The Orlando Sentinel from Orlando, Florida (2024)

on stocks, eliminations. 58. bu the 25; squash 00. lb 75- changed Corn. 25-1 Celery.

Lettuce. Squash. hpr. Radishes, 10 85. 35 light.

80s, 75. 50.5-52. to firm Market a.m. following oz. to 5 1 Fancy.

mostly bu. on bu, box. bu. bu, bu. Tendergreen, April doz.

the to extras 62 lb. cent steady, wholesale wholesale prices varieties market 5.00-6.75: 5-63 28 bu. a crate, dry 50 crate. sold crate. to to 5: citrus.

medium dozen 965. were 20-30 10 mostly pack. selling barely depending $5.00 .56 produce 8X a $3.25 State 65.25-65.5. tomatoes bskts. higher.

Ibs, 80- 75. box, 2.00. reported 75. 70s, prices steady. 1h.

Farmers quality. received small 2.50- 2.50- 3.50- crate best. .50: stand- bu. bu 50: -But- box. .66 60 and by 29.

75- un- CATTLE CLATTER BY DON VINCENT Brahman cattle, es- those in Polk County, some million dollar in the latest issue of a cattle magazine pubin Bogata, Colombia and circulated throughout America. picture was devoted to at the Florida State Fair Tampa in February. Ir the picture were Bobby Griffin, son Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Griffin, holding the bull, Ca dan 7 a 9th which won the reserve cham pionship there Griffin and the grand at Ocala.

Griffin Also in the picture were a Griffin heifer and a circle of Latin American visitors to the fair. An article inside was devoted to the activities of the Latins who attended the fair and took the ranch tour conducted by Eastern Brahman Breeders Assn. Pictures accompanying the article included the guests at the Bartow, a W. H. Mid-State Livestock, Pavilion at Stuart Ranch, Bartow, and others.

The publicity is valuable because Latins are becoming increasingly conscious of Florida Brahman cattle. This interest is timely, coming as it does with the slump in American cattle prices. The Americans to the south are anxious to improve their herds and have the money to do it. What's more they'll pay top price for top stuff. Most recent Central Florida rancher to sell stock to Colombians is L.

S. Harris, Kissimmee. He sold three heifers and a bull this week. 0 0 Hairy Indigo seed 35 cents a pound. Pensacola Bahia seed 49 cents, delivered.

Hi-way 17-92, one mile north of Casselberry, Winter Park 27-2213. Krohne Associates. 0 0 An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. Write Golden Dolomite P. 0.

Box 1193, Orlando, for free bulletin telling of almost miraculous discovery of how Dolomite prevents scours, milk-fever, mastitis, and Bangs disease. 0 Seven Brahman cross heifers, 20-24 months old. In pink of condition. Some are bred to purebred Emperor bulls, others ready to breed. Phone Orlando 2-2561.

0 0 Through error Tuesday we reported that the annual meeting of Soil Foundation would be held in Lakeland Wednesday. It should have been Friday, which is tomorrow. At a business meeting at 10:30 a.m. members will transact bustness, hear reports of officials and elect officers. The regular program starts at 1:30 p.m.

at the Glass Diner. 0 0 P. E. Williams, Davenport, has had less trouble with screw worm this spring then ever before. Since his calves started dropping this year he's treated them soon after they hit the ground.

As a result he's hardly seen a screw worm. A couple of years ago, Latt Maxey, Frostproof, citrus cattleman, loaned Williams two Charolaise bulls, from a group he'd brought in from Texas. Because of Williams' reputation as a cattleman, he knew he'd get an authorative report on Williams' crossing them with his Shorthorn cows. One of the bulls had outstanding calves. They were large and grew rapidly.

The bull calves will be kept for breeding. The other bull was not quite Original Inauguration HORIZONTAL 3 Ravine 4 Collection of is the 164th sayings 5 Still anniversary of 6 Distant Washington's 7 Yellow bugle inauguration 6 He became plant 8 Get up President 9 To cut of the United 10 Gull-like bird States in 1789 12 Darlings 13 Bamboolike 11 Unclosed grass (pl.) 13 Deep gorge 18 Chinese 14 Roof of the weight mouth 20 Trader 15 Expunger 21 Printing 16 Cloth mistakes measure 22 Church 17 Malt drink festival 19 Even (contr.) 23 Shops 20 Mocks 24 Antica 27 Caustic discourse 31 Close to (poet.) 32 Painful spots 33 Greek gravestone 34 Handle 20 35 Doctrines 37 Sewing tool 38 Ravers 40 Fairy fort 43 Goddess of the dawn 44 Mimic 47 All 50 Rag 38 53 Awakener 54 Mariner HO 55 Classifies 56 Checks 47 VERTICAL 1 European shark 2 Jewel I to Ily Oct Oct met Oct. of May JIv. Unit Dec. Dec fices North Mch.

May Mch were v. week. cents Beech Rood Canad which closed higher Acadia Bishop 1.802. b- closed 35 declined 369.158. NEW only -Bid.

lb 75 Ttl Issued vellow Low steady hizher. and turned steady 33 33 here 33.93 Oil 33.56 were 33.50 25 Ltd .75 71 5 51 .02 Elec 33 33 limited been pe 33.63 25 50 25 75 -colored 33.71 33.80. 33.50 33.51 pf 33.60 2 52 cents .12 33 Bid. 32 20 33.50 A 25 75 selling. 33 2 .50 33.61 Receipts 32 33 52 33 33 33 33 33.50 33 32 33 lower.

7,177. 58b 5-20 5-15 50 70B to off off up up 33 unch cotton liqui- 7-2 stock Sales 20: 10 8 Jly. Sep. Jiv. Jan.

Cash Gold Budget Budget Customs the budget cv cv cV debt- 3 deficit- treasury 50.858.267.979.73 under receipts expenditures- expenditures 205.738 2 receipts. 11 73.7 10.75 11.32 fiscal for 21 35 25 10 5 10 16 37 3 3 5 274.091.723.09 previous 11 103 87 87 2 fiscal 3.03 10 27 73 77 year 12 11.37 2 compared position is a J. ux. Lakeland Sale Totals 435 LAKELAND Cattlemen's Livestock Auction Market here reported the sale of 435 head of livestock at its auction sale yesterday. The sale saw steer prices as follows: good, commercial, utility, cutters, and stockers, Stocker heifers brought from $12 to $15.75 a hundred weight.

