The Morning Call from Allentown, Pennsylvania (2024)

FIRST Carbon County 12 TITE MORNTVO CALL, AMontown, TTednMnny, rr, 195 Schuylkill County Panther Valley Monroe County Loaves Hospital Anniversary I Anna Junas Sets Carbon County Service Clubs Book Congressman for Address on July 10 Sivak, Prisoner 5 Months, Home Again Moving Van Crashes Store Display Windoiv Main display windows of the newly-renovateo Windsor store, Lehighton, were shattered at 2:30 a. m. yesterday when a moviiiR van parked on the hill facing the store slipped its brakes and crashed Into the building. 7Ko Soldiers Ballots Divided Leaving Tie Palmerton Sale Of Bonds 84 Per Cent With five days to go. the Palmerton area Monday had attained 84 per cent of its goal of $336,000.00 in the 7th War Loan.

So far the people of the area have invested $260,603.00 in bonds. An additional $75,000.00 must be invested if the area is to reach if quota. The area has invested in bonds towards its quota of $240,000 of this type of bond. This gives the lower end of the county a rating of 84 per cent which is slightiy better than the 73 per cent which represents the progress of the country as a whole. The purchase of an additional $40,000 in bonds will give the Palmerton aj-ea a rating of 100 per cent in that category.

The movie bond premiere. "Nob Hill" at the Palm theatre today at m. is boosting the purchase of extra bonds. As the people who bonds at the local banks and port offices today are to receive a ticket to Nob Hill." The old time July 4 celebration planned by American Legion will also boost the sale of extra bonds. The evening of July 4 baseballs autographed by Babe Ruth.

Connie Mack and Joe McCarthy and miscellaneous movie material which autographed by the movie stars of Hollywood will go to the highest bidders for bonds in the 7th War Loan. Jul 4 Date For Wedding Anna Junas, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Junas. 600 E.

Front' and Andrew Brunda. son of the late Maxim and Justine Brunda. 259 W. High Nesquehoning, will be married July 4 in St. Michael's church Lansford.

Bans of marriase were announced in Lansford church Sunday Brunda is employed as a shovel operator at a Tamaqua Miss Junas is employed at a Lansford factory. The couple will be attended by Mr. and Mrs. Metro Kravelik. Nesquehoning.

Joseph Reese Heads Mauch Chunk Board Joseph Reese is new president and Edgar Miller, vice president of Mauch Chunk school board, replacing C. S. Weiler, retiring president, and Sam Sandherr, retiring vice piesident Announcement has been made of purchase of First. ward school building by Berkeley Bags East Mauch Chunk, with proceeds of the sale as well as that of sale of the Webster property to be set up in a special fund to provide a capital investment in the high school. Upon plea for financial assistance by H.

L. Pobst, chairman of a committee from the M. S. Kemmerer memorial park, it was decided to appro-prife $150 to assist, ln the work. Funds are needed to provide permanent paths in the park to replace those that are continually being washed out by heavy rains.

Pobst reported. Visit in Farryville Guests of Mr. and Mrs. James Hand and family. Parryville for a few days, included: Mrs.

Rudy Hartman and Mrs. Maggie Werkheiser, Palmerton; Mrs. Lizzie Confer, Allentown; Mrs. Laura Faust. Bethlehem; James Billman.

Lehighton, and Clair Greensweig. U. S. A.ray. Congrprman Franris.

E. Wrfltrr. L.v-- ten. rprre.ra'ivr of flip m.trn:i. thai eir.brarrs Carbon t.chedu'.ea -4 5- V4 4 a ftir I FRANCIS E.

WALTER to relate his observations as a member of a congressional committee that investigated conditions German pnson camps, vhen h- appears be- rr m.ih-. Femce clubs at Graven Hu'ten inn. Mahoning. July 10 Preparation's are for 200 members and giirM Presidents and oflireis of the verv- lee clubs cf the met at Chunk yesterdav to m.ike finul ar- or joint meeting. The report on the atrocities in prison camps and o'her pertinent facts about war conditions in Europe will be giv- en by Congressman Walter.

