Cursed Crowns (Twin Crowns, #2) (2024)


1,810 reviews919 followers

January 30, 2023

Cute, and at times funny . . . and utterly not for me. Really, I think this was a clear case of me not being anywhere near the target audience, but even so this is a story that mostly reads a bit cloying for how "cutesy" it is. The girls are better when in one place together, too, which doesn't help the plot in this book as they are separated here (not permanently, of course, but for a good while), and it becomes a bit tedious when they're not together.

Maybe I'd have liked it more if it were a purely sisterly-focused and didn't have the romance so prominently? it had nice Snow White & Rose Red vibes, which was what attracted me in the first place. The sisterly chemistry could've been exploited better, it's not often we get this kind of familial, non-toxic bonds in YA after all.

I received an ARC through NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

    fantasy have-reviewed not-my-cup-of-tea

Maeghan🔆 (semi-hiatus)

194 reviews89 followers

March 24, 2024

If King Alarik told me to be a puddle - I would find a way to become a puddle 🤭

Until page 260 - it was going to be a 3🌟 as a lot of things were bugging me (the inconsistent pacing, the fact that Wren abandoned Rose in a time of war crisis, Rose leaving the kingdom in time of unrest, etc.) but it picked up from there and I couldn’t stop reading.

Page 419 was the DEATH OF ME. This is what true ENEMIES TO LOVERS is. 🫠 This saved the book for me. I was so invested 😂
« I liked it better when I didn’t know anything about you.
- I liked it better when you were a speck of nothing back in Ortha » 🤭🫠

Queen Valeska & grand-mother Lu were amazing additions. I loved reading about them.
« Why are the most odious men always the most ambitious? »

Pre read ; Considering the first book was a 5🌟 for me, if this suffers 2nd book syndrome… I’ll be so sad 🫠

Southern Lady Reads (Crazy Busy-Will Catch Up!)

608 reviews1,014 followers

April 19, 2023

One of my favorite New Adult romantasy novels to be published this year! I can't wait for everyone to get to read this! Rose and Wren's sisterly bond and love stories while ruling their kingdom have captured my heart in a way no new adult fantasy novel has been able to in a long time.

A SHORT PREVIEW: Follow Rose and Wren as they try to navigate ruling their beloved Kingdom together. They find love and make mistakes in this moving installment of the Twin Crowns Series. Hidden kingdoms, shifting loyalties and challenging personal beliefs are the basis for Cursed Crowns.

Find 28 Summer Ready Book Releases in May 2023 here!

- This was by far the book I was most excited about on my May 2023 book releases list, mostly due to the authors’ dual point-of-view writing perfection. I flipped through these pages quickly, and there was never a dull moment!
- Throughout this series I've connected with Wren's character on many levels, but never more so than when she starts to realize that people she thought were her enemies are no more. It's an awesome story of growth and really realizing what's important. I'm also obsessed with the way her romance life is progressing and I can't wait to read book three!!
- Rose's emotional maturity has always been a sticking point for me in this book and I feel like we really got to see her grow in necessary ways for the series to continue in the right direction. I don't want to say too much or reveal anything, but Shen's character is still around, and his plotline has a fun twist I definitely didn't see coming!

- Definitely new adult with the way some romantic relationships are portrayed.
**Thank you to HarperCollins Children's Books, Balzer + Bray, & NetGalley for the advanced reader copy. I received this book for free, but all thoughts are my own. – SLR 🖤

    2023 2023-netgalley-reads a-bit-of-magic-and-whimsy


117 reviews2,992 followers

May 12, 2023

I adore this series. So accessible and addictive.


323 reviews31 followers

February 16, 2023

The adventure is back as Rose and Wren continue on their individual and joint journeys to unite their kingdom, working to bring peace and freedom to all, while the past of their ancestors looms behind them. And all the while, looking to tune into the inner workings of their hearts.

This was a sweet, fun, mostly light-hearted ride. There were somber moments, and angst along the way; both of which added a welcome level of high stakes to the narrative. Through and through— this is an adventure of delight and smiles. This series has truly become a comfort read for me, and I am so pleased that the sequel is just as enjoyable as the first, but this time ending with an extra level of exhilaration that has me clamoring for more and more.


Rose, my soft, sweet, strong flower girl. It’s so interesting to have her POV, without it one may easily view her differently. In the beginning of the book we are in Wren’s head and it’s easy to write Rose off as haughty and spoiled, but the second we have her POV we see this wonderfully dynamic protagonist who is trying her hardest to keep firmly on her mask of expected wise queen and calm leader, while privately working through her fears, doubts, and worries. She cares so deeply. She genuinely loves her people and country, and now, with her understanding the truth of witches, wants more than anything for all to unite and to be free to be just as they are. Together. The love she possesses is truly her greatest strength.