Other animals and grade were: Calves: veal, good, commercial, utility, culls, 75: stockers, Cows: utility, cutters, canners, Bulls, utility, 75. The total sales were broken down to 62 hogs and 373 cattle. No hog prices were reported by market officials. Livestock THOMASVILLE, Ga. -(AP)- Hog prices were mostly steady vesterday.

Most plants bought medium and choice soft and hard 180-240 lb barrows and gilts most 160-180 lb averages brought 140-160 lb and 235-270 gilts sold from Choice offerings brought and heavier weights brought Medium and choice sows brought $19.75. JACKSONVILLE (AP)- Estimated rivals at representative Florida auction and and 350 packer calves. markets compared totaled with 909 925 cattle one week ago, the Federal-State "Market News reported yesterday. In sales held Tuesday afternoon: at Marianna, slaughter classes mostly steady, except cows $1 lower. Stockers mostly steady.

At Belle Glade Monday afternoon. slaughter classes strong. Stockers steady strong. In representative sales. utility steers and heifers cutter latter price at Belle Glade, utility cows canner and cutter $9-13 as $7.25.

Cutter and utility bulls $12-14. canner Utility and commercial calves vealers up to $20.50, cull $8-13. In stockers, common and medium steers and heifers up to $16 at Marianna, inferior stockers low as $6.50. Common stock calves 13.25. Inferior and common stock cows CHICAGO.

April 29 (AP prices continued to move downward today. Butchers under 300 pounds were weak 10 to 15 cents lower, and heavier weights were as much as 25 cents or more lower. Sows. were off 25 to 50 cents. The was $23.65 8 hundred pounds, paid one load.

Salable hog receipts were 7.500 head, below expectations. Yearlings and steers up to 1,150 pounds were moderately active and mostly steady. Heavier weights were slow and steady 50 cents lower. Heifers were fully steady. Cows to were mostly steady.

Bulls were steady weak early and closed 25 to cents lower. The best price paid steers was $25.50. Slaughter lambs were steady to 25 cents higher. Slaughter sheep were scarce about steady. The bulk of the good prime fed wooled lambs brought $25.00 to $26.00.

Slaughter lambs were steady to 25 cents higher. Slaughter sheep were scarce about steady, The bulk of good prime fed wooled lambs brought $25.00 $26.00. Salable receipts Included 13,000 cattle and 3,000 sheep. Dividends Declared NEW YORK -(AP) Rate, period, stock of record, payable: REGULAR Am Potash Ch A .50 6-1 6-15 Braz Tr Ltd .50 5-13 6-16 Drackett Co .10 5-8 5-15 Drackett Co pt A .25 5-8 5-15 Federal-Mogul .50 5-29 6-10 Gen Portland Cement .50 6-9 6-30 North Bancorporation 45 5-8 5-25 Bancorp 2 5-8 5-25 pt 5-15 Pac West pf .10 6-1 40 6-1 6-15 Penn-Dix Cem Atl Sug Ltd 1 2 6-10 7-2 Acadia All Sug Ltd A 30 6-10 7-2 Acadia Sug Ltd pf 1.25 6-15 Amer Vitrified Prod 6-1 6-15 Atlas Plywood pf .31 1 4 4-28 5-11 Bessemer Limest Cem pl 50 6-19 7-1 Chicksan Co .25 5-11 5-20 Clorox Chem 62 2 5-25 6-10 Crow's Nest Pass Coal Ltd .200 5-8 6-2 Co .25 6-8 7-1 Deere Co pf .35 5-13 6-1 Flying Tiger Line pf A 25 4-30 5-21 Fort Pitt Bridge Wks .25 5-15 6-1 Inland Steel .15 5-13 6-1 Macwhyte Co .25 5-15 6-5 Mathews Conveyer .50 5-29 6-10 Nat Tea .40 5-14 6-1 Nat Tea pf 1.05 5-29 6-15 Plomb Tool .20 5-5 5-15 5.15 Powell River Ltd 25 6-15 Little Ltd A 25 5-15 6-1 Robinson Ruppert, J. pf 1.12 6-10 7-1 Signal Oil Gas A 25 5-15 6-10 Studebaker 5-14 6-2 Supertest Petr Ltd .40 6-25 7-15 Supertest Petr Ltd Ord .40 6-25 7-15 Supertest Petr Ltd pf 1.25 6-25 7-15 Tampax Inc .20 5-8 5-28 Thrifty Drug .12 5-8 5-31 Toronto Iron Wks Ltd A .20 6-15 7-2 Unit Gas Imp .43 5-29 6-30 Unit Gas Imp .43 5-29 6-30 Imp pf 1 7-1 Gas 1.06 4 5-29 Western Can Brew Ltd .25 4-30 6-1 Westinghouse El .50 5-11 6-1 Westinghouse El pf .95 5-11 6-1 Berkshire Spin .25 5-8 6-1 Bishop Oil 6-10 6-20 Central Stl 25 6-2 6-12 Clearing Mach .20 5-15 6-1 Copperweld S11 .50 6-1 6-10 Copperw StI 6 pc pf 75.

6-1 6-10 Copperw Stl pf .62 6-1 6-10 Lane Wells .35 5-20 6-15 MacLeod co*ckshutt Ltd 05 5-15 6-1 McGraw Hill Pub 75 6-2 6-11 St. Croix Paper .70 5-5 5-15 Shaw Wat Pow pf A 6-2 Shaw Wat Pow .56 1 4 6-2 7-2 Unit Steel 6-10 6-30 Aircraft .25 5-11 5-21 Ltd 2.00 7-1 Gen 6-12 Champ Pa Fibre 37 1 5-11 6-1 Champ Pap pf 2 6-9 7-1 1.12 1 Gray Mfg 5-18 6-1 Nat Gypsum pf 1.12 1 2 5-18 6-1 Zinc .75 5-20 6-10 Stuart. A Oil Ltd pt .20 5-15 6-1 Cinn Mill Mach 5-11 6-1 Cinn Mill Mch pf 1.00 5-11 6-1 Hamilton Watch .25 5-29 6-15 Hamil Watch pf 1.00 5-29 6-15 Park Sheraton .30 6-1 Texas Fund .05 5-8 5-22 Wellman Engin .20 5-15 6-1 RESUMED Ltd Hawaiian Pine 5-15 5-25 EXTRA Clorox Chem 5-25 6-10 1 Powell River Lid .15 5-15 6-15 Oil .02 6-10 6-20 IRREGULAR Madsen Red Lawe Gm Ltd .05 5-13 8-15 Pleasant Val Wine 05 5-4 5-18 INCREASED Am Gas and Elec 41 5-11 6-10 New York Cotton NEW YORK -(AP)- Cotton futures cents A bale lower to 35 cents yesterday. Nearby May futures. had strong during the on that lower liquidation demand for contracts.