In addition to civic club members cent juer-ts at the meeting, including jucees from the courts of surrounding p. toWt'Voverno to i Jis rHran 6 Cine groups to attend include Le- higiron, Lansford Nesquehoning. nT.irv, r-vm r.v w.atheriv Rotarv clubs: Lehighton Lions and officers oi Palmerton Board of Trace. Andrew Malinyak Wins Discharge Andrew Malinyak. machinist mate seccr.a son cf Mr.

and Mrs. Jo-sepia Malinyak. Nesque honing, has been honorably discharged from the LA -V4 III txace for Council Cmintin? of soldier ballots in Carbon county shows the tie bet-siren George Sabol and Robert Stewart for Republican nomination to town council in the West ward remains the same, according to unofficial report yesterday. The duo had tied in the primary and each drew ie vole more from the soldier ballotine. Michael Figura held the highest number of votes to become nominated as one of the eouncilmen.

It is reported that sabol will srek a recount on the allesation that at least one vote, and pos-fibly two. were declared llleeal by ward election officers and not counted for him. Griest Leaves Lehighton Bank Harold M. Griest has resigned as assistant cashier and manager of Le- highton branch of Hazleton National bank to become senior commercial ex- Philadelphia. Griest went to Lehighton as cashier nf Citizen's National bank and Trust ln ana on Aug.

l. wnen Hazleton National bank established a branch ln Lehighton. he was ap- pointed assistant cashier. Later, he was made manager. He has been ac- Uve in civic affairs.

TJn pon CnWortinri Winners Announced dinners in Schuylkill county Mav tin can collections were an- "lcl1ud.v uy ler. county salvage chairman of the council oi neiense. winners are. Russell Fry. Tamaqua, $10 in War Saving Stamps; John Smith 2nd Saint.

Clair. $5 in War Saving Stamps; Arlene Heisler and Grace Shoener. Tamaqua R. 1. $2.50 in War Saving Stamps.

Four Blackhawk Vets i i Mr. and Mrs. Clarence J. Oswald Of 601 Lafayette Palmerton, today are observing their china wed-dine anniversary. The anniversary was marked Sunday with a dinner at Green Top inn, Palmerton, R.

with these relatives in attendance: Mr. and Mrs. James Oswald, Mrs. Pauline Stevens. Mr.

and Mrs. Paul Ebert and children Paul snd Ann. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Oswald and children Dick and Kathryn all of Palmerton.

Sergeant and Mrs. Norwood Steigerwalt. New Cumberland. Mr. and Mrs.

Wan-en Bell and son, Jimmy, Slatington, and Mr. and Mrs Robert Stoudt. The dinner also was in celebration' of the second wedding anniversary of Sergeant and Mrs. Norwood Steiger-. wait.

The sergeant is stationed atj New Cumberland and Mrs. Steiger-j wait is employed as a civilian there.) Both couples were married by Roland G. Bortz, in the Holy Trinity! Lutheran church. Palmerton. Oswald is a graduate of Penn State college, class of 1924.

and lias been employed at New Jersey Zinc. Co since graduation. Mrs. Oswald was, graduated from West Chester State Teachers college, class of 1923, and taught five years in Palmerton. Trio Back In Tamaqua Three Tamaqua servicemen who have received discharges are: Edward F.

Waselcfsky, 318 E. Union John E. Bridickas. 509 E. Elm Harry F.

Folk, 40 Patterson St. They have registered with Schuylkill County Selective Service Board No. 1. Tamaqua. rmrns Four Men Drafted Four Panther Valley men were Inducted into the armed forces Monday, it was announced yesterday by Caibon County Selective Service Board No.

3. Lansford. Inducted at Wilkes-Barre were Joseph J. Kupres. 19 E.

Ridga Lansford. and Andrew M. Solomon. 233 W. Hazard Summit Hill.

