Little Weiss - PaddedHuntress - RWBY [Archive of Our Own] (2024)

Chapter Text

The morning came soon enough for the two girls, with Ruby waking up a bit before Weiss did. She took the time to read for a bit before she started to hear Weiss stir in her crib. Ruby quietly got up to check on Weiss after making her bed, glad to see that Weiss still had her pacifier in her mouth. "Hey princess, wakey wakey. We've got a big day today."

Weiss didn't want to get up, but knew she needed to listen to Ruby. She recalled having plans today, but couldn't remember what they were. Reluctantly, Weiss slowly positioned herself to sit up and rub her eyes. "...'m up, Wuby…."

Ruby giggled and lowered the rail on Weiss' crib and popped the flaps on the footed sleeper she wore. "Looks like someone soaked her diaper again~ don't worry, mama will clean you up and make sure you're ready for our big day."

The little girl didn’t recall anything special about today beyond some sort of plans, but she had been more preoccupied with her finals and such to plan too far ahead. Weiss knew that Ruby would take care of it anyway and fill her in on anything important. “Big day?”

“Mhmm~ Big day. We’re going to see Blake and Yang for the day, remember?” Ruby teased Weiss gently, undressing her from the kitty onesie to be able to change her diaper and dress her for the day.

Weiss remembered that finally as Ruby lay her on the changing mat to change her diaper. “W-wait! I’m wearing diapers and I look like a kid! We can’t go over! How are we going to explain that?”

Ruby shrugged, starting the diaper change as she hummed. “I mean, there’s not much to explain. Magic happened, now you need diapers, and you’re small. Simple as that.” The diaper change didn’t take long. Ruby had chosen another pink diaper with flower petals on it for Weiss, enjoying the contrast of pink to Weiss’ usual blue and white.

“Can I at least pick out what I wear today, Ruby?” Weiss was slightly annoyed she was still stuck in diapers, but she did want to exert some control over her life.

“Ask properly and I’ll let you pick out your outfit for the day.” Ruby cooed, tossing the diaper into the nearby pail.

Weiss pouted, glad that she had been able to take out her pacifier and talk normally. “Properly? Can I please pick out my outfit for the day?”

Ruby smirked, knowing Weiss would need some encouragement. “And who are you asking, princess?”

That was the part Weiss was hoping to not deal with, but here she was. “Mommy? Can I please pick out my clothes for today?” Her face was a deep red, especially since she had just had a diaper change and was still naked.

“Of course! Go pick something out and I’ll dress you. Make sure it’s warm because you know Yang likes to keep their apartment cool.” Ruby did have to often remind Weiss about that, though it wasn’t like Weiss didn’t enjoy the cold.

Weiss nodded, moving to her closet to pick out clothes for the day. She quickly settled on a warm white to blue gradient sweater dress, watching Ruby pick out a warm pair of white tights for her as well.

Ruby smiled and quickly dressed Weiss, pleased that the outfit was cute and warm and that Weiss didn’t fuss to get it on. “Ok, let’s get going then. Blake’s making breakfast, so we can eat when we get there.”

“That sounds just fine to me. Blake is an excellent cook.” Weiss stretched, heading out to the living room to grab her jacket and shoes.

Ruby followed her out a minute later, packing a diaper bag that had appeared on top of Weiss’ dresser overnight. She wasn’t going to question these things, as in her experience, it just led to more questions. “I hope I don’t need to change her while we’re out. Weiss would be mortified.”

Weiss fetched her winter boots from the shoe rack, blushing that they had shrunk with her. She was grateful, though, as they were rather warm and comfortable to wear. It took her a moment to get them on, but now she waited for Ruby so they could leave. It was only a fifteen minute walk to their friends’ townhouse.

A minute after Weiss had gotten her shoes on, Ruby emerged with the diaper bag over her shoulder. “Alright, let me get my shoes on and then we’ll walk on over.” Ruby set the diaper bag on the table, grabbing her own boots and slipping them on. “Want me to grab your jacket, princess?”

The nickname flustered Weiss to no end, as it was very much something she wanted her prospective boyfriend to say to her. She wasn’t sure why it was flustering her so much when Ruby said it. “Y-yes, please, if you wouldn’t mind.”