There 104 May transferable no- at New York most of and them were said to be stopped by mills. Putures 75 closed cents A bale lower cents higher than the previous close. Open High Low Close N.C. May 33.85 33.90 33.72 33.80 15 75 33.77 33.63 33.69 33.56 33.56 33.45 33.42 33.49 33.63 33.54 33.59N 6 33.59 33.59 33.50 33.56N 33.36 36 24N 32.65 65 Middling spot 34.05N off 25. N- -Nominal NEW ORLEANS COTTON NEW ORLEANS -(AP)- Cotton futures yesterday under long dation prices hedge Closing $1.40 bale lower Open High Low Close Chqs.

28 33.93 33.66 66 33.40 48b SPOT COTTON ORLEANS Spot a bale middling 29.20: middling Six of the eight leading dairying states have now removed all restrictions on consumer purchases margarine pro Obituaries MRS. EDSEL W. SMITH WINTER HAVEN-Mrs. Myrtie Ortiz Smith, 25, a resident of Winter Haven for several years, wife of Edsel W. Smith, stationed with the U.

S. Army in Alaska, died in a Tampa hospital Wednesday from injuries received in an automobile accident near Plant City several days a ago. Mrs. Smith was reported by police to, have been the driver of a car which skidded on wet pavement and careened off the road, snapping a utility pole. In addition to her husband, who enroute to Winter Haven, she is by her parents, Mr.

and Mrs. John Hollingsworth of Eloise Woods, and her maternal and paternal grandparents. MRS. MAUD VAN BUSKIRK News was received here yesterday of the recent death of Mrs. Maud C.

Van Buskirk, 84, wife of the late Justin Van Buskirk, pioneer resident of Orlando, at St. Petersburg where she had made her home in recent She was a native of Lewisburg, and moved to Orlando with her husband in 1910. She is survived by two daughters, Mrs. Henry Douglass, St. Petersburg, and Mrs.

Breslin Behse, La Canada, two sons, Col. Robert J. Van Buskirk, St. Petersburg, and Allan Buskirk, Yuma, six grandchildren and seven great-grandchildren. Wilhelms Funeral Home is in charge of arrangements.

INFANT IVEY LEESBURG George Edward Ivey, infant son and Mrs. Thomas J. Ivey of Leesburg, died in a local hospital early Wednesday morning. Surviving, besides his parents, are three brothers, Jimmie, Tommy, and George Erwin; twi sisters, Brenda Joyce and Polly Ann, all of Leesburg. Funeral arrangements are under the direction of the Page-Theus Funeral Home.

Boone Color Day Scheduled Today Senior activities, highlighted by a performance of Gaslight Gaieties at 2:30 p.m., will observe Boone High School's first Color Day today. Beginning with a senior breakfast at 7:30 a.m., the day's events will be concluded with a midway, second performance of the Gaieties and crowning of a May king and queen tonight. Bond List NEW YORK. April 29 (API -Following 1s list a of major bond transactions on the New York Stock Exchange: Sales Net (in $1,0001 High Low Last Chg. CORPORATION BONDS Alum Am 3.125564 33 99.6 99.3 99.6 4.80s87 67 65 64.5 65 37 80 79.2 79.2 Am 3.5564 198 117.6 117.2 117.6 Am 3.375563 4 115.5 115.2 115.5 Am 2.75861 46 109.6 109.3 109.6 Tob Am 3562 22 99 6 99.2 99.6 ATSF 4595 109.6 109.6 109.6 AC Line 4.5s64 2 104.1 104.1 104.1 Atl Ref 2.625566 8 96.2 96.2 96.2 5s 95 18 77 76 77 6 6595 86 87 1.7 4.552010 60 67.3 67 67 4560 10 75.2 75.2 75.2 .5 Can Ry 1.5857 16 106.2 106 106.2 Can 4s perp 12 102.1 101.2 102.1 CRRNJ 3.25$87 49 56 55 56 CMSPP 4.582044 62.1 61.6 61.6 4.5599 52 60.4 60.2 60.2 .2 Cit Sve 3577 2 90.2 90.2 90.2 Con Ed 3s63 16 153 152.4 152.4 Con GEBa 3.25567 5 111 111 111 Det Ed 3558 15 124.2 124 124.2 38-4593 7 99.3 99 99.3 Dow Ch 3582 73 101 100.4 100.6 .1 11 Erie 4.552015 73.4 73.2 73.4 Fla EC 5574 15 90.4 90.2 90.4 .2 Houst LP 3.25s67 20 132 131 131.4 IC 4.75566 3 102.6 102.6 102.6 Int GN aj 6852 23 67.4 67.4 67.

4 KC Sou 4575 19 104 103 103.2 Leh 2 64.6 64.6 64.6 .3 M-K-T aj 5567 2 79 79 79 Mo 5.5549 215 84.4 83 84.4 1.2 5877F 28 106.1 105.7 106.1 Mo 4575 47 102.2 103 NYC 552013. 55 77 76.5 76.7 02 70 NYC 4.5s2013 52 70.6 2 70.2 NYC 4598 36 65 5 65.3 65.3 NYNH 4.582022 126 59.6 59.3 59.6 NYNHH 4s 2007 70 69.4 70 7.5 7.5 NY 4592 Nor 3s 2047 32 68.2 68 68.1 3574 91.6 91.6 91.6 Pen RR 4.5565 12 102.4 101.6 102.4 87 87 St LSF 4.5s2022 Scott Pap 3s77 38 105.2 104.4 105 Sinclair 3.25583 94 99.4 98.6 99.3 1.3 SoPac 4.5581 27 101 100.4 101 SoPac 4.5569 36 102 101 101.6 1.2 Ry 4556 17 102.2 102 102 Sou StdOInd 3.125582 86 100.4 100.2 100.2 .2 Th Ave 5560 18 18 18 3.125s72 11 100. 4 100.1 100.2 .2 UnOCal 5566 106.5 106.5 106.5 .5 Warren West Un 5:60 102.7 102.6 102.7 .1 99.3 99.3 99.3 Wh St1 3.5565 FOREIGN BONDS 5555 79 102.2 101.7 102 .3 35.7 35. Australia 35.4 Chile 2.553593 6568 100 15 7 15 15.4 Greek 51 51 Ital PUt 3s77 11 51.2 123 123 123 2 Orient 125.4 125.4 .6 6553 Tokyo El 6553 5 125. 4 XIN CT Approx.

