Healthy Black Bean Guacamole | Vegetarian Recipes (2024)

by Lindsay 44 Comments

This Black Bean Guacamole is a twist on traditional guacamole. With added black beans and Greek yogurt, you get a full dose of healthy fats, fiber and protein…all in one great dip!

Hi Friends!

Just popping in a with a quick recipe to share with you guys. Yes, I realize it’s green and the appropriate day to post a green recipe would have been yesterday, or even last week before St. Patrick’s Day….but you guys know me- always behind!

So, recently I spent some time going back through all my posts from my first year of blogging. Considering I’ve been doing this for almost 4 years…it’s safe to say there are some recipe buried in the archives that many of you have never seen. I picked out some of my favorites and over the next few months, I’ve tasked myself with remaking them, taking better pictures and highlighting them for you guys!

This is the first one- you can see the original post here!

Black Bean Guacamole

Healthy Black Bean Guacamole | Vegetarian Recipes (1)

This is basically your average guacamole, just taken to a new level. I added black beans (which you can’t even taste) for protein and fiber and also mixed in some Greek yogurt for a protein boost!

Here’s how you make it:


{Refreshed} Black Bean Guacamole

Healthy Black Bean Guacamole | Vegetarian Recipes (2)

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★★★★★5 from 1 review

A twist on traditional guacamole. With added black beans and Greek yogurt, you get a full dose of healthy fats, fiber and protein…all in one great dip!

  • Author: Lindsay L
  • Prep Time: 5 minutes
  • Total Time: 5 minutes



  • 2 medium avocados
  • 1 c black beans, cooked
  • c plain Greek yogurt
  • juice from one lemon
  • ½ c red onion, diced
  • 1 medium tomato, diced
  • 1 jalapeno, minced
  • 24 Tbsp fresh cilantro, minced


  1. Place the black beans in a small food processor and pulse several times.
  2. Add one of the avocados and the lemon juice and pulse until well mixed.
  3. In a small bowl, smash the remaining avocado with a fork.
  4. Stir in the greek yogurt.
  5. Add the black bean mixture, along with the onion, tomato, jalapeno and cilantro.
  6. Mix well and serve with tortilla chips.

Pretty simple, friends!

Healthy Black Bean Guacamole | Vegetarian Recipes (3)


Healthy Black Bean Guacamole | Vegetarian Recipes (4)


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Healthy Black Bean Guacamole | Vegetarian Recipes (5)

About Lindsay

Lindsay Livingston is a Registered Dietitian and new mom from Columbus, Ohio. On her blog, she shares simple, healthy recipes, nutrition tips, workouts and snapshots of her life. Follow her on Twitter @LeanGrnBeanBlog and Instagram @TheLeanGreenBean and be sure to subscribe via RSS or email so you never miss a post!

Reader Interactions


  1. Healthy Black Bean Guacamole | Vegetarian Recipes (6)Arman @ thebigmansworld says

    Almost shedding proud tears of joy knowing you’ve been an avocado fan for such a long time. Staying true to you.

    Although…I’ve been seeing quite abit of black bean-ing happening recently. Let’s not get greedy here :p


    • Healthy Black Bean Guacamole | Vegetarian Recipes (7)Lindsay says

      lol beans will never replace 🙂


  2. Healthy Black Bean Guacamole | Vegetarian Recipes (8)Linz @ Itz Linz says

    yum! you’re the best at making dips look pretty in pictures – i just haven’t figured out that touch yet! i love adding beans for protein and fiber – and you’re so right, you can’t even taste them!


    • Healthy Black Bean Guacamole | Vegetarian Recipes (9)Lindsay says

      haha i’ve getting better but it’s still a challenge!


  3. Healthy Black Bean Guacamole | Vegetarian Recipes (11)Sara @ LovingOnTheRun says

    Yum black beans and avocado! You can’t go wrong with that combination in my mind. Look forward to trying this!


  4. Healthy Black Bean Guacamole | Vegetarian Recipes (12)Maryea {happy healthy mama} says

    Oooh I need to try this! My 2 year old loves guac and it’d be great to add some black beans for the extra protein punch. Thanks for the inspiration. 🙂


    • Healthy Black Bean Guacamole | Vegetarian Recipes (13)Lindsay says

      yay! hope the kiddo loves it 🙂


  5. Healthy Black Bean Guacamole | Vegetarian Recipes (14)Tina Muir says

    Oh thats so cool! Looks, and sounds great….and so much nutrition too! I am going to really focus on my nutrition after my next race. During this time, I like to try lots of new healthy recipes to keep my enthusiasm up, as otherwise I miss a lot of the junky stuff! This will be perfect! Thanks for the recipe!


  6. Healthy Black Bean Guacamole | Vegetarian Recipes (15)Carla says

    LOVE you refreshed this as I had missed it the first time.
    as, I bet, many of us had.
    great idea.


  7. Healthy Black Bean Guacamole | Vegetarian Recipes (16)Krista @ Tiny n Fit says

    Guac me! Love all kinds of guac- this looks awesome!


  8. Healthy Black Bean Guacamole | Vegetarian Recipes (17)Jennifer F says

    I’d dip a chip in this! Two of my favs!


