The Spokesman-Review from Spokane, Washington (2024)

were American Smelting and Otis Elevator, which touched new peaks, and General Electric which had an extreme gain of points. These issues, along with many others, relinquished a fair portion of their advances in the late dealings. MONEY AND EXCHANGE. NEW YORK. Sept.

11. Par. Tues Wed. Britain, pound Great, Demand $4.86 3-16 $4.86 1-16 Cables 4.86 19-32 4.80 7-16 France, frano 19.30 Demand 3.92% 3.92⅛ Cables 3.92% 3.92% Italy, lira 19.30 Demand 5.44½ 5.44½ Cables 6.45 5.45 Belgium, belga 12.90 Demand 13.92 13.93 Germany, mark 23.80 Demand 23.80½ 23.80¼ Holland. guilder 40.20 Demand 40.05% 40.05% Norway, krone 26.80 Demand 26.41 26.39 Sweden, krona 26.30 26.89 26.88½ Demand Denmark, krone 26.30 Demand 26.76½ 26.76 Switzerland.

19.30 Demand 10.28 4 19.27% Spain, peseta 19.30 Demand 17.35 17.33 Greece, drachma 19.30 Demand 1.32½ Poland, zloty 19.30 Demand 11.20 11.20 20.26 Demand 2.96¼ 2.96¼ dinar 19.30 Demand 1.76 1.76 Austria, schilling 14.67 Demand 14.08 14.08 Rumania, leu 19.30 Demand .62 Argentina, peso 42.44 Demand 42.81% 43.25 Brazil, mitrets 82.45 Demand 11.89 11.87½ Japan, yen 49.35 Demand 46.40 46.56½ Shanghai. tael Demand 62.25 62.00 Montreal. dollar .100.00 Demand 100.09% 100.10 15-16 Foreign exchanges, steady. Call money, steady; all loans. 4 loans per cent; closing per cent; time steady; mixed collateral, 60 to 90 days, per cent; 4 to 6 months.

per cent; prime mercantile paper, per cent. LONDON, Sept. 21. Money, per cent; discount rates, short bills, per cent; three months' bills. 45-16 per cent.

COFFEE FUTURES. NEW YORK, Sept. 21. (A.P.)--Cotfee futures were Irregular today, with near months easier under liquidation, while later delivertes held steady in sympathy with Brazil. December sold off from 12.300 to 12.20c and closed nt the lowest.

The general market opened 5 pointa lower to 10 higher and closed net 20 points lower to 2 points higher. Estimated sales, 71.000 bags. Closing quotations: September, 13.60c; December, 12.20c; January, 12.10c: March. 11.95c: May, 11.80c; July, 11.77c; September (1928), 11.67c. Spot coffee-Stendy: Rio 7e, to Santos 48, to DRIED FRUITS.

NEW YORK. Sept. 21. (A.P.)-Dried fruits and hops -Unchanged. STOCK MARKET TREND IS DOWN Bears' Continued Hammering at Pivotal Shares Brings Decline in Prices.

GENERAL MOTORS DOWN Several Publie Utilities Close: at Best Figures for the Year. Wednesday Tuesday AgO Year AgO High, 1927 Low. 1927 Total stock sales. 20 Ind. 20 Rails.

177.36 147.63 177.42 147.96 178.88 148.26 142.08 125.19 179.06 149.56 141.23 125.58 2,264,300 shares. NEW YORK, Sept. 21. -Prices of stocks moved erratically In today's market, giving it a decidedly ragged appearance. Heavy selling pressure was directed intervals against many of the recent leaders.

The bears, however, did not press down the pivotal stocks without sistance. The General Motors issues, for Instnace, had periods of strength when they sold above yesterday's closing figures, and steel common at one time had a gain of two points. At the close General Motors old stock WAS down to and the new at with net losses of and 2 points respectively. selling of General Motors in the late dealings dragged down some other automotive issues and accessory shares. particularly Timken Roller Bearing, accompanied by weakness in such outstanding stocks as Du Pont, Allied Chemical and several of the recently buoyant copper issues.

Several of the public utilities continued to give good account of themselves, American Water Works, Commonwealth Power, American Power Light and a few others selling at their best prices of the year. Food shares were also in demand, especially Purity Baking A which reached AL new peak and 1927 maximums were attained by a few mercantile issues. Some of the high-priced shares which displayed moments of strength CHAMBER MEET BIDS MANY Prominent Men From State Asked to Attend National Session. SEATTLE, Sept. 21.

Pant number prominent men from parts of the state have been invited to attend a meeting of the national chamber of commerce at West Baden Springs, October 15 to 18. Their names, announced here today, follow: W. W. Briggs, Aberdeen; P. E.

Healy, A. W. Deming, Bellingham; C. P. Kimball, Bremerton; L.

C. Lukins, Colfax; Loren D. Sparks, Ellensburg: T. H. Bowden, S.

Aldrich, Everett: E. W. Daniels, Frank H. Lamb, Hoquiam; H. H.

Rock, Copeland, Longview; J. W. Briskey, Mount Vernon: H. C. Flagg, Hance H.

Cleland, Olympia. F. J. Cullen, W. A.

Linklater, Puyallup: Edward F. Medley, George D. Schofield, J. W. Spangler, F.

J. Martin, Seattle; F. S. Fulwller, John F. Davies, Seaman, Spokane: T.

A. Stevenson, J. F. Hickey, Tacoma; F. A.

Wiggins, Toppenish; Lewis Shattuck, Vancouver; R. E. Allen, Frank M. Lowden, Walla Walla, and A. H.

Huebner and L. B. Kelly, Yakima. SPOKANE, WASH. REGULARS' VOTE REDUCED Nominate Entire Slate in Philadelphia G.

O. P. Primary. PHILADELPHIA, Sept. 21.

(AP)-- virtuality complete but unofficial returns of the primary held yesterday show that the regular republicans nominated their entire slate of candidates, but with greatly reduced majorities, compared with the usual large vote rolled up by the organization. high vote polled by J. Hampton Moore, independent candidate for the mayoralty nomination against Harry A. Mackey, successful candidate, as a protest against the present leadership in the republican party of Philadelphia, startled some of the organization leaders and rendered most of them silent on the result. Mackey was campaign manager for Senator -elect William S.