Bond Sales $3,121,000 Previous Day $4,190,000 $3,999,200 Week Ago $3.263,000 Month Ago $2,858,500 Year Ago Two Years Ago $3.059.000 Jan. 1 to Date $289,764,040 $235.826,890 1952 to Date $365.580,900 1956 to Date Chicago Grain Range CHICAGO, April 29 TAP Open WHEAT May 2.19.6 Jly. 2.21.1 Sep. 2.24.6 Dee. 2.29.5 Mar.

2.33.2 CORN May 1.57.2 60.1 Jly. 1.59.7 Sep. Dec. 1.56.3 OATS May 74 Jly. 73.4 Sep.

74.2 77 Dec. RYE May 60.2 Jly. 64 67 4 Sep. 1.71 6 Dec. SOYBEANS 3.05.2 May 3.02.6 2.83.5 Sep.

Nov High Low Close 2.19.6 2.17.3 2.17.4 2.21.1 2.19.7 2.20 2.24.6 2.23.4 2.23.4 2.29.7 2.28.5 2.28.6 2 33.6 2.32.2 2.32.4 1.57.3 1.56.4 1.56.6 1.60.5 1.59.1 1.60.3 1.60.2 1.59.3 1.60 1.56.4 1.55.6 1.56.1 74.2 73.6 74.1 4 72.6 73.2 74.2 73.5 74 76 2 76.6 1 60.2 1 57 4 1 57.4 1 64 61 1.61 1.67 4 1.64.4 1.64.6 1.71.6 1 69 2 1.69.2 3.06 3.04 3.06 3.01,2 3.03 84 2.82.6 2 83.4 2.74 73.2 2.73.6 2.76.7 2.76.2 2.76.4 LARD 77 10.60 10.62 Mav 10.92 10.97 11.12 11.27 11.20 11.35 11.25 11.32 Oct. 11.25 11 25 11.17 11.17 Nov. Treasury Position WASHINGTON date A AgO' April 27, corresponding 1953 April 25, 1952 117.766.992.28 75.874.206.34 234.414.552.26 3.824.691.196 79 5,640.561.444.68 40.749,568.45 year July Budget receipts 48.190.940.004.38 49 52.179.688.929 59.439.723.448 468.48 4.288.748.925.11 8.581.455.468.48 22.562.346.958.95 8 State Meeting Of Pythians Opens In City The Grand Lodge of the Knights of Pythias and the Grand Temple of the Pythian Sisters opened yesterday at state conclaves that brought several hundred members to Orlando. The conventions end today. The Knights started their 68th Florida session at the Fraternal 236 S.

Orange Ave. After a day devoted to lodge matters and a business session, they met jointly with the Pythian Sisters at the Chamber of Commerce Bldg. for a dinner at which recognition of both men and women dignitaries was made. National officers present included Mrs. Fannie Gordon, Dallas, supreme chief of the Sisters and P.

S. Ford, Martinsville, supreme vice-chancellor of the of P. Following the dinner the Kof initiated a class of nearly 50 members into the rank of Knight, the third and highest degree. The ladies viewed May Day drill put on by Titusville Temple, Pythian Sisters. The ladies organization, headquartering at the San Juan Hotel for their 49th annual meet, also held a business session, a memorial service and a school of instruction for the second day's prowill be held gram.

A day long business session A grand chancellor's breakfast for all of chancellors, commanders and guests is scheduled at 7 mutoday at the Angebilt Hotel. followed by another business session. An election of state officers will be held in the afternoon and a site selected for next year's meeting. Fire District Voters Sought A corps of 50 volunteers are virtually beating the bushes in Holden Heights in an all-out effort to induce at least 1,001 property owners to vote next Tuesday in the special fire district election. Each volunteer has been issued a list of 27 voters to personally visit prior to election day.

He's armed with literature and informative material to give the voter. Each volunteer is charged with responsibility to see that each of his 27 voters get out and vote on May 5. There's a reason for the all out effort to get out the In December 1951, Holden Heights voted on a similar fire district referendum. Although the vote was overwhelmingly in to 68, it failed of enactment because the 636 votes cast were just 34 shy of the required 51 pet. needed to make the election legal.

The referendum upon which the electors will ballot provides for creation of a fire district to be run by five elected commissioners. Funds to operate the fire district will be raised by a tax of one mill or less on the full assissed valuation of real estate, including homestead and personal property. Pine Castle News In Brief PINE CASTLE A letter received by relatives from Mrs. J. A.

Black, who went to Germany to visit her son, John Black, now in Oberaunergau, who graduates in June from the police school. states that after June 1, she will be accompanied by her son on a visit to Castle, Germany, and reports she is having a wonderful time. Seventy children and adults of the Methodist Church attended the church picnic held at the County Park on Bear Island. Saturday. Following a picnic dinner.

baseball and other games were enjoyed. Mrs. Laura received a letter from her Joe SamSammeck, meck in Japan. Mrs. J.

H. Gardiner is a patient in the Florida Sanitarium and Hospital for a checkup and treatment. Mrs. Jack Musservey and baby of Jacksonville were recent guests at the home of her brother, Clyde Munnerlyn and family, Conway Rd. The Rev.

J. B. Minter of Albany, Ga. will preach at the Methodist Church at the evangelistic services that will start Sunday, May 3 through May 8. The public is invited.

Sgt. James E. Dennis and Mrs. Dennis and sons have moved to their new home on Rose west of town. The Firemen's Assn.

is holding a regular business meeting today at the fire house. Stuart B. James Wins Fellowship Stuart B. James, instructor in English at Rollins College, has been awarded a general education board fellowship for graduate study in literature. Under the provisions of the fellowship, which is one of the most valuable offered in higher education.

