesdrop–we were just about to stop in anyway.” Mimi explained.

“Are you about to depart?” Cinder asked while shifting to face them more as she set aside the papers in her lap, instantly throwing Ava off–they were leaving now? That was fast .

Both Mimi and Kimi wore simple brown kimonos. They had burlap bags thrown over their shoulders–but overall appeared rather plain. Cinder was glad of that–she’d specifically told them to not stand out. Just in case. Especially not in any way that might make them appear like slayers.

“Yep! We’ll return within a few days with our report!” Kimi spoke, nodding alongside her sister. “While we’re gone, please don’t overexert yourself. We know you’re still in recovery, after all.”

“Some food preparations were made for easy meals–just throw them into a pot and let them cook themselves.” Mimi added. “There's a list in the kitchen.”

Ava was silent as she watched and listened to the exchange–feeling a little…conflicted. On one hand she was still weary of the thought of getting too close to Doma, but on the other, the maids and Cinder were acting like it was no big deal or cause for concern. As if it were just an everyday common occurrence–to look for evil.

Ava offhandedly still continued to revisit the thought that she could have been a maid. She supposed now she even had the combat training to fill the role. The thought managed to bring a small amused smile to her lips

Mimi and Kimi waved to Cinder. “We’ll be back soon!” Mimi spoke.

“Safe travels. I look forward to your return.” Cinder shot back, waving her own left hand. The twins nodded confidently before turning away back into the sitting room, closing Cinder’s door as they did. Ava blinked before returning her focus to Cinder.

“...They do know they’re looking for an upper rank demon right?” Ava asked slowly–just to be sure.

“They do.” Cinder nodded, collecting some of her surrounding papers and notes together in a single pile.

“Will they actually be okay?” Ava asked next, nervously rubbing her left hand over her left thigh.

Cinder hummed. “Mimi and Kimi are to only gather information–not directly involve themselves in the cult itself or draw any attention to themselves. They’ll be masquerading as a noble ladies’ maids in search of interesting wares to bring home.” Cinder explained, turning to face Ava more atop her futon. “The cover story at least should ensure that if Doma does take notice of them, he won't actually bother them, because they’re sent on an errand by a noble household who would notice their lack of a return.” Cinder explained. “They’ll be alright–I know they will.”

Cinder had no doubt about it–Mimi and Kimi were talented in such matters. While they weren’t great fighters, they were clever on their feet in other regards.

Ava silently hopped Cinder was right–she’d hate for the maids to end up suffering. Another question came to mind next. “Hey–I wanted to ask you something.” Ava started. Cinder blinked, her brows rising slightly.

“What is it?” Cinder asked.

“Yesterday after you left, Zenitsu got a message from his sparrow.” Ava started. “He seemed kind of upset by whatever the message was about. I don’t remember him getting a message in the manga though. Do you know if it was anything important?”

Cinder’s brows instantly stitched together–a perplexed look on her face. Cinder thought over what she could remember of the series–only thinking of one point in which Zenitsu might get a message. Before the redhead could vocalize the thought, a tapping sounded at her engawa door. The sound instantly drew both womens’ attention.

A beak wedged itself into the crack of the sliding door–forcing it to slide open just enough so Sutaraito could squeeze himself into the room. Cinders’ crow huffed from the effort, splaying out his feathers for a moment in a quick shake before standing firmly once more. His tiny taloned feet clicked across the floor as he made his way to Cinder.

“Cinder! Urgent news!” Sutaraito started, instantly causing the redhead to frown.

“...What is it?” Cinder questioned, not liking the suddenness of his arrival or the timing of his delivery.

“Jigoro Kuwajima is dead!” Sutaraito exclaimed, peering up at Cinder with his beady black crow eyes as his body shook with each word spoken.

Ava blinked–not quite recognizing the name. She wasn’t the best with names. Cinder however, instantly tensed up beside her right–her pale green eyes widening.

“What?” Cinder questioned, disbelief heavy in her tone. So much so that Ava’s focus snapped to the redhead instantly–that was the sound of something unexpected. And given they were in canon territory, if it was unexpected, it probably wasn’t good. Ava instantly felt restless–the sensation driven further on by the sudden weight in the air.

“Former thunder hashira, Jigoro Kuwajima was found dead–caw! An act of suicide!” Sutaraito exclaimed. The bird bounced and presented his right leg to Cinder–a small paper had been tied to it. Cinder reached for it in a slight daze–distracted–and opened it to peer at the contents. Information for a funeral service–given he’d been a hashira, but had no family, Ubuyashiki would handle the affairs.

Cinder blinked, her eyes finding Ava and thinking over her prior conversation topic–of Zenitsu getting a message. So, her initial suspicion had been proven right–literally seconds after she thought it. The former thunder hashira was dead–ahead of schedule.

Cinder’s mind raced as she bit her lip–suddenly feeling as if her world tipped ever so slightly without warning. There was nothing to suggest why Jigoro would do such a thing–there was nothing that happened at the train that would trigger his death. Zenitsu was fine. The only thing that had caused Jigoro to do such a thing in canon had been Kaigaku–

Kaigaku was a demon. The conclusion struck Cinder so hard her expression went blank–that was the only reason Jigoro killed himself. To atone for the fact thunder breathing produced a demon. Except it happened multiple arcs too early with no alterations from their end. Which suggested it was due to that demon– Norinobu . The other outside force and anomaly just like them, working under Muzan. How did he know to target Kaigaku though? Or had Kokushibo just happened upon him earlier than usual? Was it just a random chance? Cinder hated it–that sudden unknown .

A bubble of annoyed anger struck Cinder then–she’d intended to alter events in their favor but if this demon that brought them to the world would try and counteract that, that’d put a wrench in her planning. Especially if he could somehow plan ahead. Was he psychic? Or did he also know what would happen somehow?

Cinder never met Jigoro–but it didn’t change the fact that a former hashira was dead. And Kaigaku would soon be an active threat as well. An additional concern among upper ranks. And like nearly all the others, Cinder had no idea how to track Kaigaku at all. She’d considered asking about the young black haired slayer at a later date–just to try and keep him from Kokushibo. It looks like she should have done that earlier rather than that. Far earlier.

Cinder scowled at herself, lost in thought while Sutaraito moved to take his leave–his delivery completed. Ava eyed Cinder–that was definitely a look of annoyance on the redhead's face.

“You said Zenitsu got a letter–it was probably about that.” Cinder started, turning her focus back to Ava who’d come to the same conclusion given the mention he’d been the former thunder hashira. “Jigoro was his teacher–and he killed himself because his other student became a demon. But that shouldn’t happen for a few more arcs–it's early.”

“Why’d it happen, then?” Ava questioned, not liking the odd lack of warning.

“I dunno.” Cinder grumbled. “I think it has to do with the other demon–upper rank seven, Norinobu. He’s an anomaly like us, maybe he knew to look for Kaigaku? Maybe he can see the future?”

“...That doesn’t sound good for us.” Ava grimaced–that’d just make their lives harder. If it were true.

Vertigo - Chapter 32 - WabbitTurtle - 鬼滅の刃 (2024)
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Author: Edmund Hettinger DC

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Author information

Name: Edmund Hettinger DC

Birthday: 1994-08-17

Address: 2033 Gerhold Pine, Port Jocelyn, VA 12101-5654

Phone: +8524399971620

Job: Central Manufacturing Supervisor

Hobby: Jogging, Metalworking, Tai chi, Shopping, Puzzles, Rock climbing, Crocheting

Introduction: My name is Edmund Hettinger DC, I am a adventurous, colorful, gifted, determined, precious, open, colorful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.