Vare last Yealickey's plurality over Moore, was 74,002, according touthe unofficial returns. The total was Mackey, Moore, 151,930. Want Intervention at Trial. WASHINGTON, Sept. 21.

(AP) Urgent representations for intervention by Mexican federal authorities in the trial at Guadalajara growing out of the murder of Arthur Brewer, an American citizen, on June 1 have been made to the foreign office by the American embassy in Mexico City on instructions from the state department. New York Stock Exchange Quotations 21. (A.P.)-- Not Clog. NEW YORK. Sept.

Sales. High. Low. Last. Che.

Bid. Abltibl Power Paper 600 1084 108 Straus 1300 92 89 90 Abraham Rumely 700 11 11 11 Advance Advance Rumely pid 700 36 33 85 33 Rubber 3200 8 Ajax Dye 5700 162 160 160 159 Al Chem Chalmers Mfg 500 113 Allie Amerada Corporation 4500 29 30 Chem pid 300 47 46 47 46 Am Agri Am Bosch Magneto 1300 23 23 23 American Can 84700 61 American Chicle 500 63 64 American Drug 8yn 5000 Am Foreign Power 22700 26 27 Am Internat 500 54 53 54 63 American Linseed 1900 51 48 48 American Metal Co 400 43 American Plano 700 34 34 34 Am Power Light 21500 66 63 American Bafety Razor 600 49 49 49 49 Am Smelting Ret 21600 180 179 American Steel Fdra 3200 63' 62 53 American Sugar Refining 2600 93 92 American Tel Tel 5300 176 176 Anaconda Copper 8600 48 48 Armour Co of Ill 21400 11 9 10 10 Armour Co of 111 8300 6 1 Armour Co of Ill pfd 1200 67 66 6 65 Associated Dry Goods 3900 51 60 50 At. Top Santa Fe 2400 194 193 Atlantic Refining 4600 121 119 Baldwin Locomotive 700 252 252 Baltimore Ohio 20300 121 121 Barnsdall Corp 2800 23 23 23 Best Company 7500 66 65 55 Bethlehem Steel 2700 63 62 Briggs Mfg Company 6000 21 21 Burns Brothers 800 107 106 106 Burns Brothers 300 Bush Terminal 700 60 60 60 60 Byers Co (A M) 10100 78 80 By- co*ke 800 79 79 79 78 California Packing 2000 66 66 65 California Petroleum 2300 21 22 22 Cal Ariz Mining 2300 76 75 75 75 Canada Dry Ginger Ale 2400 55 54 Canadian Pacific 2400 Corro de Pasco Copper 2800 67 64 64 -teed Producte 1600 49 48 Chesapeake Corporation 3700 74 74 74 Chesapeake Ohio 4600 198 196 197 197 Chicago East Ill pid 1100 80 79 79 79 Chicago Gt Western pid 2300 30 Chicago, Mil St Paul 900 18 18 17 Chi, Mil St ctfs 900 17 Chi North Western 6800 94 Chi Rock Island Pao 1200 109 109 109 108 Chile Copper 7200 36 36 Chrysler Corporation 16600 69 68 58 City Stores 600 50 49 60 49 City Stores 600 61 50 50 50 Cluett Pea body 700 74 74 73 Coca Cola 600 127 126 4 126 126 Colorado Fuel Iron 3400 Columbia Gas El 1200 Columbia Carbon 600 794 79 Commonwealth Power 9800 63 6 2 14 621 Congoleum-Nairn 21800 25 Consolidated Cigar 1600 83 81 81 81 Consolidated Gas 8800 119 118 Consolidated Textile 1800 4 4 Continental Baking pid 4100 92 Continental Can 1300 72 Continental Motors 1500 10 10 1 Corn Products 3800 58 58 1 58 Crucible Steel 1200 911 Cudaby Packing 12200 56 54 55 Davison Chemical 5200 37 36 Delaware Hudson 1200 208 206 208 Del, Lack Western 1900 136 133 135 135 Dodge Brothers 2200 19 18 18 18 Dodge pid 3300 70 Dome Mines 3200 10 10. Dunhill International 18700 56 59 Du Pont de Nemours 5900 337 331 331 13 330 Eaton Axle Spring 1000 28 28 Electric Auto Lite 3600 99 4 Electrio Boat 8600 18 Elec Power Light 6000 26 26 El Power Light pf4 4600 Electric Refrigeration 8600 13 Eng Public Service 600 84 Erie Railroad 4600 61 61 60 Erie First preferred 1800 61 60 60 Erie Steam Shovel 1000 32 Eureka Vacuum 3100 70 71 71 Federal Light Tract 2700 41 42 First National Stores 1000 28 29 Flak Rubber 4400 18 18 Flelschmann Company 4900 63 62 Foundation Company 2300 47 48 Fox Film 200 66 66 66 Freeport -Texas 4200 81 Gabriel Snubber 6800 43 Gen Gas El 1000 40 39 39 89 General Asphalt 5000 75 General Electrie 14500 136 136 General Motors 32500 271 266 Gen Outdoor Adv etfs 700 521 62 62 General Railway Signal 600 143 142 141 Gimbel Brothers 3600 56 54 64 Gold Dust 5200 681 14 68 67 Goodrich (B F) Co 12500 1 80 81 Granby Consol Mines 1000 37 36 36 36 Great Nor Ir Ore ctfs 11000 27 Great Northern Ry pid 2400 102 101 Great Nor Ry pid etfs 2600 100 100 100 Great West Sugar 7100 44 43 43 Greene Cananea Copper 8600 76 74 73 Gulf, Mobile 1400 70 69 69 Gulf States Steel 600 43 43 Hartman Corporation 700 23 Household Products 2600 621 62 61 Houston Oll 7900 1524 1484 148 Howe Sound Company 5100 41 41 41 Hudson Motor Car 8700 Illinole Central 1700 136 136 Independent Oil Gas 2300 20 21. Indian Refining 1000 114 Indian Refining atta 2400 11 11 Int Business Mach 1000 93 92 92 International Cement 1800 671 50 Int Combustion Eng 13000 49 4 491 Internat Harvester Co 1500 227 208 Int.

