Low Histamine Herbs and Spices (and Recipes to Enjoy!) - Through The Fibro Fog (2024)

I think many people think that a restrictive diet, such as a low histamine diet, is bland, boring and lacking in flavour. Yet there are so many lovely low histamine herbs and spices to enjoy and that will make all your meals extra tasty.

The herbs and spices given here are all taken from the information presented in the SIGHI list, which has a comprehensive breakdown of the 'score' of histamine in each food (or most of them!).

So let's talk about herbs and spices that score 0 on that list, and a few that score 1, and then I've got lots of recipes that make the most of them to enjoy for breakfast, lunch and dinner (and some sweet treats as well, of course!).

Low Histamine Herbs and Spices (and Recipes to Enjoy!) - Through The Fibro Fog (1)
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  • Low histamine herbs
  • Low histamine spices
  • And some other flavourings
  • How to enjoy your low histamine herbs and spices
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Low histamine herbs

The SIGHI list has a large number of herbs that are scored as low histamine, and as 0 on their scale from 0-3. One thing I will note is that it isn't clear whether the list refers to fresh or dried herbs. I use both personally, although mostly fresh in the summer when my windowsill and garden is awash with herb pots!

I've linked to dried varieties in case it is helpful, where appropriate.

Scoring as low histamine (0 on the SIGHI list) there is:








Scoring slightly higher as a 1 on the SIGHI list are:



Cilantro - scores 0 but with a ? as a liberator and a note stating that only small amounts are well tolerated.

Low histamine spices

One of the first things a doctor said to me when I was advised to go low histamine due to having mast cell activation syndrome was to steer clear of curry powder and chilli powder.

Thankfully though there are other spices that can really elevate the flavour of your meals, and make them a little curry-like (kind of!).

Scoring 0 on the SIGHI list, there is:

Black caraway - personally I haven't ever tried this, but must get some!

Caraway (Carum carvi) - as the SIGHI note, don't get this confused with cumin, which is higher histamine and noted to be a liberator.

Cardamom - there is a note stating that some varieties may not be well tolerated.

Cinnamon - I will note that this is rather controversial and other histamine lists do rate it as higher histamine.

Sweet paprika


Scoring slightly higher as a 1 on the SIGHI list are:


Low Histamine Herbs and Spices (and Recipes to Enjoy!) - Through The Fibro Fog (3)

And some other flavourings


Vinegar appears to be quite a tricky one for those on a low histamine diet. While many are high histamine, such as red and white wine vinegar and balsamic, there is white distilled vinegar which scores 0 on the SIGHI list. It has a ? as a liberator and a note 'Low histamine, but not free from histamine. Use sparingly. Check for intolerated additives'

I will say that from conversations with people on my Low Histamine Kitchen Instagram, it appears individual as to whether people can tolerate any form of vinegar.


Garlic scores 1 on the SIGHI list. Personally I mostly use fresh, but there is also garlic powder if you tolerate well.

Low Histamine Herbs and Spices (and Recipes to Enjoy!) - Through The Fibro Fog (4)

How to enjoy your low histamine herbs and spices

I thought it would be fun to shares some recipes that make use of these herbs and spices, and I think they are full of flavour! There are so many to choose from on the low histamine recipes page here on the site, but I've picked a few favourite and popular ones for some of the herbs and spices.


The first thing that comes to mind when I think of basil is caprese salad, and then pesto.

Baked stone fruit caprese salad

Peach and mozzarella caprese salad

Macadamia nut pesto

Dairy-free pumpkin seed pesto


I am a huge fan of sage for its pungent taste that definitely gives a lot of flavour. I most often use it with brown butter as it goes so well and feels quite indulgent.

Creamy sage chicken

Brown butter and sage skillet chicken

Hasselback butternut squash with brown butter and sage

Low Histamine Herbs and Spices (and Recipes to Enjoy!) - Through The Fibro Fog (5)


This always feels like a Sunday lunch kind of herb, if you know what I mean! Perfect for adding lots of flavour to meat and vegetables dishes.

Rosemary chicken fillets

Honey roasted vegetables with rosemary


I still remember the day I discovered cardamom was low histamine and have been using it on so many dishes ever since! It works as both a sweet and and savoury flavouring in my opinion, and so is very versatile.

Cardamom apple fritters

Cardamom chia pudding with blueberry compote

Cardamom pistachio energy balls

Cardamom overnight oats

Low Histamine Herbs and Spices (and Recipes to Enjoy!) - Through The Fibro Fog (6)


Maple ginger chicken traybake

Ginger chicken pilaf traybake

Chicken burger with a honey ginger glaze

Ginger turmeric latte


Turmeric chicken soup

Turmeric ginger energy balls

Turmeric cauliflower soup

Iced turmeric latte

Sweet paprika

Not to be confused by hot or smoked paprika, sweet paprika is milder and has a different (but delicious!) flavour.

Spicy zucchini baba ganoush

Spiced turkey stew

Sweet potato and corn chowder

Low Histamine Herbs and Spices (and Recipes to Enjoy!) - Through The Fibro Fog (7)

I hope you enjoy some of these recipes, and perhaps discovered a herb or spice that you don't tend to use. I think that following a restrictive diet encourages you to explore all the foods that you can enjoy. I know I didn't ever use cardamom before having MCAS but now it is always in my pantry!

Related posts

Low histamine recipes collection

Low histamine breakfast ideas

Easy low histamine diet swaps

Low histamine shopping list

10 tips for starting a low histamine diet

Living the low histamine life - FAQ

I’m always in the kitchen, so come join me onInstagramandFacebookto be the first to hear of new recipes and resources!

Please note that this post does not constitute medical or dietary advice in any way. It is for informational purposes only, and all persons should consult with a qualified medical professional for advice on their diet and health.

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Low Histamine Herbs and Spices (and Recipes to Enjoy!) - Through The Fibro Fog (8)
Low Histamine Herbs and Spices (and Recipes to Enjoy!) - Through The Fibro Fog (2024)
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