The Winnipeg Tribune from Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada (2024)

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THE WINNIPEG EVENING TRIBUNE. THURSDAY, JUNE 26, 1930 11 Women Behind The News By JANE DIXON 1950, by North American Newspaper FRIENDS of the that young report Anne Lindbergh insists at all times on her husband having his way. These same friends are predicting that the name of the Lindbergh heir will be "Charles Morrow" Lindbergh, 8 choice favored by the father, rather than Charles tus Lindbergh, Jr, the preference of the mother. And this despite the fact that mothers for the most part are accorded the privilege of naming their children. Not every woman, however, mothers the son of a father whose glory reaches the stars.

It is natural that such a mother. would want to perpetuate that glory in every way possible, including a name. In this case, however, the child's grandfather, Mr. Dwight Morrow, likewise. a man of master accomplishments.

So that there is very little choice in the matter of endowment so far as nomenclature is concerned. Anne Lindbergh may well decide that come what may, including an heir, the eagle must have his way, Many Will Not "Obey" The word. "obey," formerly included marriage service, lost its significance before it WAS officially dropped. At the ceremony which united Miss Mary Todhunter Clark. of Philadelphia, to Nelson Rockefeller, one of the country's richest young men, Tithe, new Episcopai prayer-book, which word "obey" has been struck from the marriage service, was Women of other generations promised "love, honor obey," without having the remotest notion that obedience would be required of them.

or that they would live up to their contract if it were. The only obedience worth giving or receiving obedience. in marriage voluntary Anything less is merely expedience. The husband of Ruth Hale, mili. tant feminist, says that his ideal woman is the one other men admire.

Heywood Broun, columnist and writer, also the husband in question is just the ordinary or garden variety of husband when it comes to the feminine ideal. Ninetynine percent. of all men choose with him they admit it or not. Woman's Handicaps You never can tell from the label. The writer of one of the newest And most shivery detective stories, "'The Owner Lies Died." is Peter Perry.

Peter Perry is a woman. Says Peter: "My father was a dentist. My mother taught art. I always wanted to study architecture, but I married a lawyer who ran a paint store, so I decided to be a writer. No editor ever guessed from my detective stories that I was a woman.

I am rather proud of that since stories of that nature ought to sound he-mannish. In and asked me to go on a hunting fact, one editor once wrote a to me trip with him. I do my own housework. but because I have a goodnatured husband I do not do much of it." How many he-men writers would, even if they could, tap off all the harrowing details of a mysterious murder committed in an isolated while the cake was cooking kitchen stove and the gas man was beating. 8 tattoo on the door waiting to get in and read of accepting many handicaps in the meter? Women are still in the, position their work, but for the present they must accept them or not work at all.

Diploma Does Not Always Serve The sweet girl graduate discovers work is a privilege to which many are, called but for which few are chosen. Approximately half of the 360.000 girls graduated from high schools and colleges throughout the country in the classes of 1930 tucked away their diplomas along with the other souvenirs of school days and set forth to seek a job. For such of them as thought 8 job is just another sort of a college girl lark. there is rather rude awakening. They will find themselves well in the rear of a long waiting line made up of earnest woman workers willing to put in a full day of conscientious effort and anxious to climb toward the top without favor of their employer or boosting by other than their own push.

The 1920 census shows some 500,000 girls under the age of 25 in the difficult role of wage earners. Ten years later the number must have increased by a couple of million. Competition is only a part of the equipment that will keep the woman wage earner afloat. Bring the best there is you, including the best education you can afford. and you may find the job thought would be yours for the taking.

WEDDINGS -JONES The marriage took place recently In the manse at Dugald, of Miss Evangeline K. Jones, of Winnipeg, and Mr. James Crohier, of Oxbow, Sask. Rev. J.

R. Russell officiating The bride wore a blue georgette and lace gown, with hat to match, and carried white carnations and roses. Mr. and Mrs. Crohier will reside at Oxbow.

GLENNIE-KING June The marriage took place Saturday, 21, of Ruth, daughter of Mr. and King, 397 Beverley to Mr. James Glennie, of Winnipeg, Rev. Miller, pastor of St. Andrew's church officiating.

The bride wore blue crepe de chine and carried pink carnations and lilies of the valley. The bridesmaid, Miss Barbara Greig. wore pink crepe de chine and carried pink carnations. Mr. Arthur Unwin was best man.