Wren has a really intriguing arc. I loved Wren since Twin Crowns, but I didn’t always like her. I am so glad to say I both loved and liked her in Cursed Crowns. Her arc was a very strong one: just as in the first book, it propelled the plot forward, but along with it, I found her romantic arc much stronger than the first book. And it leaves me incredibly excited for what’s to come for her.

The Twins

I was greatly anticipating seeing how the twins' dynamic would be like in this book. There's immediately a sense of closeness, affection, family-- and that traditional sibling ribbing of one another.
My heart did go out to Rose at times, because it felt she cared more about her sister, about sticking together, than Wren did. However, it is clear these girls love each other infinitely. They are sisters. And although they spent much time apart, the moments we get between the sisters are so lovely. There is true camaraderie and trust between them.

That said, I am eager to spend more time on the page together, to face what is coming next. As a team, in full trust and heart. What’s coming for them will be their grandest test, and I will be there cheering for them the whole way through.

The Romance Part I

I was very curious to see how the romance would continue to evolve with Rose and Shen. Obstacles are placed in front them throughout the journey, at times I grew frustrated with both, especially at Shen during a very specific scene, and I’m glad for that frustration— because their romance was allowed space to see if it could stand the test of hardship. It doesn’t stay static.

Do they stay together or crumble? You’ll have to read to find out!

All I will say is that I adore them together, and will always root for them to make it through.

I also consider Shen to be part of the main cast, along with the twins. While we don’t get his POV we do get a lot of story from him this go around, Rose’s arc in many ways circles around Shen learning who he is and what his future may (and may not) hold. A surprising reveal about Shen is made, and it’s a bold move by the authors. There’s enough foreshadowing to see it coming, but it still presents surprise and curiosity, while unequivocally changing the course of Shen’s story.

The Romance Part II

One of the facets I can’t say I was wholly immersed in during the first book was Wren’s romantic arc with Tor. Now I wonder if that was on purpose. I won’t say too much, but let’s just say there is potential for Wren’s heart to open to another. Will it happen? Only time will tell. But if it does, I am surprising myself by saying I wholly welcome it.

Love triangles are one of my most disliked tropes and yet here I am wanting it. Just the tease of it has strengthened Wren’s romantic arc. This new addition was unexpected, but I so quickly embraced it, especially the person this is due to. The chemistry between this person and Wren was instant, electric, and most importantly— meaningful. Tor, for me, always felt surface level. There’s something potentially deeper with the third party. I think it’s noteworthy we, in Wren’s POV, spend more time learning backstory on this person than we do Tor. I really think if the authors go for it, and leave Tor behind for this surprising character, it will continue to strengthen Wren’s arc. I welcome it. I want it. And now I’ll be wishing for it until the next book comes. I didn’t think Wren’s (potential) love story could rival the love I have for Rose/Shen, but suddenly I see her having one that will easily match it.

Fingers crossed!

The Supporting Cast

I do enjoy how friendship continues to be important in this series. That said, I selfishly wish we had a bit more Celeste. I love how she is so brave and will put herself on the line to protect others— she is wonderful. But considering she is Rose's best friend, I would love to see more of that dynamic explored.

Also Elske! That wild pup has a rather prominent role, but not in the storyline expected! I absolutely adored her role though, and thought she fit brilliantly in the arc she featured.

Then we have the newbies— the new supporting cast that brought forth formidability, danger, laughs, and surprise. Some feature more than others, but all helped to lift and move the narrative in a very positive direction.

Run Around the World

For whatever reason, I tend to find my attention waning during the middle of fantasy reads, with plot pacing to drag and/or be riddled with an info dump that loses me. So it’s to my pleasant surprise that when the middle arrived in Cursed Crowns, the narrative went full throttle ahead and I felt like a giddy, excited passenger along for the ride.

The entire book is wonderful, but that second half was especially perfect.

And the world-building was gorgeous. It brilliantly expanded upon the first book wonderfully. The new settings brought a new richness in storytelling, as well as new layers to characters. We see different sides to certain character, which can lead to new perspectives. And I find that fantastic!

The excellent run on pacing and the carefully crafting of the world are harmoniously brought together in this sequel.