Joseph C. Corby 75 W. Cata-wissa Nesquehoning. was inducted into the Army at Albany. N.

June 13, and John K. Davies. 43 Center Lansford, was inducted into the Navy at Camden, N. June 20. Both Corby and Davies were registered with the Lansford board.

The vehicle, owned by Fred D. Hoard. Philadelphia, and operated by Chester Booker, Philadelphia, was driverless when the accident occurred. Flames Ravage Two Palmerton Dwellings In a fctifT battle with flames ln two Palmerton 'dwellings last night firemen from two companies were scratched and bruised during the hour-long fight but saved material portions of the structures, while the contents were badly damaged. Sufferers ln the blares are Thomas Con-ell, 75 Avenue and Oscar Moyer, 77 Avenue A An alarm was turned In at 7:30 p.

m. and Palmerton fire companies 1 and 2 battled the blaze until 8 o'clock. The Correll and Moyer families are being- cared for by nearby neighbors. The fire was the fourth to Palmerton in the past five days. Yesterday morning both Palmerton companies answered an alarm at the home of Albert Smith, 453 Franklin where a gasoline stove got out of control.

The fire was extinguished before the firemen arrived. Nothing was damaged except the noon meal that was ln the oven. The Henry Snyders Married 15 Years Mr. and Mrs. Henry L.

Snyder, of Bowmanstown, are observing their 15th wedding anniversary today. Mrs. Snyder is the former Mildred Snyder of Lynnport. The couple has seven children Marilyn, Barbara. David, Sandra, Rodney, Joel and Carole.

Sailor in Home Port For Wedding Anniversary Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Blanar 73 2nd Coaldale, celebrated their first wedding anniversary yesterday. They were mrried at Elicott City. Md.

Mrs. Blanar is the former Anne Kramer, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Kramer, 73 2nd Coaldale. Blanar, son of Mr.

and Mrs. Eugene Blanar 168 East Coaldale, Is employed by Fauzio Nesquehoning. He recently received a discharge from the navy after two years of service. Memorial for Pfc. Zulick Sunday at Lansford Church A memorial mass for Private First Class Nicholas Zulick.

138 3rd Coaldale. w-ho was killed May 15 in Germany will be held in St. Nicholas Russian Greek Catholic church. Lansford, at 7 p. Sunday.

Rev. A. c. Zapotocky will officiate. Zulick was one of 12 trustees of the church.

Attending the service will be members of J. Wesley Garland post, American Legion. Lansford. Servicemen are invited to attend. Hanas-Stemetzki Rites At a wedding Saturday in St.

Nicholas church. Lansford, Martha MS VlSIIinZ in LanSIOraiBorgcr, Mane Chnstman. Etta Haydt, Coast Guard after three jeras of serv-jhome as a unit from Europe, are vis-ice in which he was injured. litine their homes. Malinyak received boot training at Thev are: Private First Class Wil-Brooklyn.

ar.d spent six months wiUMiam Sherman who resides with his the shore patrol at Tampa. At Se- uncle and aunt, Mr. and lrs. Charles bastian. F.a he spent a year and a Hand.

E. Patterson Corooral Ar-half in the commissary. From Ft.tnur Altschuler. son of Mr. "and Mrs.

Eversr'ace. he spent a year; Harry Altschuler, w. Ridge Pri-the Atlantic. ivate First Class Stanley Horowski, son He is spending two weeks Karl Horowski, E. Ridge who witn his rarenrs and his wife and haH un a prisoner of the Germans five his mother.

Mrs Catherine Sivak, 406 6th Pal-merton. He is the second returned war prisoner to arrive at Palmer-ton this week. Sivak was a paratrooper with the first a 11-American airborne division and was re- f-o ported miss 1 Belgium Ins Fmber. He missing in last De- u. cemucr.

hc Aiss 'Queen Mary." While in prison camp. Sivak saw Corporal Charles Patakl. also of Pal-merton, who arrived home several days ago. Possessor of the Purple Heart with Oal: Leaf clusters, three Battle Stars nriH fnmhot Tnfinlrvman'c Karfcr Sivak served from February, 1943. He had been employed by Bethlehem Steel Co.