Following the ceremony a very enjoyable evening was spent in songs and dancing REID- The marriage took place, Saturday afternoon at St. Matthew's Anglican church, of Hilda Josephine, elder daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Turner, of Regina, and Harold cheson Reid, elder son of Mr. and Mrs.

William Reid, of Winipeg. Archdeacon McElheran officiating. The bride, who was given in marriage by her father, wore a princess gown of satin, with full length train embroidered with seed pearls and orange blossoms. She carried A shower of roses and valley lillies. Her sister, Miss Evelyn Turner, acted as bridesmaid: wore an ensemble of yellow chiffon, with picture hat to match, and carried yellow roses.

Mr. Walter Reid WAS groomsman, and the ushers were Mr. Ivan Jenkins and John Norrie. Following the ceremony, a reception was held at the Marlborough hotel, after which Mr. and Mrs.

Reid left on an extended trip to Toronto, Boston and New York. RUSSELL-GARDINER The marriage took place at the home of Mr. Lyndsay Gardiner on Saturday, when Viva. youngest daughter of the late Mr. William Gardiner and of Mrs.

Jane Gardiner, became the bride of Mr. Willoam Russell. all of Clearwater. Rev. J.

Hunter officiating. The bride, who was given in marriage by her brother, Mr. Lyndsay Gardiner, wore a banana heart georgette gown, fashioned on long, straight lines, and carried a bouquet of cream roses and lily of the valley. The ceremony was performed under an archway centred with three large wedding bells. Two little nieces, Mary ny Gardiner and Beth Coulthard, were flower girls, and Miss Annetta Wall, also a niece of the bride, played the march.

During the signing of the wedding register Mrs Hunter sang "A Prayer." Following the marriage service the wedding breakfast was enjoyed, the bride's table being centred with A white wedding bell suspended above, secured by streamers of white satin. For travelling the bride wore a suit of Monet blue Canton crepe. Mr. and Mrs. Russell left on an extended motor trip through the West, after which they will reside on the groom's farm.

The out-of-town guests were: Mr. and Mrs. A. More, of Winnipeg; Miss McIntyre. of Winnipeg: and Mrs.

Minnie Gardiner, of Indianapolis, Indiana. a The bride is a graduate nurse of the Winnipeg General hospital. McLEAN-DOWNIE The marriage of Lila Berniece, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R.

Downie, of Stony Mountain, to Jack H. McLean, of Saskatoon, formerly of Winnipeg, was solemnized at 7 o'clock in the bride's home, June 21. Rev. Major J. A.

Beattie, assisted by Rev. J. Ashcroft, officiated. Miss Evelyne Downie, sister of the bride, presided at the piano, dur Ing the signing of the register Miss Stewart and Miss Montgomery sang. accompanied by Mr.

F. Mattnews The interior of the living-room was decorated with streamers and profusion of summer bloom. Stately palms, ferns and plants formed an alcove, wherein the cereniony was performed. bride, who was given in marriage by her father, wore princess gown of peach georgette. She wore a bandeau of seed pearls in her hair and carried bouquet of Talisman roses and valley lillies.

She was attended by her sister, Miss Ethel Downie as bridesmaid, who wore a two-toned model of tomato and lemon georgette and carried a cluster of pink carnations and valley lillies interspersed with maid hair fern. Mr. Gordon McLean acted as best REDUCE Scientifically 2 to 3 One Treatment REDUSO is scientific preparation containing the health-giving properties of the famous European health baths. Try one package in your bath; its pleasant effect will surprise you-2 to 3 lbs. reduced in one treatment, with delightfully invigorating after effect.

REDUSO treatment consists of 6 packages At all Leading Drug and Department Stores FLUID D'OR LTD. Canada and United States Thos. E. Paterson Ltd. Wholesale Distributors Winnipeg Headaches TAKE THE JOY OUT OF LIFE takes the ACHE out of HEADACHE Belter than Ordinary tablets in A FEW MINUTES HEADACHE GONE Women Call It the "Wonder Tablet" Thousands of women can tell you of the wonderful good ASCO has done for them.

When headaches come, take one or two of these tablets and within 5-10 minutes that headache is a thing of the past. and pains vanish because of the pain-soothing elements in NOW! ASCO. Contains no Narcotics -it's Harmless AF ALL man. Following the ceremony a buff wedding breakfast was served in the sun porch to 60 guests. Here quantities of summer bloom and streamers were used as decorations.