Mere Marine pid 2600 381 International Nickel 28300 70 70 70 International Paper 2200 64 533 International Tel Tel 3000 1534 Int Trta (exp Oct 5) 16000 6 Kan City Southern Ry 2700 66 65 65 Knyser (J) Co 2000 611 60 Kelly Tire 42300 30 Kennecott Copper 4200 75 MORNING, SEPTEMBER 22, 1927. THURSDAY 14 THE REPORT $275 GOLD ORE Sample From Four-Foot Streak, Says Owner. A six-pound piece of ore, taken as grab sample from a four-foot A streak in the 14-foot vein on the 50- of the Princess mine at foot level Orient, contained 13.68 ounces of gold of silver ton and 7.44 ounces and .96 per cent copper, according to states George W. Larner, a an assay, Wenatchee. This indistockholder, cates a gross value of about $275 to the ton.

Larner is a former sampler of Mr. British Columbia and United States through the customs at ores passing Northport. METALS. NEW YORK, Sept, 21. CopperSteady; electrolytic, spot and futures, 13.25c, and nearby, NoTin--Easy: spot vember.

$60.50. -Steady and unchanged. Lead- -Steady; spot, 6.26c. Zine- Quiet: East St. Louis, spot and futures, 6.20 6.25c.

LONDON, Sept. 21. Standard Antimony--Spot. 10.75c. copper- electrolytic, £62 5s; futures.

62 105. -Spot, £54 158; futures. £55 26 6d: spot, Spot, £278 178 6d; futures, £274 Tin178 6d. -Spot, £21 1 10g; futures. £22.

Zinc-Spot and futures, £27 28 6d. SUGAR. SAN FRANCISCO, Sept. 21, (A.P.)California and Hawaiian and western sugar, refined. 60.

NEW YORK, Sept. 21, (A.P.) -Although there were no sales In the raw sugar market early today, the undertone waS firmer, and offerings were light and only at higher levels. Some nearby Philipwere reported to be available on pines the basis of 4.83c, with Cuban held at 4.86c. The only change in the refined sugar situation was a better withdrawal demand, with prices unchanged at 5.90g to 6.10c for fine granulated. TURPENTINE AND ROSIN.

SAVANNAH, Sept. 21. (A.P.)Turpentine, firm, sales, 884 cks; receipts, 949 cka; shipments, 1720 cks; stocks, 26,257 cks. Rosin-Firm: sales, 1923 bris: receipts, 3404 bris; shipments, 145 bris; stock, 125,598 bris. Quote -B, F.

$8.30: $8.30 8.35: M. N. $8.55 9.60; WG, WW, $11 11.25; $11.25. FLAXSEED. DULUTH, Sept.

21. (A.P.)Close: Flax- September, $2.20 October, $2.20 November, December, GENERAL, ADVERTISING. F. Hachez Co. Member Standard Stock Exchange.

1001 Paulsen Bldg. Phone Main 3921. WILL BUY (Subject) WILL SELL 3000 Am Com, 1000 Ajax, 1000 Ajax, 2000 Alameda, 2 100 Callahan, $1.47 5000 Cop King. 2000 Dickens, 15 1000 Dickens, 1000 Goldsmith, 1500 Blue Eagle, 2000 Lucky Jim, 28 2000 Goldsmith, 1000 Leadsmith, 5000 Lead Blos, 500 Mex Prem, 50 1000 Lucky Jim, 29 1000 Mont-Ida, 1000 Leadsmith. 2000 Slo King.

2000 Richmond, 1000 Tamarack, 1000 Slo King, 2000 Sherman, 5000 Hunter. NATIONAL GOLD CORPORATION. The financing of the full development program, now in progress and as planned, about completed. Very little treasury stock remains to be sold and we certainly advise the immediate purchase of as much of this stock as you can comfortably buy at this time. Remember, the stock is nonassessable.

The capitalization is low. only 1.500.000 shares, of which 300,000 shares are to remain in the treasury. No debts to bother. No big overhead expense, and the big work of driving the new tunnel la now going ahead. A few months more and ore shipments of large tonnage should be goIng forth regularly.

Mining men who have seen the property predict better than $1 per share stock at that time. They have got the ore, lots of it--and they have the determination to get it out just as early 88 possible. This la bound to be one of the big mines of the country. Call on us for details and terms. COMPANY TREAT MINING AS BUSINESS AND YOU WILL FIND IT IS NOT A GAMBLE AND SEATTLE We Invite the Most Searching Investigation Into the possibilities of GOTCONDA LEAD MINES AB an investment.

It presents an extremely rare combination of MERIT and GOOD MANAGEMENT. Northwest Mines Investment Co. 705 Sprague Ave. Phone Main 3196, Members Spokane, Standard Stock Washington. Exchange of Spokane.

CITY AND COUNTY RECORDS MARRIAGE LICENSES, Charles, Cecil Pauline Crowley Agnes (26), Spokane. (33), Spokane Tony Zarouke Solomon (22), Kasparin Bridge, and Spokane Bridge. (20), Latah, and Mary E. Butler Floyd R. Jarvis, Tekoa.

J. A. Johansen (42), Spokane, and Anna Parton (36), Spokane. SUPERIOR COURT. IN THE -Edwards BradNew Co.

versus L. J. Posfisil, suits filed ford Lumber $590 damages to auto. Lewis A. K.

Thayer versus $147 on note. Thompson, versus Harry A. Brady; Billy Brady divorce. Farnsworth versus Elwyn Earl F. Daniels; $123 commission on (Cop) service station deal.