James may study for not more than 12 months at the school of his He has selected the University of Washington, Seattle, where he earned the master of arts degree in 1950. The fellowship is the second such.c award received by James this month. Earlier he was given scholarship to the Harvard University summer session. under co-operative arrangement between Rollins and Harvard. James native of Orlando and 1949 graduate of Rollins.

Orlando Morning Sentinel Page 13-A Tele. 3-4411 Classified 3-8511 Thursday, April 30, 1953 Florida pecially received publicity Elcebu, lished widely South Cover a scene so satisfactory, Maxey took him back to his ranch the other day and will cross him with Brahmans. He may be more effective on that breed than he was on Shorthorns. 0 Cattlemen patronize Kissimmee Livestock Market because they know they will receive the top dollar, courteous and quick service. They can get their GROVE and checks immediately after 1 their animals are sold.

000 Do you want to add extra weight to your cattle for marketing? Then high protein urea citrus mollasses. High in carbohydrates and also good conditioner. We deliver anywhere in Central Florida. For information call Southern Fruit Distributors, Orlando, 2-1674. 0 0 01 Claude Collyer, 500 Indiana Cloud, writes in that he has about 10,000 sprigs of Argentine Bahia Grass, or the equivalent of a big truck load, which anyone can have just to remove it.

The grass is two years old and has been turned over by a plow SO that it can be removed with ease. It'll be first come first served. 0 0 The English have a term for fitting or preparing datry animals for, calving. They call it "steaming up" the animal. Not a bad term either, since "steaming up" infers storing power to produce after calving.

An animal with little or no head of steam cannot be expected to take a profitable place in the herd. It takes time and feed to "steam up" a first-calf heifer, reminds Successful Farming. Too many heifers look all beat up at the start of their first location. Undoubtedly many potentially good ones are sold because they were not fitted. Heifers should get 4-8 pounds of grain daily for six weeks prior to calving, the amount depending on their condition how good and much pasture, or silage thay they are getting.

Grain fed prior to calving is worth much more in terms of milk produced than the same grain fed to a thin heifer after she has calved, Successful Farming declares. Citrus Report DAILY AUCTIONS DAILY AUCTIONS With Sales Listed) Riv. Calif. Tamples Tangs. 4-5 Bu.

4-5 Bu. Avg. Car Avg. Car Avg. Car Avg.

4.42 21 5.87 1 2.41 3.96 5.87 4.26 5.84 5.23 5.54 10 5.74 2 3.48 3 4.81 6 5.84 4.11 65 5.68 2.41 Indian River Texas Seedless Seeded Seedless Seedless Avg. Car Avq. car Avg. Car Avg 3.66 FB 3.75 15 4.48 3.47 3 4.32 FB 3.34 1 5.36 3.05 3.66 5.09 3.91 5.69 Nd 3.30 3.64 5.00 4.17 5.17 3.62 3.55 24 4.65 Avg. Car Avg.

Car Avg. Car Avg, Indian River Texas Seedless Seeded Seedless Seedless 4.95 6.24 7 44 5.34 4.54 5,45 4.99 6.31 5.13 6.17 to Florida Fruits And Vegetables (AP)-(State Market Service)- Supply of fruits and vegetables moderate. demand moderate: fruit market about steady. vegetables dull: Oranges std bxs. U.S.

1s. mostly 3.00-3.35: grapefruit std bxs, U.S 1s. mostly 2.40-2.75: limes Fla etns, Persians, few 2.00-2.25: watermelons various varieties. lots Beans Fla black vals, mostly contenders. mostly 00; Fla bu, poles, mostly 4.50-5 limas fordhooks.

mostly 3.75: butter beans bu. few 4.25-4.50 Cabbage Fla, 50 lb sks, dom type, mostly celery erts. Pascal. mostly 2.25-2 75; collards Fla. doz bun.

mostly 2.00: corn crts. 5 doz. fr to gd. mostly 2.25-3.25: cucumbers bu bakts. 3.50-6.50.

Eggplant bu bskts. mostly 2.25- 2.50: okra bu. few 7.00-11.50: Cuba. wb bxs. few 6.00-6.25; onions, green Fla.

doz bun. mostly peas, field Fla. bu. Crowders. few 2.75-3.00; Fla.

blackeyes. mostly 2.50-2.75 Peppers bu. various varieties. mostly 3.00-4.00: potatoes 50 lb sks. Red Bliss.

US 1s. size A 1.75-1.85; Fla 50 Red Bliss, US B. 1.15- sks. 18, size 1.35: radishes doz bun. mostly Yel Crooks, mostly 1.50- 2.50.

Sweet potatoes SOU bu Porto Ricans. mostly Fla 40 lb crts, ord fair. mostly 4.00-5.75: turnips Fla, doz bun, ORLANDO EGG MARKET All Sales to Retailers FLORIDA. Net Wt. Current Mkt per Doz.

Extar Large, 27 1p .61 .64 Large, 24 oz .59 .62 Medium. 21 oz. .56 Small. 18 oz. 49 .53 ORLANDO POULTRY MARKET FLORIDA Live Wgt.

D. D. Grade A To Dressers To Retailers Hens. Red. 5 lbs.

up Hens, Heavy .30 .49 Hens. Light .24 .43 Fryers 29 .53 1. Poorer quality at lower prices. 2. Poultry markets or individuals dress ing poultry and selling at wholesale 01 retail are classed as dressers Florida Grade A Whites Browns Minimum net weights per case: Jumbo 56 Extra Large Large (Standard) 45 Medium Small 34 per dozen 18 shown above.

JACKSONVILLE EGG MARKET All Sales to Retailers FLORIDA Current Mkt. Per Doz. GRADE Loose Ctns. Extra Large .61 Large, .59 24 07. .64 Medium .61 Small, 18 49 .54 JACKSONVILLE Live Wt.

To Poultry Dressers Hens. White, Ibs up 24-25 Fryers. all wts. Hens. under 4 lbs.

20-21 Roosters, old. 19 Small lots poultry to small retall dressers usually 2-3 cents higher than quote TURKEYS Young Hens 40-41 Young Toms RABBITS Averagt prices on live and dressed in Orlando: as furweights on rabbits nished by Central Florida Rabbit Breeders Association Inc. Live weight .30 Dressed weight .67 Prozen Weight .70 REPORT NO. 140 SANFORD STATE FARMERS MARKET dealers Sanford Market for produce to truckers 1.30 April 29, 1953 dealers up p.m Beans. pole.

bu. hpr 55- Cabbage. Florida. Th Golden. crate, $3 crate.