The b.idal table was centred with the wedding cake, offset with pink roses and pink candles. Pink and white streamers gave a further adornment. Later the bride changed her cd.ding attire for beige tweed suit, with sand hat of lace straw and mohair trimmings. Mr. and Mrs.

McLean left for their honeymoon trip by motor and upon their return will reside in Saskatoon. Mrs. Downie, mother of the bride. wore rose beige georgette. Mrs.

Ashcroft, mother of the groom, wore a black and white imported model and corsage of red r'os Miss Evelyne Downie wore a peach crepe de chine imported gown. Problems -ofThe Heart Dear Betty-I hope I am not taking very much space in your column, but I will try and make this as short as possible. I met the dearest man in the world and he asked me to marry him. we expect to be married some time this year. He doesn't live in the same town but he writes to me every other day, and he tells me that.

he is true to me and everything else. But Miss Vincent I know that he corresponds with a couple of girl friends; there is nothing between them but just friendship, but it kind of worries me (I am not jealous by any means). I just seem to think that he is not true to me. I think so much of it that I have lost weight. I cannot interest myself in anything and feel much happier when I am all alone.

My friends tell me it's very foolish to worry this way, but I won't be satisfied till I hear from ing to see the answer luck to HEARTED: "Broken friends are right. You are foolish indeed! Don't let this feeling of jealousy ruin your disposition or you will find that it has ruined your life as well. Dear Miss Vincent have been reading your for sometime, and now I wish you would help me solve a problem that has been troubling me for some months. Last summer I met a boy at a summer resort, while there we saw a lot of each other, and for several months after we returned to the city, then without any good reason, he stopped taking me out, now I meet this boy often at other people's houses, and he always acts as though he is very much in love with me. and I always overlook his actions toward me, and we are real good friends for the evening.

than it just goes on again, I never see or hear from him till meet him. Now Betty, I'm very much love with this boy, what is your advice. -TROUBLED. this boy's interest doesn't take him any deeper than an evening's flirtation. My advice to you is that you keep your affection for one who will better appreciate it.

Dear Betty Vincent -Please give me the benefit of the advice I think SO excellent. I am 18 years of age and am also the "little sists of two older brothers and of course patens that are beyond reproach. Now Betty I am 90 distressed as I have discovered that one of my sisters is going with a man that know my parents and family disapprove of. am afraid to tell on her for fear she might run away with him and SO ruin her life. She has threatened to do this if I cause any trouble for her.

She is 21 but doesn't to have much sense where men are concerned. Betty what do you think I had "better do? JANET. Dear Miss have never written LO you before, I am a constant reader of your column, and Hind it both beneficial and interesting. About a year ago, in auswer to someone's question, you gave a name for A very alluring perfume, one which I have often sensed when pissing people. I think the name of this perfume begins with Thanking you in advance, and wishing you every success in your column.

remain. I. M. M. -I think the name of the you inquire about it "Metsuka." It is by Gourlain, and sells for seven dollars and Afty cents an ounce.

Betty Ottawa Society OTTAWA, June 26 Sir Robert Borden will entertain at dinner on Sunday in honor of Hon. Jean Knight. Mrs. J. W.

Cochrane, of Winnipeg, was in Ottawa for the wedding of her sister, Miss May Hows, and Mr. H. Roy Atkinson, which took place. yesterday. The Lancashire Society of Winni.

peg will hold a basket picnic to Lockport, Saturday. The bus will leave from the corner St Mary's ave. and The Mall, at 2.15 sharp. FRECKLES Tells How to Rid Your Complexion of These Ugly, Rusty- Spots sister" in our household, which con- complexion. -Advt.

When a friend calls friendly el tia. de most a pa your friend a compliment 5 a qualitay SiSAL Rid RED ROSE TEA good the 108 TWO GREEN LABEL ORANGE PEKOE If you freckle easily, yet find these blemishes hard to remove, read what thousands of women do to fade out every last freckle and gain a clear, beautiful complexion. They use Othine and no dread the summer sun and winds. You, too, will find that after A few nights' use of this dainty white cream even the worst freckles have begun to disappear while the lighter ones have vanished entirely. It is seldom that more than an ounce of Othine is needed to clear the skin of these ugly blotches.