INDEX TO CLASSIFIED ADVERTIsem*nTS number in classiTurn arrangement is in 11 d- to corresponding fled pages where merical order. "Auditors 35 Accountants, 669 to 681 Acre Tracts 24 Agents Wanted 315 to 318 Apartments 424 Artificial Limbs 540 Astrologers 147 Attorneys at Law 75 Auctioneers Auction Sales 103 Auto Agencies 104 Automobiles for Sale 106 Auto Trucks for Sale 116 Auto Accessories and Parts 117 Body Repairing 121 Auto Batteries Auto Fender and Auto Painting 123 Auto Radiators 126 Auto Storage 122 Auto Tops Wanted 110 Autos and Trucks- 119 Autos to Rent 137 Auto Welding Repairing 119 Auto Speedometer Baths 15 Beauty Schools 14 Beauty Shops 128 288 to 207 Bicycles Board Offered 634 Business Opportunities 691 Business Property Card of Thanks 84 Cast -Off Clothing--Wanted Cared For 296 Children 485 Chiropodists 690 to 693 City Property 366 Coal Collection Agencies 162 Academies 38 Dancing Deaths 46 Dentists Dressmaking and Sewing Drugless Physicians 475 Educational 36 Electrical Machinery 94 Electrical Service 51 Employment Agencles 25 Farm Lands 651 to 660 Florists Found 10 Foundries 98 Fresh Food Products 61 Funerals Fuel Dealers 366 Furniture 65 Furniture Repairing 66 for Rent 848 Garages Harness and Saddlery 189 Cleaning. Blocking 417 Hay and Feed 177 Hat Help Wanted 20 to 26 Help--Investment Required Horses and Vehicles 183 498 Hotels 306 Hospitals Houses for Rent 327 to 830 House Movers 637 Housewives' Supplies 51 In Memoriam Junk Shops 89 Live Stock 175 Lost Machinery 93 to 100 Machinery Manufacturers 99 Maternity Homes 491 Massage 19 Mattress and Feathers 70 Midwives 486 Mines and Mining 243 60 Miscellaneous Miscellaneous Wanted 63 Miscellaneous includes scores of offers not found in other classifications. Miscellaneous Repairing 135 Money to to 236 Money--Wanted to Borrow 237 Monuments Model Makers 97 Motorcycles 128 Musical Instruction 44 Musical Instruments 42 Notices 634 Offices to Rent 339 Osteopaths 474 Partners Wanted 636 Patenta 150 Personals 12 Pete -Dogs, Birds, etc. 171 Physicians and Surgeons Piano Movers Plants, Bulbs and Seeds 58 Plating and Resilvering 101 Poultry 174 Printing 372 Public Stenographers 33 Rabbits and Hares 173 Radios 41 Real Estate 640 to 705 Rental 287 to 364 Residence Property--For Sale 690 Resort Property 684 Room 303 to 312 Rooms and Board- Offered 297 Rooms and Board- -Wanted 300 Rubber Stamps and Seals 384 and Carpet Weaving 68 Rug and Carpet Cleaning 69 Rug Salesmen Wanted 23 Sanitariums 501 Safes and Locks 396 32 Sewing Schools 37 to 40 GENERAL ADVERTISING.

GENERAL ADVERTISING. Ofris investment soon gives you an independent income When you put your money in Cities Service Common stock you are putting it to work at good pay. In the last 17 years owners of this sound security have been paid 179 monthly dividends totalling more than $88,000,000 in cash, stock or Lakeside power the equivalent. station of the ofthe Lorain Ohio Division Pub- By investing regularly in this lic Service Cities Service security you can create an insubeidiary, vestment capital that will work hard and soon provide for you an independent income. At the present price of Cities Service Common stock, an investment in it yields you over in cash and stock dividends.

HENRY L. DOHERTY COMPANY e-0 Spokane Gas Fuel Co. Branches in Principal Citles H. L. Doherty Co.

Spokane Gas Fuel Co. Name Please send me, without about obligation, Cities particulars Service AddressCommon stock and the $650,000,000 Cities Service organization. (144C-00) INDEX TO CLASSIFIED ADVERTIsem*nTS Continued. Mines and Mining TO ERECT MILL ON OWYHEE GOLD Equipment Being Hauled for ver City Mine, Owned by Coeur d'Aleners. USE DIRECT FLOTATION Expect 90 Per Cent RecoveryAmalgamation to Be Employed on Surface Ore.

"The Owyhee Gold Mining company, having property near Silver City, Owyhee county, Idaho, has purchased the machinery and is freighting in lumber for the construction of a mill and bunk houses, according to John B. Platts, general manager," says a report from Ravenel Macbeth, secretary of the Idaho Mining association. "Mr. Platts is also the engineer in charge of the Ajax Mining company at Burke in the Coeur d'Alenes. Stock in the Owyhee Gold is owned by Coeur d'Alene interests.

of 50 Tons Capacity, "The new mill will be of 50 tons daily capacity and the process will be direct flotation crushing to 200 mesh, plus the standard method for the treatment of ores similar to those found in the Owyhee Gold. The recovery should be above 90 per cent. For the present amalgamation plates, in addition to the flotation process, will be used for the treatment of the surface ores, the values in which are mainly of free gold. main drift is in 800 feet. with 400 feet of backs the face, and the management estimates more than 20,000 tons of ore in sight, with an average value of $25 to the ton.

Report Some $1000 Ore. "Last winter, during development work, in addition to the milling ore, a streak of high grade, one to two inches wide, running $2000 to the ton, was sacked and shipped. This streak, in a four- face, is now four inches in width and exceeds $1000 in value. The rest of the face averages about $40, according to the management. "This property will have an annual payroll of at least will quire about $15,000 in mine and mill supplies annually, and as the miner produces nothing he consumes.

will be valuable market for the producer of farm products." DAIRY PRODUCTS. CHICAGO, Sept. 21. (A.P.) -ButterUnchanged; receipts, 3461 tuba. Eggs- receipts, 7397 cases.

SAN FRANCISCO, Sept. United States department of agriculture net wholesale prices: Butter-92 score, 47c: 90 score, Eggs--U. S. No. 1 extras, 400; do medium, 33c; do small, 19c.

Cheese--California fancy flats, 0. NEW YORK, Sept. 21. (A.P.) -ButterSteady to firm; receipts, 11.747 tubs. Creamery, higher than extras, creamery extras, 92 score, 48c; creamery firsts, 88 to 91 score, 41 Eggs Firm; receipts, 19,849 cases: fresh gathered extra firsts, nearby hennery whites, closely selected extras, near-by and near-by western hennery whites, firsts to average extras, 39 57c; near-by hennery browns, extras.

55c; Pacific coast whites, extras, do firsts, 42 56 SEATTLE, Sept. 21. (A.P.) -ButterCartons, 48c; cubes, 45c. -Extras, 43c: standards, 43c: mixed standards, 39c: mediums, 32c; mixed mediums, 30c. PORTLAND, Sept.