Ruby nodded, opening the closet to grab their jackets. The redhead was pleasantly surprised to see a new object in the closet along with their jackets, a stroller. Ruby grabbed their jackets first before pulling it out of the closet and setting it up. “Oh, Weiss~”

Weiss looked over at her current caretaker as she heard her name. Her face instantly went a deep red as she saw the stroller in front of Ruby. “No. There is NO WAY you’re getting me into that thing. I’m perfectly capable of walking.”

Unfortunately for Weiss, Ruby didn’t give her a choice. “I don’t think it’s your choice to make, sweetie.” Ruby slipped Weiss’ jacket on her and zipped it up before slipping her into the stroller and strapping her in. “There we go, all nice and snug.”

The situation did not please Weiss. She wasn’t a baby. “Ruby! I don’t need to ride in the stroller! I’m a big girl! I can wa—” Weiss was cut off by a pink pacifier being popped into her mouth.

“Shhh…mommy’s in charge, remember?” Ruby smiled warmly as she cooed at Weiss. “You’ll be fine here, and this way you won’t get tired on the walk over there with your shorter legs.”

Weiss pouted but to no avail. She knew Ruby wasn’t going to change her mind at this point. “Fine. But I wanna wawk on da way home.”

Ruby nodded as she slipped her own jacket on. “I think we can work with that, but we’ll see when we get ready to come home. Now let’s hit the road. Breakfast awaits!”

Once Ruby had gotten her jacket on, the two girls left the house with Weiss’ diaper bag in tow. The winter weather hadn’t changed much, though there was a fresh layer of snow on the ground. Weiss in particular appreciated the snow, suckling her pacifier as she enjoyed the light snow falling from the sky.

“How ya doing there, princess? Warm enough?” Ruby asked after about five minutes into the trip. “Let me know if you’re cold. I’ve got a blanket for you if you need it.”

Weiss felt fine overall. She enjoyed the cold weather so this was a wonderful time for her. “I’m good, mama. I’m wiking da snow and cowd.” No sooner did she finish her statement did she feel a familiar pressure in her stomach. She needed to visit the bathroom. “W-Wuby? Might we find a baffwoom, pease? I…need to go potty.”

Ruby stopped pushing the stroller momentarily as she got to an intersection. “Hmm? You’re wearing your bathroom, sweetie. I’ll change you when we get to Blake and Yang’s.”

“W-Wuby! N-not dat kinda of potty…da messy kind!” Weiss didn’t want to say it out loud, but she had to poop, especially since the events of the prior day had interrupted her usual routine.

“Oh!” Ruby looked at where they were in relation to their destination to see if there was a restaurant or something else nearby, but realized they were in the residential district. There wasn’t a restroom closer than Blake and Yang’s. “Uh, bad news, princess. The closest potty is at our destination. So try to hold it as best as you can, ok?”

Weiss didn’t like the sound of that, but she knew there wasn’t a point in arguing. She knew the area well enough to know Ruby wasn’t lying. So she simply focused on her pacifier and the snow. But only two minutes later, Weiss couldn’t hold it any longer. She lost the fight of holding it in and started to mess her diaper. It took a minute, but she sighed once she was finished as she did feel much better. But then it hit her that she was now in a messy diaper and the tears started to flow, alerting her caretaker that she had messed herself.

Ruby stopped to check on her little girl, finding her crying softly in the stroller. “Hey, Weiss, what’s wro—” A certain scent gave away the problem and informed Ruby as to why Weiss was upset. “Hey hey, it’s ok, Weiss. That's what diapers are for. Mama will get you cleaned up into a fresh diaper once we get to Blake and Yang’s, ok? It’s too cold to change you outside and we’re almost there. Be a big girl for mama and just hang on for a few?”

It wasn’t a small ask, but Weiss nodded along with Ruby’s request. She didn’t have much of a choice, either. “I-I can twy, mama….” Weiss was humiliated but she slipped into a smaller headspace to get through the trip.

With Weiss now in a messy diaper, Ruby pushed across the last intersection and walked as fast as she safely could across the snowy ground. A few minutes later, the two arrived at their destination. Ruby took a deep breath and knocked on the door. “Blake! Yang! We’re here!”