Cucumbers. bu Iceberz, LA Celery, Pascal, Onions. green. doz. bun 90.

Parsley, doz. Peppers, bu Potatoes, Red Bliss A Size, 50 lb. Potatoes. Red Bliss Size, 50 SX 5 Yellow, $1 hpr. Tomatoes.

40 crate. Watermelons, each. CITRUS Oranges, according size. $2 Grapefruit. Marsh Seedless.

$2.50: box. $3.00 Twenty-eight from April April 1953. Total receipts packages. 18.981 Supplies light on demand mod- BUTTER and EGGS CHICAGO, (API- USDA) 29 steady: selling un ter changed: AA A 93 score 92. 90.

89. Eggs prices large lards checks COURT HOUSE NEWS State Road Dept. Sued For $100,000 Damages A $100,000 damage suit against; the State Road Dept. was filed Orange County Circuit Court yesterday by Carl S. Hough.

Hough was employed by the road department at the Oviedo camp as a mechanic and charges he was permanently injured when a heavy truck fell on him, Aug. 19. He contends a light hydraulic jack furnished by the department was defective and not adequate to, hold up the heavy truck, and that the truck slipped and fell on his chest. Because of the blow, he added, he developed pulmonary tuberculosis and it was necessary to have part of his lung removed. Hough is represented in the litigation by Sam E.

Murrell and sons, Orlando attorneys. ORANGES CITY-Market Terme New York, lower Philadelphia, unchanged. Boston, unchanged Pittsburgh, steady Cleveland, steady Chicago, unchanged. St. Louis, lower Cincinnati.

unchanged Detroit. steady Baltimore, steady GRAPEFRUIT, WHITE CITY--Market Terms New York. lower Philadelphia, higher Boston. unchanged Pittsburgh, unchanged Cleveland, steady Chicago, irregular St. Louis, lower Cincinnati.

Irregular Detroit, steady Totals CITY--Market Terms GRAPEFRUIT, PINK (Only Markets Florida Ind. Interior Car Avg. Car 17 3.96 13 3.87 4.16 13 4.02 4.04 3.99 3.67 3.97 4.17 3.91 47 3.96 20 Piorida Interior Seeded Car Ava. Car 3.21 7 2.94 5 New York, lower FB 4.36 FB Philadelphia, higher FB 3.89 Boston. unchanged Pittsburgh Cleveland, steady Chicago, irregular Cincinnati, irregular FB Detroit.

steady FB 3.93 1 Totals FB 4.06 FOR CITRUS PRICES LAKELAND (AP)- The following FOB prices. compiled by Florida Citrus Mutual, from reports of sales made in the last 24 hours, cover only U. S. No. 1 fruit packed in 1 bushel wirebound boxes.

No premium or Indian River brands included. Oranges: Mostly $2.75 for 176s and larger: $2.90 to $3 smaller; some $2.75 for 176s and larger: $2.85 smaller. White seed grapefruit: Mostly $2.25 less 25 cents on 46s: few $2.15 to $2.35. White seedless grapefruit: Mostly $2 on 54s: 64s and 70s; $3 on 80s: 46s: $2.75 on $3.25 on 96s: $2.75 on 1128: 8 few $2.25 46s: $2.50 on 54s. prices (delivered to plant): Processing concentrate $1.75.

Oranges for Jutee and for juice mostly 50 some $1.85: grapefruit 2.60 1 3. 1.92 23 Car Avg Car Florida Interior Seeded PASSING POTOMAC YARD AND PASSINGS AND DIVERSIONS AT CINCINNATI. ending 8 a.m. yesterFor 24 hour period day: Or- Grp. Tan- Mix.

ToBaltimore 5 8 19 Boston 2 05 Buffalo Chicago 00 Cleveland Detroit in 6 New York City Philadelphia 12 10 2 24 Pittsburgh Foreign Exchange NEW YORK -(AP)- Closing foreign exchange rates follow (Great Britain in dollars, others in cents): Canadian dollar in New York open market 1 pet. premium or 101.531 S. cents unchanged. Europe: Great Britain (pound) up of a cent: Great Britain 30 day 2.81 unchanged; Great Brifutures tain 60 day futures 2.81⅜. unchanged: Britain futures 2.81 unGreat 90 changed: Belgium (franc) 2.00⅜.

10- changed: France (franc) of a cent. unchanged: Holland (guilder) 26.36. unchanged: Italy (lira) 161 of a cent, unPortugal (escudo) 3.50. unchanged: changed: Sweden (krona) 19.35: unchanged: Switzerland (franc) (free) 23.34½. Latin America: Argentina (free) 7.24.

unchanged: Brazil (free) 2.38, unchanged: Mexico 11.60. off 02 of a cent; Venezuela (bolivar) 30.03. unchanged. Par East: Hong Kong dollar 17.55, unchanged. NAVAL STORES SAVANNAH.

April 29 (API -Naval stores today: receipts, turpentine 470, rosin none. Shipments, turpentine rosin none turpentine 1,793, rosin 6,139. Answer to Previous Puzzle BAG HOME GONE ERAD ACRE PRO RN SI GREED ED CHA DRO A SON TORN can TAT 24 Hurl 42 Mix 25 Poker stake 44 Husband of 26 Hammer head Gudrun 28 Angered 45 Mexican 29 Genuine laborer 30 Italian city 46 Makes 36 mistakes 37 Birds' homes 48 Devotee 39 Toward 49 Legal point 40 Meadows 51 Swiss river 41 Nested boxes 52 Bind Injuries Alleged Virginia Osis Davies and her husband, R. S. Davies, yesterday sued Myrick's Furniture, of Orlando $40.000.

She contends she suffered a broken hip Dec. 6 when she fell down the steps leading off the rear entrance of the company store on N. furniture. She contends there was no sign or other notice to indicate the steps were there, leading down to the main store floor, and that the company should have known that they were dangerous. Sam E.