11. (A.P.)Dairy exchange, net prices: Butter- Extras, standards, 44c; prime firsts, firsts, Eggs--Extras, 380; firsts, 32c; pullets, 32c: current receipts, 29c; undersized. PORTLAND HAY. PORTLAND, Sept. 21.

(A.P.)Hay--Buying prices: Eastern Oregon timothy, $20 21; do, valley, $16.50 cheat, alfalfa, $17; oat hay, $13 straw, $7 per ton. Selling prices $2 a ton more, RUBBER. NEW YORK, Sept. 21. (A.P.)closed barely steady; September, 83.20c; December, 33.10c; March, 33.60c.


Natl. Bank Bldg. Members Standard Stock Exchange. Phone Main 1181. The market seems to have definitely turned the corner.

Weak holders appear to be quite thoroughly sold out, WANTED 1000 to 3000 Kootenay-Florence, 1000 to 6000 Gladstone. 500 to 1000 Mexican Premier, 63 1000 to 3000 Slocan King, 12 1000 to 2000 Stratton, 44 1000 to 5000 Goldsmith, No afternoon markets balance of week account of National Air Races. L.T. COINC. SPORANI STOCK N6 Wall.

Main 1763. WILL BUY (Subject) WILL SELL 1000 Stratton, 45 1000 Stratton, 48 500 Tamarck, 1000 Tamarack, 25 2000 Cedar Crk, ofr 500 Mont-Ida, 61 500 Mont-Ida, 45 1000 Sherman, 2000 Sherman, 12 1000 Dickens, both issues 8 WWP cm, $178 SPOKANE EASTERN TRUST CO. WIll buy 1-10 shares at $100 Will sell 1-10 shares at $103 H. A. PEBLES 505-6 Eagle Bldg.

Main 5602. Member Standard Stock Exchange of Spokane. WILL BUY WILL SELL (Sub.) 1000 Ajax, 2000 Am Boy, bid 2000 Dickens, 14 2000 Dickens, 15 2000 Koot-Flor, 2000 Goldsmith, 10 2000 Leky Jim, 2000 Gladstone, 16 1000 Richmond, 13 500 Mont-Ida, 48 2000 Bloc King, 1000 Richmond, 15 1000 Silvramth, 3000 Sloe King, 13 SPOKANE STOCK EXCHANGE ROOMS. W523 First Ave. Main 1348.

WM. F. DEVLIN JR. co. STRATTON MINES should be bought at market.

We recommend this lasue as we did SUNSHINE. F. D. FORD 1012 Paulsen Blk. Phone Main 4087 WILL BUY (SubJ.) WILL SELL (Subj.) 1000 Tamarack, 22 1000 McGillivray, 83 2000 Cedar 1500 Goldsmith, 2000 Chloride ofr 2000 Dickens 15 1000 Sherman 100 Hecla, 15.60 1500 Gladstone, 500 37 3000 Lucky Jim, 1000 Ajax, 1-25

$176 1000 Nabob, 1500 600 Golconda, EDWIN LAVIGNE Co. Members Standard Stock Exchange. 401 Jamieson Bldg. Phone Main 3341. We believe the purchase of Slocan King, Dickens, Tamarack and Mexican Premier at present low prices will prove profitable.

WILL buy or sell at 8 close market STANDARD STOCK EXCHANGE Movements on the Standard exan the change on advance yesterday of were Montana-Idaho featured to 45, by gain of 9' cents. Purchases of a shares were made at 36 to 46 and of 11,500 Slocan King at 11 to Bunker Hill brought $106, a new high on this board, and closed at Gains $104.50, were a gain made of 59, Gladstone, Jim, Sidney, Sherman, Silversmith, Sunshine and Power common, and losses were suffered by Jack Waite and Premier Gold. At the one session yesterday, the sales aggregated 34,543 shares, value 937, as follows: Bunker Hill, 5 at Gladstone, 1000 at 15, 1000 1000 at Goldsmith, at 10; Hecla, 100 at $15; Mexican Premier, 100 at 55; McGillivray, 2500 at MontanaIdaho, 1300 at 36, 3000 at 39, 2000 at 4500 at 40, 1000 at 41, 500 at 42, 1000 at 45, 500 at 46; New World Life, 11 at Richmond, 1000 at 14; Silversmith, 1500 at Slocan King, 500 at 11, 2000 at 12, 4000 at 4000 at 1000 at W. W. P.

15 at $177, 2 at $176; W. W. P. 10 at $104.50. The closing prices were: Listed Stocks.

Bid. Asked. Ajax Ambergris .02 American Commander 03 B. C. Silver 1.00 1.60 Bunker Hill' 104.50 110.00 Caledonia 2.03 Callahan Zine-Lead 1,40 1.60 Constitution .19 .35 Cork Province .05 .08 Dickens .14 4 Dunwell .30 .60 Douglas .03 Falcon .37 .42 Gladstone Mountain 6 Goldsmith Hecla 15.00 16.50 Highland-Surprise.

.11 Hypotheek .03 Internat'l Coal .22 Independence Lead .03 .04 Jack Waite .10 .15 Leadsmith .05 Lucky Jim .30 Marsh Consolidated .01 Mexican Premier .63 .56 Montana Idaho .45 .48 McGillivray Creek .80 .85 New World Life 11.50 13.00 Premier Gold 2.15 2,35 Richmond Yukon .17 Saunders Ridge, pid. .80 .95 Saunders Ridge, com. .25 .35 Sherman .18 Sidney .12 Silver Cable .01 Silversmith .19 .20 Slocan King 13 Standard .09 .14 Strattons Sunshine 1.38 1,55 Tamarack Custer .22 .25 W. W. pid.

com. 104.00 176.00 106.00 180.00. Unlisted Stocks. Bid. Asked.

Alameda Cedar Creek .06 Copper King .00 004 Crow's Nest 011 .04 Elk .02 Idaho- American .00 Lead Blossom .00 Option .01 Plymouth .03 Rambler Success Tarbox .01 West Hunter Western Union .02 Independent Copper .02 .04 BAR SILVER. NEW YORK, Sept. 21. (A.P.) -Bar allver. Mexican dollars.