Be sure to ask at any drug or department store for Othine double strength. It's always sold with guarantee of money back if it does not remove even the worst freckles and give you a lovely, milk-white S.S. "GRAND RAPIDS" LAKE WINNIPEG CRUISES Via The Scenic Route A Continuous Panorama of Picturesque and Varied Views Selkirk to Norway House Monday to Friday and Selkirk to Big Black River -Friday to Monday LONG CRUISE SHORT CRUISE Leaving Selkirk every Leaving, Selkirk every Fri day, 1.00 p.m. for Warren's a.m for Herens Landing, Berens River, Big River, Big Black River and Black River and Norway intermediate House; calling returning at intermediate Selkirk to Selkirk Monday morning ports; returning ports; 00 0 0 to 6 o'clock. Friday morning 7.00 o'clock.

ROUND TRIP $27.00 FARE ROUND TRIP $16.00 Including meals and berth Including meals and berth CHILDREN UNDER 12 YEARS OF AGE, HALF FARE For Information and Reservations, Apply to The Manitoba Transport Co. Ltd. Phone 13. Selkirk, Manitoba, or A. CALDER General Steamship and Tour Agents 663 Main Winnipeg, Manitoba Phone 26 313 Dudsons Bay Company.

INCORPORATED 2NP MAY 1670. Other Branches at: Saskatoon, Yorkton, Edmonton, Calgary, Lethbridge, Nelson, Vernon, Kamloops, Vancouver and Victoria. Eight Amazing Opportunities for Eight Fortunate Shoppers Pianos as Low RECONDITIONED PIANOS as One of the most remarkable piano sales in a long while. Instruments thoroughly overhauled by our expert staff. Pianos seem, prices such as these no home need be without one.

BC Deferred Terms available, splendid in both outward appearance and quality. if desired. One Only One Only One Only Cremona Bell Upright Bell Upright -Fine case. Good tone. An excellent practice -Case in good condi- -Good case.

Splendid for this real tice piano piano. Be early $50 tion. Another $50 value as a prac- $35 -One Only Heintzman -One Only 6. Risch Only Asolian Uprignt- -One Only Maester- Art -One Only Newoombe Up right-In dark mahogany An- Upright- Beautifully toned pl- Lovely mahogany case, very right Another extraordinary right- Anished. In exish.

and splendid tone, Case ano, 41 condition. modern in design. Excellent value. Gracefully designed. cellent condition.

just as good as new $150 Extra ha Value, $175 tone. $225 Excellent cabinet. $275 Good tone $99.50 Only At Special, Good tone Pianos, Fourth Floor, ELECTRICAL FIXTURES Priced to Clear! One-Light Hall Lanterns Special, $3.50 -Open hall lantern 111 brown and polychrome Anish. Their installation will add dignity. SINGLE BEAM -For hall or small rooms, in Low priced.

at Kitchen Units Five-Light Drop or Without Pull $1.00 Candle Fixtures Chain Friday Special, With Pull $1.40 At $14.95 Chain Regularly $22.50. Mottled bronze or sliver finished Colonial fixtures that are distinguished by their -White glass with white simplicity of design, perfect symmetry and graceful appearance Home makers should see these before enamel holder. making final selection. LIGHTS HOT PLATES Ivory finish Complete -Large with singie-burner cord platen, nickel-anished. $2.45 Electricals, Third Floor, 65c BC On Downstairs Floor Men and Boys Economy Friday Secure Fine Quality SUMMER SPORTS CLOTHES That Are at the Same Time Dressy, Comfortable and Low Priced Extra Boys' Special, at Mexican Whoopee Pants 89c -The season's most sporty looking play pants -double stitched throughout and well from good red back black and blue denim.

They have the popular red or yellow inserts down sides, and wide bell bottoms. All have four pockets that are either bartacked or riveted. Many in this group have the favored elastic tops Ages 3 to 16 years. Boys' Khaki Drill Play 85c Men's and Boys' Grey Flannel Outing Trousers Suits, Special -Always popular, always sporty looking. Cut from -Mothers, here's the garments to keep the good finished quality with ivory flannel to buttone, belt loops, specifications usual and pockets.

well kiddies cool. yet comfortable. Sporty play suits and cuffed legs. Assorted lengths. Sizes 29 to 44.

with long legs and long sleeves. Has drop seat. men's. Boys' sizes, 10 to ivory buttons and red trimmed sport collar. 16 years.

Low Priced, at $2.45 and $2.95 Ages 3 to 8 years. Khaki Red Trimmed Men's Khaki Drill Girls' Blue and White The 'deal beach and lakeside play suit. Made with Bib Overalls Trousers Striped Bib Overalls all vacation wear use these Strong washable Made to our closed fronts, long legs, shoulder straps and two pockete. cool. long leg khaki drill overalls.

own specifications with. ivory buttons. Ages 3 Ages Ages 17 Have long shoulder straps and three belt loops. five pockets and cuffed to 75c to 16 to 20 95c $1.25 pockets. Ages 3 to 8 years.