He attended Palmerton High school and is a member of Sacred Heart Catholic church and Catholic Sokol lodge. Two Couples Celebrate Wedding Anniversaries Mr. and Mrs. E. A.

Fatzinger and Mr. and Mrs. Gus Smida. Lehigh Palmerton observed their 15th and fifth wedding anniversaries, respectively, at a Sunday outing at Valentik summer grove at Mountain Side. Present were Mr.

and Mrs. Steve Valentik, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Sla-mina and son Frank, Marie Henning, Tona Prelovsky, Mr. and Mrs.

Howard Reber and family, Mr. and Mrs. Dan Renshaw and family. Corporal John Vlossack, Sergeant Michael Sawka, Ensign Ruth Krex, Mr. and Mrs.

E. A. Fatzinger and Mr. and Mrs. Gus Smida.

all of Palmerton. Mr. and Mrs. Steve Hreha and Mrs. John Ko-tus of Lansford.

Women's Guild Convenes The Women's Guild of the Reformed church. Trachsvllle. meeting at Emory Bollmger bungalow, had these present: Gertrude Klingaman Naomi George, Alberta Beer. Eva Keller, Lillian Rnrppr Marin r-lnrit Strohl. Eleanor Anthony.

Eleanor George, Esther Beer, Violet Buck, Ida Hayat, jane schafler, Ada Green, Rev. Klingaman. Emor Bollinger, Ronald Anthony, Willard Beer, Pauline, Doris and Charlene Chnstman, Loraine Boreer, Edna Stahler, Mrs. Neeb, Mrs. Handuerk and Mrs.

Dunbar. Dinner was served by the hostesses, Mrs. Beer. Mrs. Neeb and Mrs.

Stahler. An afternoon hat sale netted $6.75. Bowmanstown- Richard and June Zeigenfus. chil dren of Mr. and Mrs.

George Zeigen fus, underwent tonsilectomies at Palmerton hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Lentz and Dorothy Best, Berkley, are guests of the former's mother, Mrs. Savannah Lentz, and other relatives in this vicinity.

Janet and Betty Lou Kemmerer, Slatington, are spending a vacation with their Cousin. Nancy Farber. Mrs. Anna Deisher called on her snn-in-law and daughter. Mr.

and Mrs. Woodrow Rehrig, Palmerton. Mrs. Rebecca Klotz and daughters, Naomi and Eva. returned Saturday after several weeks ni'' relatives in tn''uS5r LVrVr Mr' and MlIton Keith Farber.

son of Mr. and Mrs. ah i with measles Mr and Mrs- Ernest Merkle and daughter Patricia, Slatington, called on Mr. and Mrs. Pearl Butz.

Mr. and Mrs. Paul Mont.z, Perkasie, visited Mr. and Mrs. Martin Eck.

Mrs. Gus Sutter and children, Do- nignton, were guests oi jvar. ana Mrs. Martin Eck Lehifirhton- i'eity Onicer inira Class Artnur N. spent the weekend with Mr.

and Mrs. Charles Rodney. Gloria Schutt, Bankway. is spending 10 days' vacation at Weir Lake, Monroe county. Private Leland Reinhelmer had a 30-day furlough with his wife and family, S.

1st before returning to Atlantic City. Lieutenant William Bayer of the Air Forces returned to California fol-; lowing leave with his parents. Mr. and 1 Mrs. A.

E. Bayer, Alum St. His sister, Angela Bayer of the Red Cross Corps. Florida, is visiting at the Bayer home. Russel Berger.

student at Theological seminary, Lancaster, visited Mr. and Mrs. J. E. McDaniels, Mahoning St.

Dorothy Griffith, Mahoning, is visiting friends In Philadelphia. Frances Kern returned to her home in Allentown following a week's vacation with her grandmother, Mrs. Sallie Kern and family. ft in Four Lansford men of the Black-hawk (86th) division which came inn tii oL-viuii ami oil other reoorted missing over and Private First Class Stephen Stefa-jnick who resides on W. Ridge St.