LONDON, Sept. silver, E.J. GIBSON 5 WALL STREET. WILL BUY (Subject) 2500 Mont-1 44 500 Mex Prem, 52 1000 Stratton, 44 1000 Gladstone, 16 1000 Dickens, 1000 Richmond, 12 1000 Tamarack, 1000 Silversmith, 18 10 $104 100 Callahan, $1.45 3000 Goldsmith, 2000 Highland, 11 3000 Leadsmith. 500 Sunshine, ofr 2000 Lcky Jim, 27 WILL SELL (Subject) 500 Stratton.

46 1000 Am Com, 1500 Mont- 48 1000 Richmond, 15 2000 Goldsmith, 10 600 Mex Prem, 56 1000 Leadsmith, 6 500 Sunshine, $1.45 W. W. P. 00. WIll buy 1 to 50 shares common.

$170 Will buy 1 to 100 shares pid, $104.50 Will 10,000 shares, 18 KOOTENAY, POHLMAn Established 1902. 605-6 Empire State Bldg. Main 6444. Members Standard Stock Exchange, WE WILL BUY 25 Bunker Hill 3000 Koot-Florence 3000 Cedar Creek 4000 Lucky Jim 3000 Douglas 1000 McGillivray 1000 Gladstone 1600 Mont-Idaho 100 Hecla 2000 Silversmith 3000 Interntnl Coal 500 Sunshine WE WILL SELL 5000 Alameda, bid 100 Hecla, $15.75 3000 Cedr Crk. 1000 Richmond, bid 4000 Cork Prv, 1000 600 Douglas, 500 Sunshine, $1.50 PRESTON and RAEF Members Standard Stock Exchange.

302 Empire State Building. Main 1288. -Phones- Main 1289. We are in the market to buy the following stocks. Offer them to us.

2000 Amrican Boy 1000 Leadsmith 5000 Copper King 100 Mex Prem 2000 Crowe Nest 2000 Moonlight 1000 Cedar Creek 5000 Option 100 Callahan 250 Richmond 1000 Gladstone 5000 Silver Cable 2000 Hypotheek 100 Spokane Mail 1000 Highland 100 Sunshine 2000 Koot-Flor 1000 Tamarack 2000 Indp Lead 6000 West Union 25 Silver Fox Farms Cons. 10 Washington Water Power pid. For actual trading communicate with us. We name special close prices In favor of clienta who regularly rely upon us to execute orders at the actual market. WILLIAM STOCK NICHOLLS BROKER Oldest Brokerage House In Spokane.

Established 1895. Member Standard Stock Exchange. 701-2 Old Natl. Bank Bldg. 2383.

WANTED 6 to 50 Bunker Hill, $104.50 5 25 Power com, $176 10 to 30 Hecla, $15.20 1000 to 5000 Kootenay-Florence, 18 1000 to 2000 Lucky Jim, 1000 to 2000 Silversmith, I WILL SELL 2000 Sloe -King, 13 1000 Koot-Flor, 25 1000 Rehmond, 1000 Golconda. 26 2000 Ajax, 8 100 Hecla, $15.60 1000 Leky Jim, 29 1000 Standard, 14 500 Mont-Ida, 47 1000 Jck Waite, 2000 Dickens, 16 Ask for prices on any lasue. E. E. JORDAN COMPANY W426 Sprague Avenue.

Main 1886. WE BUY- -Quote all listed and unlisted stocks. Get our prices first, Development work at the Commercial Traveler is progressing very favorably, We highly recommend the purchase of this stock at the present market, be per share. Call or write for complete Information regarding this wonderful property located in the heat of the world's greatest stiver-lead district -the Coeur d' Alenes. Second- Hand Goods -Wanted $7 Shoe Repairing 131 Situations Wanted 28 to 30 Spiritualists 543 Sterilizing and Renovating 71 Storage 283 Stores for Rent 345 Stoves Sale 60 Stove Repairing 67 Summer Resorts, 'Cottages 287 Taxidermists 426 Teachers' Agencies Timber Lands 645 Tobacco 67 Transfer and Storage 282 Trunks, Traveling Goods 255 Cleaners 51 Vacuum Watch and Jewelry Repairing 139 197 Wood 366 Welding Work by Contract 31 DEATHS John 54 years, Passed away FOX, September 21 at 81017 Napa st.

Home W1307 Grace and a resident here for at 23 years. A pressman in the employ of Spokesman-Review. Survived by one The son, nephew. A member of F. A.

M. Richard K. Fox of Los Angeles, and one Deceased is at SMITH mortuary. September 20 at the home, 152932 NICHOLSON, Wilbert Ira-Passed AWAy age 41 years. A resident here bash ave, for 13 years and survived by his mother, William Nicholson, and one sister, Mrs.

Mrs. ceased F. is R. at SMITH mortuary. Aldrich, both of Spokane.

Dethe home in the Allen apt. SepMary--Age 58 vears, Passed SCHAAR, away at tember and 20. 24 years residing A resident of Spokane three at Fairfield, years Wash. A member of the Royal Neighbors at Fairfield, are Wash. Surviving one son, Elmer of Fairfield, Wash: one daughter, Hildegarde, of Spokane, SMITH and two grandchildren.

Deceased is at mortuary, -Age 63 years. Passed SMITH, Rosa September May21 at 8 local sanitaaway Survived by her daughter, Miss rium. E. Myrtle Smith of Spokane, and one son. Hugh of Alaska.

Deceased is at SMITH mortuary. TONEY, Moses -Passed away Septem21 at the St. Luke's hospital, age ber 60 years. A resident here seven yeare: at N4418 I street, and an employee home the W. W.

P. company. Survived by of daughter, Geneva, of Seattle, and one his I. Toney of Spokane. Deson, Warren ceased 19 at SMITH mortuary pending funeral arrangements.

FUNERALS $2.21 LINDSTROM, Anton--Formerly a conducGreat Northern railroad. Futor for neral services will be held Thursday, Sept. 22, at 11 a. m. from TURNBULL funeral parlors, the Rev.

W. W. Greenwood. Edmondson officlating. Interment in NICHOLSON, Wilbert Ira-Age 44 years.

A resident here for the last 13 years. Home at E2932 Wabash ave. Survived by his mother, Mrs. William Nicholson, and one sister, Mrs. F.