50c legs in assorted lengths Special Sizes 29 to 44. Pair $1.50 Downstairs Economy Floor, BC GROCERIES RIES GROCETERIA JDIAL BISCUITS Weston's, assorted, seven vari4-lb. box eties. Extra Special, 89c BISCUITS--Weston's Molasses or Ginger fresh and 2 Ibs. crisp.

Per 15c 28c FLOUR BC Seal of Qualitybag 98-1b $3.85 hag 49-Jb. $1.95 bag 24-1b. $1.03 high class JAM Specially priced Strawberry Currant. Raspberry 56-oz. or tin Black 53c MARMALADE Pineapple Per Stuart's, tin 56-oz tin 49c RAISINS--California seedics: Del Monte, 15-oz pkt.

Pet pkt. 14c: 4 for 50c RED RIVER CEREAL -Break fast food, pkt. 5-1b. 49c pkt. 2-1b.

23c CORN STARCH--Canada brand. Per. pkt, 10c; for 1-lb. pkt. 3 29c CUSTARD POWDER Brown and Polson's, tinported, 1-lb pkt Per 19c; 2 for 36c SMELLED ALMONDS- -Finest Per Ib Valencia.

55c POTATOESFIRM Regularly. per 90-Ib. bas per bag $3.95 Special. $2.99 STANDARD BEEF Per Ib. Porterhours Roast Beef- 39c Per 1h Wing Roast af Beef- 37c Per ib Deep Sirloin Roast Beef- 32c Prime Rib Roast BeetPer iD 31c Rump Roast of Best -Whole.

Pet 27c Hip Roast of. Beef. Per to. 29c Round Shoulder' Roast BeefPer 15 20c Chuck Roast of BeefPer 1b VEAL Shoulder Roast Fresh Kilted Veal-Per 1b. 19c Chum: Roast Fresh Killed Veal -Per lb.

26c Per. lb Loin of Fresh Killed Veal28c Fillet of Fresh Killed VealPer 30c FRESH CAUGHT FISH Fresh Caugnt Lake Winnipen Pickeret-Filleted. Per 29c Mild Cured Chicken HaddissPer Special, 121c Slices. Per 16. 38c Per Fresh Caught Halibut35c Fresh Caught HalibutSliced.

Per 37c Fresh Caught Whitefish- -Cleaned per scaled. 16c Pet Fresh Caught B.C, Salmon36c Fresh Caught 6.C. Salmon- CAKES value, Mocha, large, extra 25c TEA BC Red Packet, the old duced to. per lb. reliable blend.

Re50c CATSUP- Heinz, delicious Per bottle mato, large bottle. 26c VEGETABLE SOUP Clark's, per tin, 10c; for 6 55c PEACHES Sliced or halves, Del Monte, No. 2 tin. Per tin. 26c: 4 for $1.00 CHERRIES--Ontario, red pitted, Red tin Per tin.

2 for Rock brand. No. 48c JELLY POWDERS- brand. sorted flavors pits. 4 30c CORN FLAKESPer tor 3.

29c CORN a -Golden Bantam. Bantam brand. No. tit. a Per tin, 3 for 55c PEAS Manitoba 3, Old product.

Kildonan No brand. tin Per tin. 18c tor 3 52c FRENCH GREEN BEANS Haricr Per Verts, tin. fancy 23c quality 3 to: 65c BUTTER Hitterest Creamery, 1-15. print freshly churned.

33c Block 97c 1 large size pkt. CHEESE-Ingersol Cream. No. 21c No. medium- sized packets tor 2 25c one year Did Full flavor.

Per 1b. 35c Groceries, Downstairs Economy Floor, 6 VEGETABLE SPECIAL 35c 5 the Old Potatoes, Arm; 1 Bunen Carrots, 5 ibs. Fresh Rhubarb Corn- -Del Maiz, Golden Milk- evaporCorn. ated, tall No. 2 tin tin 16c 11c Spaghetti In sauce, Tea -Blue Ribbon.