Yang was the one to open the door as Blake was starting breakfast for them all. “Hey, girls! Nice of you to sh—” The blonde’s thought was cut off as she saw her younger sister behind a stroller with a very grumpy and very small Weiss. “Uh, what’s going on here?”

Thankfully, Yang let them inside to explain, and Ruby wheeled them into the warmer townhouse. “Well, you see…we don’t know, really? Weiss sneezed, had an accident, then she was small. All her clothes shrunk with her and kinda got all babyish and now she’s gotta wear diapers.”

Weiss pouted but was relieved once Ruby lifted her out of the stroller. “Ish embawwassin’...Wuby, changes, pease….”

Blake peered over the kitchen sink to see Weiss in Ruby’s arm after hearing the explanation. “Aww, Weiss, you’re so cute.”

Ruby laid Weiss down on the changing mat and slipped her tights down to change her diaper. “She is! The diapers are kinda cuter than her panties, honestly.” She couldn’t help but tease Weiss as she started to clean her up.

Yang was confused but just ran with it. “Well, she’s certainly cute. And ya know, she’s kinda dressed more appropriately for her attitude, now. Dressed up like a good brat should.”

“Yang Xiao Wong! Yoo take dat back! I’m nawt a bwat!” Weiss protested, her pacifier still stuck in her mouth. She was going to do her best to not upset Ruby, but the other two she’d be much less careful with.

The diaper change finished a minute later after some playful teasing from the sisters. Ruby went to toss the diaper away and wash her hands, and Yang slipped Weiss’ shoes and tights off. “Aww, Weiss. Your diaper is so cute! It’s perfect with Ruby as your mommy.”

Blake shook her head and sighed. “Yang, get your butt over here and finish cooking. Let me see, Weiss. You’re upsetting her.”

Weiss was glad that Yang was being exiled to the kitchen. She sighed in relief as Blake scooped her up into her arms. “Fank you, Bwake…ish nishe to nawt be teased sho much.”

“You are rather cute, Weiss. Your diapers are perfect for Ruby being your mommy. I was wondering when you two were going to get together.” Blake couldn’t help but toss out one joke at Weiss, especially one involving her love life.

Ruby and Weiss both blushed deeply and retorted. “Excuse me? Blake, Weiss is straight. And I don’t know what I am, honestly. I’ve never even thought about dating.”

Yang laughed from the kitchen. “Really? I would have sworn you two were doing some sort of roleplaying thing, but Weiss is smaller now, so…it’s still cute. You two would make a cute couple.”

Weiss groaned as the couple commented on her love life. “I’ve only ever dated men. I hadn’t considered dating a woman and I’ve never given it much thought. But my love life, nor Ruby’s, is up for discussion. Breakfast is, however.”

Blake got up and handed Weiss back to Ruby. “Here, I’ll get the table set. I’ll even see if we have a booster seat for Weiss.” The older woman chuckled to herself at the silly joke.

“I heard that! I can sit at the table normally just fine!” Weiss protested as Ruby slipped her tights back on to keep her warm. She wasn’t going to mention the high chair she’d eaten in yesterday.

“I’m kidding. You’re so small that I couldn’t resist.” Blake teased, putting Ruby and Weiss’ coats in the closet before setting the table. Just as Ruby had been surprised before leaving the house by a new object in the closet, Blake was too. “Well, how about a high chair instead? It’s even pink just like your diaper.”

Ruby giggled as she saw Blake pull out the high chair. “Aww, it looks like the one at our place! Weiss ate dinner in it yesterday.”

Weiss’ face went a deep red, as it often had today. “Ruby!” No sooner had Weiss protested did Ruby lift her up again and slip her into the high chair. “I can’t believe it….”

Blake swiftly moved to the kitchen to help Yang get breakfast to the table. "Ruby, does Weiss get a regular cup or does she have a sippy cup?" It was a fair question to ask, considering that Weiss was now in diapers and a high chair.

"She's got a sippy cup. I can grab it from her diaper bag. One sec!" Ruby hopped up and dug into Weiss' diaper bag, quickly producing a pink sippy cup with white snowflakes on it. "Here it is! If you've got juice, give her that. Otherwise, milk is fine."