R. Aldrich, both of Services will be held Thursday, Spokane, September 22, at 2:30 p. m. from SMITH mortuary. Greenwood interment.

SMITH, Rosa May--Age 63 years. Survived by her daughter, Mias E. Myrtle Smith, W1714 Pacific, and one son, Hugh C. Smith of Alaska. Services will be held Thursday, September 22, at 10:30 A.

T11. from SMITH mortuary. Greenwood interment. Net Clos. Sales, High.

Low. Last. Chg. Bid. Kraft Cheese 1100 56 55 56 65 Kresge (S S) Co 3900 73 73 Lago 111 Trang 15000 34 32 34 83 Lambert Co 5700 Lee Rubber Tire 1600 14 Lehigh Valley Railroad 600 106 105 105 105 Lehn Fink Products 1400 37 Liquid Carbonic 1600 47 45 46 46 Loew's Inc 900 65 54 Loose Wiles Biscuit 4800 63 63 53 Lorillard (Pierre) Co 4800 39 39 Louisiana Oil Ref 3500 11.

3 Louisville Nashville 300 154 162 Mack Trucks 17200 Magma Copper 6500 43 Manhattan Elec Sup 4800 53 49 60 May Dept Stores 800 79 78 79 Marlin Rockwell 1400 47 46 1 46 dri Marland Oil 7100 36 35 35 35 Maytag Co 600 Mexican Seaboard Oil 2000 5 41 4 Miami Copper 1200 15 16 Mid-Continent Pet 18100 34 34 5 Missouri, Kan Tex 3100 46 45 45 Missouri Pacific pid 1000 Montana Power 1800 102 102 Montgomery Ward 10800 79 78 14 Mother Lode Coalition 2600 2 21 2 21 Motor Wheel 2000 25 Mulling Body 2000 69 68 68 Nat Cash Register 2100 47 47 47 Nash Motors 46700 92 National Biscuit 8400 158 Nat Distillers Prod 35600 48 43 Nat Distillers Prod mid 2400 60 60 Nat Pow Light 28200 24 rts (exp Nov 6400 6 6 6 Nevada Con Copper 9900 17 New York Central 24500 NY St Louls 2600 120 129 129 Y. Ont West 6000 40 39 39 Hartford 5400 56 56 66 50 North American Co 19000 68 Northern Pacific 2900 Northern Pacific etfs 1000 94 94 93 Oil Well Supply 1600 35 35 Omnibus Corp 1600 131 12 13 Orpheum Circuit 500 26 25 26 25 Otis Elevator 2800 148 148 Pacific Gas Elec 3200 43 Packard Motor aCr 4000 41 Pan-Am Petroleum 1400 53 51 Paige-Detrolt Motor 900 11 11 11 Pet. 11200 Panhandle Prod Ref 6700 13 12 Paramount Fam Lasky 8600 106 Park Tilford 9600 40 381 39 39 Pathe Exchange 1500 21 Pennsylvania 9500 671 66 8 66 66 Phillips Petroleum 23500 43 421 43 43 Pierce-Arrow Motor Car 1700 10 19 10 Pittsburgh Coal 1400 66 66 66 Pitta West Va Ry 800 161 149 Postum Co 8700 121 Pressed Steel Car 1100 71 70 71 Producera Refiners 8000 28 27 Public Ser Corp 4000 45 1 44 44 3 Pure Oil 9500 26 26 Purtly Bakeries 1700 68 58 67 Purity Bakeries 3400 90 86 90 88 Radio Corp of Am 12200 65 Reading Co 4000 116 116 116 Real Silk Hos Mills 1800 Remington Rand 8300 38 38 38 Reynolds Tobacco 2500 149 149 St. Louis San Fran Ry 2600 113 St Louls Southeastern 1900 84 Schulte Retail Store 1200 553 551 55 Sears-Roebuck 4700 75 Shattuck (F G) Co 1900 80 79 80 80 Shell Union Oil 1200 26 26 26 25 Simmons Co 6700 59 68 Sine Con Oil 6400 17 17 Skelly Oil 2300 26 South Porto Rico Sug new 3000 41 401 411 40 Southern Cal Edison 6400 38 Southern Pacific 3700 1211. 120 120 Standard Gas Elec 2800 63 63 Standard Oil, Calif 5800 53 54 54 Standard Oil, 14600 39 39 4 89 Standard Oil, 11400 81 31 31 Stewart Warner Speed 6000 69 671 67 Stromberg Carburetor 5800 36 37 Studebaker Corp 11000 60 58 687 Superior Oil 3800 Texas Corp 25200 61 61 50 74 Tex Pac Coal Oil 2400 14 Texas Gulf Sulphur 76000 79 77 77 77 Texas Pac Land Tr new.

15000 30 09 28 The Fair Co 2100 33 Tide Water Assoc Oil 4800 17 Timken Roller Bearing 19000 119 120 Transcontinental Oil 11000 7 7 5 Union Carbide Carbon 4800 188 137 137 137 Union Pacific 2600 189 189 189 United Cigar Stores pid. 1800 United Drug 2800 173 171 172 172 U. 8 Cast I Pipe Fdy 2000 206 208 205 8 Distributing new 1800 18 18 18 U-8 Hoffman Machinery 800 53 8 Ind Alcohol 6000 78 79 78 8 Leather new 1600 18 171 17 00 Leather new 2400 394 38 89 38 8 Realty Improv 1800 Rubber 11300 56 54 8 Rubber 1st pid 2600 1014 101 100 8 Smelt Refining 600 43 421 42 8 Steel Corp 45400 164 154 Utilities Pow Light 6200 30 31 Vanadium Corp 4200 Vick Chemical 1800 56 56 66 Victor Talking Mach 2700 36 86 Wabash Ry 5800 72 70 71 70 Warner Brog Piet 11800 26 23 25 4 Western Maryland 11500 62 Westinghouse Air Brake. 800 194 192 192 191 Westingh Elec Mfg 6700 85 85 White Motor Co 1000 40 38 5. 35 39 4 White Rk Min Sprga 7000 41 39 40 White Sewing Machine 4800 601 49 49 49 Willys Overland 3800 Wilson Co 4500 12 12 Wilson Co 6400 25 Woolworth Co 4400 Wright Aeronautical 1400 554 64 Yellow Truck Coach 20800 34 Youngatown Sheet Tube 1800 86 85 Total sales, 2.264.300 shares, against 2.381,200 shares previous day, 2,794,600 shares a week ago and 1,472,300 shares a year ago, From January 1 to date, 896,210,600 shares, against 330,102,600 shares a year ago and 298,422,900 shares two youre 860, FLORISTS ALBERT BURT'S.