Sgt. Kozuch Enroute Home Staff Sergeant J. C. Kozuch, 21. sftn rf TVTr finH TKTi-e- t'rtn nm Hazard gt Summlt Hi eneineer at Charleston, s.

enroute home for 30 days. The sergeant was inducted in July. 1943, and went oversea last November. He has been awarded the Air Medal. Nesquehoning Michael Hanas.

246 E. Snyder Avejson Neal, Summit Hill, spent a jew Stanley Marczvk. student atnvVlf''- D) UU T.anforrt harimt th hr of Stemetzki, son of Mr. and Mrs. Wash 203 W.

Hish Nesque honine. Rev. A. C. Zapatocky, pastor, officiated.

Mrs. Stemetzki is employed nt Lansford factory and her husband is a discharged soldier who was wounded in Germany last September. The couple is on a wedding trip in New York. They will reside with the bride's parents. Lansford- Mrs.

David Rowlands. 36 Coal North Carohna university, is spend-: "is davs with his parents anEune Eugene McDonald, son of Dr. and "X.U"" ff.7,,,iu- Ior 'lXiSVT Zir a St' 'i1, 1 iianr. t.vajis ui jjciusn university spent three days with his parents. LAWRENCE CAMPBELL Who was discharged yesterday from Coaldale hospital where he was a patient two and a half weeks after a fall through a trap door at Tony the Tailor's, Center Lansford.

He Is Carbon county probation officer. Chuting Over Tail Of Own Plane Gave Pilot Great Thrill A pilot of a Thunderbolt P-47 shot down and taken a prisoner of war. Lieutenant Edward Pisklak. Coaldale. told Lansford Rotary of the exciting experiences last night.

Recently returned after nine months in a German prison camp following his landing in Southern France when his plane was shot and took fire. Lieutenant Pisklak is home on 60-day leave after which he will report to Florida for a rest. Hi storv of how he sailed over the top of the tail of his fighter plane as h. haileH out thrilled his listeners. The tail section of his plane whizzed under him and irave him one experience that he said he never expected to have.

He told of life in a prison camp ana now he was finally liberated. William F. Tiley presided at regular Rotary session and then turnco me meetinc over to a nast district gover nor. Frank Riordan. who.

was in charge of installation of officers. They President. Edwin Cooke: vice presi-; Howard Jeffries; Charles Rutter: secretary, Fred Weaver; directors. Dr. James Steele, W.

P. Tiley and Bronne Bruzgo. Lieutenant Ray Steele, Latrobe, a brother of Dr. Steele, was a guesu Former Tamaqua Principal Dies R. A.

Henninser, principal of Ta- vhctv, erhool 1913 to 1923. died in Harrisburg hospital; where he had been a patient five weeks. Funeral Friday afternoon at Harrisburg. Parryville- uTt-e Karai-i Andreas. Is -Mr and Mrs.

Thomas Wehr. Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Pettit and daughter Judith visited relatives in Weatheiiy. fre riair Frable and K.eitn wana- werk, Palmerton, visited Mr.

and Edward Kuehn and family. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Smith spent Sun- dav at Sayvllle, N. visiting reia- Mr.

and Mrs. Neai campoen ana OJVS in lowil woiuiw mio. bell's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Tnomas Arner.

Mr. and Mrs. Albertus Fritzinger and noma me viBiiru ivu nd dauc no Mrs George Rheftler. Slatington. Mrs.

Robert DeLong. daugnters Betty. Joan and Sallie of Palmerton. visited the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs.

Charles Miller. Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Miller, daughters Dorothy. Janet and Judith, Mauch Chunk; Mr.

and Mrs. Howard Wentz and familv, Palmerton, Sunday visited Mr. and Mrs. Charles Mr and Mrs. Woodrow Grow-, 'daughter June.