  9. Healthy Black Bean Guacamole | Vegetarian Recipes (19)Morganne @ Nut Butter Runner says

    This looks fantastic Lindsay! Thanks so much for sharing! I will definitely be giving this a try – perfect for those “March Madness” games 🙂


    • Healthy Black Bean Guacamole | Vegetarian Recipes (20)Lindsay says

      exactly 🙂 dig in! or… dip in!! lol


  10. Healthy Black Bean Guacamole | Vegetarian Recipes (21)Heather (Where's the Beach) says

    Just pinned. I actually don’t like quac b/c I am not a fan of avocados, but this is something that I might be able to do!


    • Healthy Black Bean Guacamole | Vegetarian Recipes (22)Lindsay says

      thanks for pinning!!


  11. Healthy Black Bean Guacamole | Vegetarian Recipes (23)Jackie says

    Yum yum yum. This is just perfect!


  12. Healthy Black Bean Guacamole | Vegetarian Recipes (24)Hannah @ CleanEatingVeggieGirl says

    YUM!! I love the idea to add black beans to guac! I am thinking this would taste quite fantastic with vegan yogurt or vegan sour cream too!


    • Healthy Black Bean Guacamole | Vegetarian Recipes (25)Lindsay says

      yes! great idea!


  13. Healthy Black Bean Guacamole | Vegetarian Recipes (26)Kim @ FITsique says

    This looks delicious! I usually am not a gaucamole fan even though I love avocados! Weird I know, but yours looks a lot more my style. I think its the lime that I don’t like about normal gauc?!


    • Healthy Black Bean Guacamole | Vegetarian Recipes (27)Lindsay says

      gasp! not a guac fan!! 😉 maybe this will convert you!


  14. Healthy Black Bean Guacamole | Vegetarian Recipes (29)Jody - Fit at 56 says

    Simple + delish equals a good ting! 🙂


  15. Healthy Black Bean Guacamole | Vegetarian Recipes (30)Elizabeth {Positively Healthy} says

    Your dip looks fantastic! I can’t wait to try it out and I am so glad that you going back through and finding these recipes! I can’t wait to try them out! 🙂


    • Healthy Black Bean Guacamole | Vegetarian Recipes (31)Lindsay says

      yay!!! enjoy!


  16. Healthy Black Bean Guacamole | Vegetarian Recipes (32)Katie says

    Who doesn’t love a good guac?! 🙂 I always love your recipes.


    • Healthy Black Bean Guacamole | Vegetarian Recipes (33)Lindsay says

      thanks katie!


  17. Healthy Black Bean Guacamole | Vegetarian Recipes (34)allie@sweetpotatobites says

    I’ve never thought to put black beans in guacamole before but I like it!


    • Healthy Black Bean Guacamole | Vegetarian Recipes (35)Lindsay says

      i like it too 🙂 let me know if you try it!


  18. Healthy Black Bean Guacamole | Vegetarian Recipes (36)Dana @ Conscious Kitchen Blog says

    Black beans and avocado are such a winning combination – I’m sure this guac is delicious! Thanks for sharing again.


  19. Healthy Black Bean Guacamole | Vegetarian Recipes (37)jobo says

    YUM! I love your riff on favorites! this looks delish and I most certainly will be trying it!


    • Healthy Black Bean Guacamole | Vegetarian Recipes (38)Lindsay says

      let me know what you think!


  20. Healthy Black Bean Guacamole | Vegetarian Recipes (39)Helen says

    This looks delicious! Guacamole is my favorite! =)


  21. Healthy Black Bean Guacamole | Vegetarian Recipes (40)Kim says

    What a fun way to make guacamole with more sustenance!!!


  22. Healthy Black Bean Guacamole | Vegetarian Recipes (41)Kierston says

    It sounds and looks so good!


  23. Healthy Black Bean Guacamole | Vegetarian Recipes (43)Lisa Basset says

    It sounds and looks so good!

    thank for share


  24. Healthy Black Bean Guacamole | Vegetarian Recipes (44)Tabitha says

    Oh my goodness! I cannot wait to make this! We love guacamole just as it is but I’d love to spruce it up by adding black beans!

    Happy Sharefest!


  25. Healthy Black Bean Guacamole | Vegetarian Recipes (45)Kristin says

    Sounds delicious! I’m kind of loving black beans lately, and avocados are always the best! Great recipe!


  26. Healthy Black Bean Guacamole | Vegetarian Recipes (46)Christine says

    How many servings does this recipe make? I need to make a substantial amount as an appetizer for 20 cheerleaders. They’re going to go crazy… Lookin forward to it!


    • Healthy Black Bean Guacamole | Vegetarian Recipes (47)Lindsay says

      i would double or triple!


  27. Healthy Black Bean Guacamole | Vegetarian Recipes (48)Pam says

    Hi Lindsay,

    Love guacamole! I noticed you sometimes make it as part of your Sunday prep. Just wondering how you keep it fresh? How long will it last in the fridge. My needs to be ate immediately or the texture seems weird or it gets all brown. Would love your tips!


    • Healthy Black Bean Guacamole | Vegetarian Recipes (49)Lindsay says

      Put it in a container where there’s not a lot of extra space at the top for air, cover with a layer of plastic wrap in the container and press that down so it’s touching the guac and then put the lid on an airtight container. That should help!


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Healthy Black Bean Guacamole | Vegetarian Recipes (2024)
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