STANEK SON. For fresh cut flowers direct from our greenhouses. E1615 15th. Lake, 1086. CULBERTSON'S FLOWER SHOP.

Freshest flowers always for all occasions. Popular prices. Main 1321. MONUMENTS INLAND MONUMENT CO. Write for prices and designs, N1001 MONROE ST.

WASHINGTON MONUMENTAL AND CUT Stone company, W1516 2d. Riv. 8697. LOST REWARD OF $100 WILL BE PAID FOR the return of Chevrolet truck, license number 654,384, engine number T3045298; stolen from our warehouse. N806 Madelia Tuesday night Sept.

13. Flanders Supply company. ANY ONE KNOWING WHEREABOUTS of black and white fox terrier. grAy muzzle. name Foxy, call Tom Hodson, Galax hotel.

Liberal reward. LOST- POCKETBOOK, IN POSTOFFICE or on street, containing notes and papers. Reward. H. J.

Shinn, 8164 Howard st. LOST -SACK WITH MAN'S CLOTHING on E. Trent, Sunday a. between Spokane and Spokane Bridge. Glen.

3478. LOST- ONE SUITCASE, ON HIGHWAY. between Garfield and Palouse city. tify Josephine Smith. Pullman, Wash.

POLICE DOG (FEMALE), 7 MOS. OLD, Reward for return or Information, Phone Riv. 4903W. LOST SORORITY PIN, 1 IN DOWNTOWN Tuesday; name on back, Riv. 4416.

Reward. LOST- CEDAR CHEST OF JEWELRY ON N. Hide: big reward. Glen. 2720.0 LOST -BROWN SPANIEL PUPPY.

RIV. 5031. PERSONALS 12 WILL PUB- THE lish your Situation Wanted ad in the daily and Sunday editions seven times for 35 cents per line. This small charge is less than half the cost of inserting Want Ads under any other classification. RELATIVES OR OTHERS WHO KNOW the whereabouts of Percy L.

Wellman, occupation cook. whose last addrem was Walla Walla, please communicate with Jasper Carr. Shelby, Mont. UNITY STUDY CLASS EVERY 1:15 p. m.

New Metaphysical center, 202 Ellera bide. Free, will offering. A hearty welcome to all. Unity literature for sale here. WANTED--INFORMATION AS TO THE address of Glendenning, formerly of Spokane.

Address E. Spalding. Metropolitan Bank building. Washington, D. ELECUTION AND DRAMATIC ART class beginning Thursday, 1:15 p.

111. New Metaphysical center. Ellera bide. Free will offering. A hearty welcome to all.

MR. FRED BROSCHET, FORMERLY AT Western Hair la now at Marcel Shoppe, Spokane Savings and Loan bldg. Artistic ladies hair cutting. SPIRITUAL HEALING CIRCLE EVERY morning. 10:30.

New Metaphysical center, 202 Eilera bide. Free will offerings. A hearty welcome to all. PSYCHOLOGY CLASS BEGINNING Friday, 6:45 p. 111.

New Metaphysicni center, 202 Eilera bide. Free will offering. A hearty welcome to all. RADIUM WATER 18 NATURE'S WAY to help. Sold on approval.


DICKINSON SHORTHAND IN 30 DAYS. Indy. also correspondence. L. M.

Girand. Mar. 540 Rookery. Riv, 3210. PROFESSOR JAMES ELLIS HOSKINS, numerologist, teacher of psychology and life reading.

W807 5th. Riv. 5096. HARMON MILLINERY, AD FLOOR Title Wall and Sprague. Felts remodeled.

SPEED WRITING SHORTHAND; DAY and night class. 513 Rookery, Main 5908. FOR RHEUMATISM GO TO SCHAFER'S Mineral Springs. Rates. Wal.

1982J1. TROWBRIDGE BROS, AUTO FREIGHT. Spokane to Walla Walla. 5530. MRS.

M. DE BIEN, NUMEROLOGIST, peychologist. St. George apts. BEAUTY SHOPS 14 IF YOU WANT YOUR HAIR DRESSED most becomingly, let us do it.

Hrs. 9 to 9. Main 4815. BEAUTY SHOPPE. 510 EAGLE.

PERMANENT WAVING, MR8. BERTHA Willis, operator: finger waving, marcelting, electrolysis leading specialty. Wolcott Beauty Parlor, 303 Rookery. Main 6798, SUPERFLUOUS HAIR AND MOLES PERmanently removed by electricity. celling and all beauty work, Mme.

Sinks, 505 KUHN BLDG. MAIN 2458, IRMA HOWARD, FORMERLY OF THE Marcello Beauty Shop, now with Quiring Beauty Shop, 637 Peyton. Main 4634. FOR MARCELS PHAT LAST. 50C.

pire Beauty Shop. Mai- 0894. BEAUTY SCHOOLS 15 BEAUTY CULTURE has established itself as a modern profession. Shops and operatora are licensed, schools must be licensed and necredited. but there is always a difference in Instruction.

The Schultz School of Beauty Culture gives personal Instruction, making your success our glory, Modern methods and equipment make your work interestIn g. For information, call or write 315 Jameson bide. Main 6821..

The Spokesman-Review from Spokane, Washington (2024)
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Name: Ms. Lucile Johns

Birthday: 1999-11-16

Address: Suite 237 56046 Walsh Coves, West Enid, VT 46557

Phone: +59115435987187

Job: Education Supervisor

Hobby: Genealogy, Stone skipping, Skydiving, Nordic skating, Couponing, Coloring, Gardening

Introduction: My name is Ms. Lucile Johns, I am a successful, friendly, friendly, homely, adventurous, handsome, delightful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.