Murrell is attorney for the Davies. Sentence Passed Criminal Court Judge William Murphy yesterday sentenced Robert Pennington to serve two years in the state prison for breaking and entering. Pennington, a California parolee, pleaded guilty to breaking into the apartment of Wilma Kersey at Kuhl Ave. and stealing two wrist watches. Gladys Hayes, a Winter Park Negro maid, was sentenced to serve a total of one year on one grand charge and three petit larceny charges.

She pleaded guilty to stealing articles from her various employers. William Barrett drew a sixmonths sentence after pleading guilty to forgery. Cpl. Joe N. Brown changed his mind about pleading guilty to six charges of cashing worthless bank checks and will be tried by a jury at the June term of Criminal Court.

Sales Charged Robert T. Smith, 434 S. Parramore was arrested yesterday and charged. with possession and sale of tax-paid whiskey without a license. The arrest was made by Dep.

Sheriff Don Paden. Smith was released under $1,000 bond, posted by Pan American Surety Co. Vital Statistics MARRIAGE LICENSE APPLICATIONS George Franklin Blake, 25. 126. America.

machine operator. and Margaret Roberta Bryant. 22, 24 W. South, waitress. Robert Davis Long, 35.

Coral Gables, farmer. and Dorothy Eleanore Spence Long. 32, 844 N. Thornton, housewife. Amory Dunbar Parker 28.

Miami, army, Catherine Cornelia Budd, 22, 530 E. Pine. MARRIAGE LICENSES APPROVED Robert Lester McLeod, 28, 219 Harvard, and Miriam Jeanne Geisler, 24, 1737 Gurtler dental hygienest. John Clarence Smith, 22, 1318 Pine Hills fruit foreman. and Helen Charlotte Honour.

rural. registered nurse. Charles Starling Hughes. 59, 498 N. Orange Blossom carpenter, and Adaline Elizabeth Garrick Ralph, 50, 904 Wingo, bookkeeper.

Orange County Court Records INSTRUMENTS FILED Stockton. Whatley, Davin Co. to Liberty National Life Insurance, assgt. mtg. Earl R.

Moatz et ux to Stockton, Whatley. Davin mte. H. E. Richardson et 1x to Stockton, Whatley, Davin mtg.

Leighion T. Hall to Alice M. Dunn, asset. mtg. Charles H.

Hoover et ux to K. Sheldon Johnson et ux, deed. John C. Davis et ux to Orlando Federal, mtg. Ralph Daniel Dandridge et ux to Maud E.

Christie et al. deed. Edwin A. McQuaters el ux to Conway D. Kittredge, satis.

mtg. Harvey G. Rohlwing et UK to Orlando Federal, mtg. Waldo Auger et ux to City of Orlando, deed. Eston J.

Caton et ux to Tucker mtg. Gordon G. Hanks Jr. et ux to Richard W. Hanks, deed.

First National Bank at Orlando to Coy W. Jamerson et ux, satis. mtg. Carrigan Boland, Inc. to Henry A.

Wells et ux, deed. New Homes, Ine. to Roy J. Stringer et ux. deed.

Joseph 8. Guernsey to Lucian Algee et ux, deed. Lucian S. Algee 64 NX to Joseph 8. Guernsey, Orlando improvement Co.

to Edward Kopp et UX, deed. Harold A. Gilliams et Mx First eral. Orlando, mtg. Finley M.

Hamilton to Harold Gilliam ux, satin. mtg. New Homes, Ino. Sunshine Homes, deed. New Homes, Ine.

to Donald Eugene Slover et ux, deed. Jack Sweetman et ux to Alfred B. Stewart et ux, deed. Fannie M. Carleton et vir to S.

Blair et ux. deed. William H. Marshall et ux to Dick Keith et uX, deed. Gordon A.

Reaves et ux to First National Bank of Winter Garden, mtg. Howard R. Kellie et UX to Henry Doering et ux, deed. Faye Reinau to Claude Jackson Pettit et al, satis. mtg, A.

Z. Wilamoski et ux to Joseph Janke et ux. deed. Joseph Janke et ux to Joseph Kruk et ux, mtg. R.

A. Carmichael et al to Linton C. Cox et ux. mtg. Linton C.

Cox et 11X to R. A. Carmichael et al. deed. K.

H. Perdue to Claude Jackson Pettit et al, satis. mtg. George R. Ferguson et ux to Howard A Kelly et ux.

deed. Robert T. Anderson et ux to Wellborn Phillips Jr. et al, deed. Wellborn C.

Phillips Jr. et al to the First State Bank, Eustis, mte. Warren A. Smith et al to Harold Minnick et ux, deed. Harold E.

Minnick et ux to Warren A Smith et al. mtg. Lula May Anderson et al to Bartholomew Bennett et, 11X. deed. William Razins et 11X to Dillard West et deed.

G. D. to First National Bank of Winter mta. Garden. Willie Burl Month et al to First National Bank of Winter Garden, mtg.

H. 'A. Creel et ux to Taft Berryman, deed. Delphia A. Sparks to Elizabeth Choolgian.

deed. John F. Ballenger et ux to William N. Hayghe et ux, deed. Alfred M.

Somes et al to G. W. Carpenter, deed. Lowrie W. Brown Jr.

et ux to Alonzo C. Cutting et al, satis. mtg G. B. Angel et 1X to Morris Geiger et uX, deed.

Donald G. Chittenden et ux to Lawrence E. Hanssen et ux. deed. Dudley M.

Johnson et ux to Earl Gore man. mtg. Harold J. Moore et 11X to Dudley M. Johnson et ux, deed.

Carroll Avera to Orlando Federal, mte. Traey R. Freidell et ux to W. H. Jackson et ux, satis.

mte. Carco. Inc. to Dewey Mixon, deed. Dewey Mixon et ux to Easyway Finance mtg.

Berwin E. Fuller et al to Raymond Gabel et ux. deed. Ethel W. Garrett et vir to Roverl Dolt ux.

deed. Raymond A. Gabel et ux to Berwin Fuller et al, mtg. First National Bank at Orlando to C. Conner et al, trustees, satis.

mtg. Roveri Dolfi et ux to Ethel W. Garrett, mtg. Edna T. Young et al to Mrs.

Ethel w. Word nee Garrett, satis. mtg. George W. Daugherty et ux to Charles B.

Dumphy et ux, satis. mtg J. Cornell et ux to Winter Park Federal. mtg. Harold J.