"I think we're out of juice so milk it is." Blake commented, taking the sippy cup and filling it up with milk before handing it to little Weiss. "Here you are, Snowflake."

Weiss had slipped into a younger headspace and was humming to herself as she awaited breakfast. The sippy cup was handed to her, which she accepted happily. "Thank you, Auntie Blake!"

Blake couldn't help but smile at the childish exuberance Weiss radiated in stark contrast to her usual persona. "You're welcome sweetie. How about we get everyone some breakfast?"

Breakfast was served for everyone a minute later, though Ruby took an extra moment to cut up Weiss' pancakes for her, much to the baby girl's delight. Conversation stayed away from the obvious questions in the room, favoring what the semester had held for everyone. Weiss managed to stay in her adult headspace the entire meal, though Ruby could tell Weiss was starting to grow more tired by the minute, which wasn't surprising given Weiss was deprived of caffeine.

Ruby cleaned Weiss up and helped her out of the high chair before checking her diaper, just to be sure. "Well I think someone needs a short nap. Do you want a bottle of milk before, Princess?"

Weiss rubbed her eyes and nodded, yawning as she clung to Ruby. "Mhmm…milk good for tummy. Gotta grow big and strong…."

Yang dug through Weiss' diaper bag and quickly found a clean bottle. The older sister mouthed to Ruby asking if it was ready to be used, to which Ruby nodded in return. A minute later, Yang handed her younger sister a bottle of milk for Weiss.

Ruby smiled and kissed Weiss' forehead before speaking softly. "Alright princess, let's get this bottle in you and get you to a nap." The redhead didn't want to force Weiss to nap, but she could tell her baby girl needed it.

Weiss was starting to get fussy, but was stopped from even beginning her whining by the bottle of milk being popped into her mouth. It might have been instinct or just the fact she was sleepy, but Weiss quickly started to drink her milk. She'd always enjoyed milk, and she had believed it to help her grow taller. Weiss found out it didn't upon entering university and being the shortest amongst her friend group. Still, she'd continued to enjoy milk, which made her enjoy bottles all that much more.

After less than five minutes passed, Weiss' bottle was empty. Ruby gently burped her and popped Weiss' pacifier back in her baby girl's mouth. "Alright, princess. Let's get you laid down for your nap, ok?"

The baby girl had no fight left in her, accepting her fate and falling asleep in Ruby's arms as she was carried to a bed for the nap. Weiss suckled her pacifier contentedly as she slept, curling up in a comfortable ball.

Ruby returned to the living room where her sister and Blake were waiting. "She's asleep. Good thing, too. I really don't want to see what cranky little Weiss is like." She couldn't help but giggle as she sank into the recliner, taking a well-earned break.

Yang looked over at Ruby as she got comfortable. "So Ruby, how'd you really get her to wear diapers for you? And how'd you get her so small?" The older sister was curious, though she was happy that it seemed like her sister had finally figured this out.

"What?" Ruby tilted her head in confusion. "Huh? I told you what happened. I didn't do anything. It just kinda…happened. She is really cute, though." She didn't notice it, but her cheeks turned slightly pink as she spoke.

Blake stopped Yang as she started to speak up, wanting to prevent the issue being pressed any further. She knew that it would take time for Ruby to process everything, as it would for Weiss. “Well, I suppose we wait for the little Snowflake to wake up before we go outside?”

The question was met with quiet affirment, so the trio opted to watch TV for an hour, waiting on the now youngest of them to wake up for them to enjoy the snow still falling from the sky.

Little Weiss - PaddedHuntress - RWBY [Archive of Our Own] (2024)
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Author: Margart Wisoky

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Views: 5650

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Author information

Name: Margart Wisoky

Birthday: 1993-05-13

Address: 2113 Abernathy Knoll, New Tamerafurt, CT 66893-2169

Phone: +25815234346805

Job: Central Developer

Hobby: Machining, Pottery, Rafting, Cosplaying, Jogging, Taekwondo, Scouting

Introduction: My name is Margart Wisoky, I am a gorgeous, shiny, successful, beautiful, adventurous, excited, pleasant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.