Red Heinz, tins Label. medium 2 for 25c 1-lb. pkt. 47c Peanut Butter -Squirrel, Corn FlakesNo. 1 lever Post 3 pkts.

top tin 15c Toasties for 25c -In heavy syrup, Aylmer. Per tin 23c Apricots-Del Monte, No. 1 tall tin 19c Fruit Salad -Libby's, No. 1 tall tin 25c Jam-Stuart's, Strawberry, 56-oz. tin 45c Orange Marmalade-Empress, 56-oz.

tin 36c Salmon -Clover Leaf, Sockeye, halves, 2 tins 45c Sauce- the famous brand. Per bottle Tomato Catsup-Aylmer brand, 12-oz. bottle 17c Jelly Powders Blue Ribbon, 5 pkts. 25c Biscuits- -Sweet Mixed, 1-lb. box Buns--Currant or lemon.

Per dozen 15c Raising--California, seedless, 2 lbs. .1. 22c Cleanser -Royal Crown, 3 cans Soap Flakes -Princess, large pkt. 18c Free package with each purchase. Groceteria, Downstairs Economy Floor, BC Fruits and Vegetables NEW POTATOES- Ibs.

EXTRA SPECIAL 4 for 25c SALAD SPECIAL 17cl 4-Ib. Ripe Tomatoes. Bunch each of Lettuce, Radish. Green Unions, California Valencia Oranges--Per doz 49c 57c 67c Fancy Special. Rips 214 Bananas- 25c HBC MEATS 'FISH HBC RED RIBBON BEEF Is the finest beet produced.

Ribbon Beef you will receive is different. not to be your next steak or roast be Per Brisket lb. of Rec Ribbon Beet- 18c Chuck Roast of Red Ribbon Beef-Per lb. 22c Beef -Per lb. Prime Rit Roast Red Ribbon 36c Pe It Hip Roast Red Ribbon Beef- 34c Beef Deep -Per Sirisin Roast Red Ribbon 39c When you purchase BC Red quality and you will know that its equalled by any other beef Let BC Red Ribbon Beef Porterhouse Roast Red Ribbon Beef Per lb.

46c Ribbon Shoulder Beef--Per Roast ID. Red 23c Thick Rib Roast Red Ribbon -Per 1b. 25c Beef Rump Whole. Roast Red Per lb. Ribbon 33c Wing Roast of Red Ribbon Beef--Per lb.

44c Shoulder of Pork- Leg of Pork Loin of Pork lh. 25c Ib. lb. Per Per Per 30c 35c Brisket of Beef--Boned and Per rolled. 22c of -Per ib.

Bonciess Rolled Roast 28c of Veal--Per lb. Boneless Rolled Roast 28c Fancy Ripe Cantaloupes Special, each. 19c And 25c Fancy Table Piums-Special. per 23c. Per square basket 89c Imported, New Green Cabbage-0 lbs.

-22c Fresh Asparagus, Peas Beans bers. New Carrots. New Beets, Fancy Celery. Head Lettuce, etc. Fruits and Vegetables, Downstairs Economy Fisor, If you are planning a week- motor trip these values will appeal to you.

Cooked Ham-Sliced. Pet lb. 59c Roasted Chicken With Dressing -Per lb. 50c Cooked Corned Beef.Sliced. Per lb.

24c Peamealed Back BaconSliced. Per lb. 52c Mild Cured Picnic HamsShankless. Per ib. 29c Bologna -Sliced.

Per ib. 20c Mild Cured Smoked Hams- -Whole or half. Per lb. 35c Smoked Cottage RollsPer 1b. 35c MEATETERIA-CARRY-AND-SAVE Cambridge SausagePer lb.

17c Mild Cured Breakfast Baconpacket Sliced, per 19c Meateteria. Downstairs Economy Floor, BC 1930 SPRING LAMB Leg of Spring LambPer 1b. 38c Per Loin lb. of Spring Lamb- 36c Shoulder of LambPer lb. 25c Choice No.

1 Roasting Chickens Per to tb. 5-1b average. 38c Fresh Killed Spring BroilersPer 15. 42c Per Choice Manitoba Geese21c Meats and Fish. Downstairs Economy Floor, 8.

The Winnipeg Tribune from Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada (2024)
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Name: Ouida Strosin DO

Birthday: 1995-04-27

Address: Suite 927 930 Kilback Radial, Candidaville, TN 87795

Phone: +8561498978366

Job: Legacy Manufacturing Specialist

Hobby: Singing, Mountain biking, Water sports, Water sports, Taxidermy, Polo, Pet

Introduction: My name is Ouida Strosin DO, I am a precious, combative, spotless, modern, spotless, beautiful, precious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.