Bowmanstown: Mr. Mrs. William Warner, son Roger 'Lone Run. called on relatives in town Patricia Blose. Lehighton.

is the guest of her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Edear Youse Mr. and Mrs. David Wright mid daughter Constance.

Bowmanstown, visited relatives In town Creek PARK THEATRE LEHIGHTON TODAY TOMORROW DOUBLE FEATURE A MUSICAL ENTERTAINMENT THE THREE ST00CES NARY BETH HUGHES in ROCKIN' IN THE ROCKIES" A fast moving tale about the efforts of a man to sell his ranch and two vaudevillians hoping to get a break on Broadway. Everything gets all tangled up and comedy runs riot. Mystery of a Homicidal Maniac! RICHARD DIX-JANIS CARTER "The Power of the Whisller" CLASSIC Lehighton TONIGHT AT 8 P. 31. Seventh WAR LOAN BOND PREMIERE Admission by War Bond Purchase Only! The Picture "THE VALLEY OF DECISION" The Stars Greer Carson Gregory Peck Bond Booth Opens 7 p.

m. Auditorium Opens 7.30 son Wayne Chester. Pa They will reside in Land at Bridge Fatal to Sgt. Babinetz EL a Babinetz. Lanfoid, a brief letter of condolence from Gen- Pruett.

commanding officfr of the 19th infantry regiment, to explain how- her son. Sergeant Joseph Bab-inez. met his cea'h on Mindanao and how deeply his is felt by members rf the unit "We rud secured the town of Da-Tin. Mindanao, and "ere advancing north to secure the remainder of the coast of the island." said the report "AU the rar1 had horn heavily mired hv the and procress mas We had to clear all mms so tanks and vehicles could move foru ard -Sergeant Babinetz and his pla- tocr. leader went forward alone to Inspect the road for mines.

The Jars had planted a mine by a small bridze. While the pi ndse. While the platoon was in- peering the bridge the mine exploded ana your son was killed." Deaths DtHISH CoaMi'e in zl FuBr! r-icff ill re yr-ri a "5 a TfejM'iy 1rm ho-r. 145 1-4 ih a a cK r. SS C- nH Coi.rif ir.Trrnr rr.p r.r.-e t.

i cir.e Tr.emai Pins Di'-'r cs tf o'. connp vail: th.r Firs? Warfi schor-: rounds and ts 1 "Wa hooi Flars rd cn bp had at tfc Lftithon Hish rfljra ttry on or bfnr i lfi. 1143. Th" t2TU.ti,T"s th' nEh' t0 nv GFANTII.LE FFHPIO fifrrftrr Merchandise ARTICLES FOR SALE 51 TOP SALE 1 bernn "-ft fu Ofni Also 1 Turk in. Applv Eutr Moyer.

Weis-porf is spending a few days in Philadel-iand Prnates Anthony Picacelll An-! guestB cf Mrs. Rebecca Klotz and thony Eedrack. Anthony Malaska, i daughters Angelo Rutch. Samuel Halupa and Mr ancj Mrs. Joe Tio Philadelphia, 1 are ai! spending aVlsited Mr.

and Mrs. Terrence Bereer. 14-day delay enroute furlough withj Mr. 8nd Mrs. willard Leopold.

Le- their nnrnte TVlv arm Vtainer l.i..... Phia. James Miller, son of Mr. and Mrs.1 Stephen Miller, E. Bertsch is va-' rationing with nis parents.

He is a student at Muhlenberg college and will renew studies July 9. Ann Holmes, daughter of Mr. and Ui 1--- fprred from Camp Blanding to Ft. Meade Mr. and Mrs.

Michael Pancoe and daughter Barbara of Philadelphia are spending a week with Mr. and Mrs. i Mrs. Elmer Holmes. W.

Ridge is' Mr. and Mrs. Norman Wenti. son spending a few days with her par-, 'Ronald, visited Mrs. Wentz'a parents, ents before continuing studies at! Mr.

and Mrs. Joseph Diehl at Big John Sniscak. Mrs. Albert Hansen Sr. of Roselle Dolores Hunadi, daughter of Mrs.