Moore et ux to Dudley M. Johnson et ux. deed. Dudley M. Johnson et ux to Earl Gorman.

mtg. Washington Shores. Inc. to Henry Sad. ler et ux.

deed. Gertrude L. Morietta to A. E. Carpenter deed.

Charles Carlton Sessions et ux to Roy S. Yates et ux, mtg. Stockton. Whatley, Davin Co. to Federal National Mortgage asset.

mtg. Conway D. Kittredge et ux to McCrory Holding Co. et al. mtg.

First National Bank at Orlando, trustee et al to Conway D. Kittredge et ux. deed. Conway D. Kittredge et ux to Philip J.

Hoffmann. deed. Philip J. Hoffman to Conway D. Kittredge ux, mtg.

Robert K. Sunday et ux to Anna Marie et. Myers. F. E.

Acadich to Walter E. Harvey et 11X, satis. mtg. Palmer J. Haugland et ux to James R.

Cave et ux, deed. C. J. Hadlock et ux to Walter E. Harvey et ux, satis.

mtg. Holden Heights Volunteer Fire Department. Inc. to Angebilt Holding deed. Apopka Finance Co.

to Maxwell Howard, satis. mtg. Earl J. Avistock et ux to William P. C.

Caldwell et Ethridge et ux to Beulah M. Ries, deed. First Federal. Orlando, to Clyde ridge et ux. satis.

mtg. First Federal. Orlando, to Warren A. Smith et ux, satis. mtg.

Warren A. Smith et ux to First Federal, Orlando, mte. Life Casualty Insurance Co. to Mary W. Emerick et vir, satis.

mte. Robert B. McClure et ux to Margaret Donovan, deed. Margaret Donovan to Robert B. MoClure et ux, mtg.

R. Connell to Hammock View Ranch, satis. mtg. T. R.

Connell to Hammock View Ranch, satis. mtg. Troy Roman et ux to Apopka Finance mtg. Florence E. Burgesset ux to Dite MoCafferty et ux, deed.

Apopka Finance Co. to Troy Roman et ux, satis. mtg. Maxwell Howard to Apopka Finance mtg. Margaret Donovan to Kenneth F.

Hill et al. deed. Kenneth F. Hill et al to Margaret van. mtg.

Louise J. Crooms to Dollar Loan mta. Ruby P. Bauer et vir to Walter R. Ather.

ton Jr. et ux. mtg. Wilson E. Kenney to J.

B. Smith et al. satis. mtg. James Kimbrough et 11X to Apopka nance mtg.

Apopka Finance Co. to James Kimbrough et ux. satis. mtg. Sol Nichols et ux to George Reynolde et ux, deed.

Kate Story Burch to Edward L. port et ux, satis. mtg. Richard M. Inman et ux to Sawyer deed.

Konstantin Skrepnek et ux to Hershel Helton et ux, deed. First National Bank at Orlando to er J. Haugland et al, satis. mte. Walter E.

Harvey et ux to Mamie Riddle, mtg. Henry C. Douglass ux to Elmer W. Lott et ux, mtg. West Park Homes.

Ine. to Stockton, Whatley, Davin mtg. Stockton, Whatley, Davin Co. to Federal National Mortgage assgt, mtg. New Homes, Inc.

to William A. Pridgeon et ux, deed. William A. Pridgeon et ux to American Fire, mtg. American Fire to Dollar Savings Bank of the City of New York, asst.

mtg. H. A. Ledford et ux to Orlando Federal mtg. Orlando Properties, Inc.

to Commander mtg. Joiner et ux to William Robert Spears et ux, deed. George F. Bass 8r. et ux to John O.

Whiteman et ux, deed. Florida Credit and Investment Co. to Wesley V. Wiley et al, satis. mtg.

Edward E. Lovig et ux to Edna Gene. vieve Clark. deed. Peninsular Life Insurance Co.

to Edna Genevieve Clark. mtg. First National Bank of Winter Garden to Mrs. Tulsa Norris, satis, mte. Small Loans Co.

to Doy Minear et satis. mtg! J. W. Brumbaugh to John C. Edwards et ux, satis.

mtg. Joe Kirkman et ux to Paul Kuhn: ux, mtg. Henry J. Morris Al to Henry Morris et al, deed. D.

D. Newton et ux to R. T. Johnson et ux, deed. M.

S. Vergowe et ux to Frank R. Bare Jr. et ux. satis.

mtg. Frank H. Bagg Jr. et ux to Winter Park Federal, mtg. Cleveland D.

Kemp et ux to Joseph E. Deveraux et al, deed. William S. Harper et ux to Henry Brimblecom et al, deed. Thomas D.

Mack et ux to Helen Marden, satis. mtg. Lemuel S. Peterson el ux to C. 0.

Jinks et ux, deed. Clifford S. Meader et UR to Clifford G. Norris et ux, deed. Stephen E.

Luketic uk to Marie Kovers, satis. mtg. Gustav W. Mentz et ux to James Oliver Mentz, deed. Gilbert Bentley to Thomas C.

Shupe satis. mtg. cents 43 Spending Revealed PEARL HARBOR, Hawaii-(P The U. S. Navy spent nearly 000,000 in Hawaii in 1952, Rear Adm.

Stuart S. Murray, commandant of the 14th naval district, said. The total included local navy The Beans, GLEN HAVEN MEMORIAL PARK Central Florida's Garden Cemetery Office 309 N. Main Ph. 8395 PERPETUAL CARE 10 30 Eggpiants, Demand slow.

2.76.6 22 TE FUNERAL WREATHS and SPRAYS FRANK PARKER, FLORIST Use Our 10-day Courtesy Credit Plan Jefferson Court Hotel Bldg. Telephone 3-4027 $1 erate. The 32 with April of 67 33.44 middling balance- 45.632.381.86 Total month- year- An WOODLAWN MEMORIAL PARK AND MAUSOLEUM Where Thoughtful People Buy Their Burial Estates convenient Terms Office 11 S. Court St. Ph.

2-0786 $ $264.548.343.187 dav-. extras.

The Orlando Sentinel from Orlando, Florida (2024)
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Name: Kelle Weber

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Hobby: tabletop games, Foreign language learning, Leather crafting, Horseback riding, Swimming, Knapping, Handball

Introduction: My name is Kelle Weber, I am a magnificent, enchanting, fair, joyous, light, determined, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.