Park. N. spent the week with her Mary Hunadi. is spending a week 1 sister. Mrs.

Charles Rodney of Pack-with her sister. Wilma, a telephone! erton Road. operator in Newark. I Mrs. Charles Rodney was called to Ensian Mary Chuma left for the Philadelphia Sunday to visit her sis-naval hor.pital in Park after ter, Mrs.

Carl Schuster who has been a few riav.s with her parents, Mr. andUi. ts promptly Mrs tirhael Omnia. She is a reels- tered nurse, and a graduate of the Mellor of Boston. spent the Women's hospital in Philadelphia'end with Mr.

and Mrs. Charles She loineo the Nurses corps two months a-o. 1 First Class Seaman Kervey Morton Tfoto trlr.r.err anri her riiro Mam SPMlt the Weekend With IliS Wife for- WEIW ESI AY Sweeney, are spending a week Charlotte Rodney of Packerton relatives in New Jersey. Mrs. John VanDerSluys of raterson.

Penn State college. Dorothy Boyle of Philadelphia, formerly of town, is visiting friends and relatives in town. Miss Bovle is a student at West Chester Teachers college. Ann Boyle, R.N.. employed at Hazle-i ton.

spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Boyle, 633 E. Patterson Lansford. Weissport- Mr.

and Mrs. Adolph Schild and son Searle. Jersey City, spent the weekend at their cottage, Big Creek. Elden Lorah. seaman first class with the Navy at Miami, and Jerald Lorah.

seaman first class, with the Navy at Philadelphia, visited their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Lorah, North Weissport. James LeVan and Mrs. Mary Eb-erly returned to New Jersey after several weeks with Mrs.

Laura Bucks, Big Creek. Milton Manstell, town, and Edward tee*ts, Lehighton, transacted business Philadelphia. Mr. and Mrs. Homer Strohl.

Big Creek, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Cooper, Lansford. John Cooper will spend the summer in Big Creek. Mrs.

Sallie Moser, Mrs. Curleigh Getz and Mrs. Elon Schoch, Union Hill, were Allentown visitors. Mrs. Lizzie Conser.

Allentown. visited Mrs. William May. East 9 NETHERLANDS WEDNESDAY, JUNE 27, 8:00 P. M.

DOUBLE CARD $1 EXTRA CARDS 50c 50 ON EVERY REGULAR GAME 5 BIG SPECIAL GAMES Driver Bringing Five Receives Two Pkgs. Specials Driver Bringing Four Receives One Pkg. Special WATCH THE PAPER FOR OLR BIG SUNDAY GAME caE 17 pbdekud Enjoy the Fresh 17 1 Mountain Air At BUGZIE'S MOUNTAIN TOP INN PLATTERS SANDWICHES DRINKS C3 12 CS DO 'KI is) SE WEDNESDAY EVENING, JUNE 27 IS GUEST NIGHT AT "PAT'S PARTY" AT LAKEW00D All Patrons are Pat's Guests 25 Game for 50c Buy 5 and Get One Free for Driver Extra Game 50 Called for 100 Too Hot to Bi in Town Corns Out to thi Cool Spot LAKE WOOD F0R A PLEASANT EVENING ALU EEB DflBDi FRANK NEMTXEK. Prop. fummit Hill Lehighton Highway Route 902.

The Morning Call from Allentown, Pennsylvania (2024)
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Author: Sen. Emmett Berge

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Name: Sen. Emmett Berge

Birthday: 1993-06-17

Address: 787 Elvis Divide, Port Brice, OH 24507-6802

Phone: +9779049645255

Job: Senior Healthcare Specialist

Hobby: Cycling, Model building, Kitesurfing, Origami, Lapidary, Dance, Basketball

Introduction: My name is Sen. Emmett Berge, I am a funny, vast, charming, courageous, enthusiastic, jolly, famous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.