Growing Pains

If there’s any facet of this story that gave me pause, and I do consider this simply a slight nitpick, it was in feeling the twins’ slightly regressed in the growth they accumulated over the first book. Rose went back to frequent feet stomping with her spoiled, judgmental attitude; and Wren isolated herself with her misguided stubbornness, and know-it-all stance. It didn’t overly bother me, but more so perplexed me. I expected more maturity on their part, rather than a retread of what I assumed they already learned in their first arc of growth. Rose should know now not to judge a book by its cover, and Wren should know to slow down and think, rather than to impulsively act.

Nevertheless, I do feel they each, especially Rose, has wonderful growth in this sequel and I hope it sticks this time. And the way things ended, with the main plot looming, I do think it absolutely will. At the end of the day, they're young girls who have taken up leadership roles, so I think leniency should be allowed. Growing up hurts, but I know these girls have what it takes to pull through.

Ready for the Next Adventure

Without a doubt, this was another happily worthwhile tale, it brought the same delightful fun from its predecessor, but added a layer of angst and exhilaration that leaves you at the edge of your seat. It left me needing to know what will happen next, and desperately hoping for a happily ever after to be found at the end of it all.

Thank you to the authors, publisher, and NetGalley for providing me an e-arc as a member of the street team.


Lyra (Cardan's tail's version)

336 reviews587 followers

August 2, 2023

This book put me through all the emotions 😭 RTC

Ali Mohebianfar

209 reviews147 followers

October 1, 2023

داستان این جلد کمی بعد از پایان جلد اول شروع می شه. عده ای از بازگشت ساحره ها ناراضی ان و همین زمینه چینی یسری شورش ها شده. ملکه ها باید کشور رو کنترل کنن تا دوباره همه چی در صلح و آرامش قرار بگیره. با این حال مشکلات برون مرزی هم هست، شاه آلاریک از رن خواسته ای داره تا در ازای اون بانبا رو آزاد کنه. رز هم به همراه شِن باید راهی سفری به کویر بشه. دو خواهر، دو ملکه و یک سرزمین غرق در آشوب. سفر یک ملکه به سرزمین یخ، و سفر دیگری به کویر سوزان.
به نظرم این جلد منسجم تر، قوی تر و جذاب تر از جلد پیشین بود. لوکیشن های قصه متنوع تر شد و شخصیت های بیشتری به ��صه راه یافتن. چالش هایی برای رن و رز ایجاد شده که داستان رو به سمت و سوی متفاوتی می برن.
همچنان یسری مشکلات وجود داره. بعضی جاها سرسری رد می شه یا مشکلاتی به وجود میاد که به راحتی حل می شن، اما با این حال، اگه به عنوان یه اثر یانگ ادالت فانتزی بهش نگاه کنیم، می شه چند روزی رو باهاش مشغول باشیم و حس و حال جذابی رو تجربه کنیم.
هرچند اندک، اما همچنان وایبی از Three Dark Crowns بهم می ده و همین باعث می شه بیشتر دوستش داشته باشم.
رن و آلاریک رو از این مجموعه واقعا دوست دارم🔥

پ.ن همراه اسپویل:
صحنه ی مرگِ دوباره انسل در پایان واقعا دردآور بود. مخصوصا دیالوگ هایی که می گفت💔بعد مدت ها اشکم درومد پای یه کتاب...



13 reviews8 followers

May 11, 2023

rose had as much personality as bella swan


401 reviews199 followers

June 27, 2023

Overall Score: 3.5/5

Character Development: 3/5
Plot: 3.5/5
Readability: 3.5/5
Enjoyment: 4/5

What I Liked:
◉ Wren's storyline - she's definitely my favourite twin and I think a big part of that is her storyline is just so much more interesting, and she feels like such a full character compared to Rose who comes across as quite flat at times.
◉ The love triangle - I'm usually not a fan of a love triangles, but Wren's relationship with Tor and King Alarik was one of the most interesting things in this book. I can't wait to see how this is developed further in book 3.
◉ Rose & Shen - I enjoyed the development of their relationship, although their fights are very YA and silly at times.

What I Disliked:
◉ This book felt a lot younger compared to book 1 - and some of the situations and conversations had me rolling my eyes a little. If you're not a fan of the YA fantasy genre, this probably isn't the series for you.
◉ Rose's storyline - for the most part, her storyline felt pointless. I would love to see more character development for her, because it's definitely a weak area in this series.
◉ Rose & Wren being separated for the majority of the book - would love to have seen some development between the twins, but we were told a lot rather than shown so when they were separated it didn't hit as hard.

I'm impressed that this book didn't fall into the sequel/filler book trap and I'm intrigued to see how the series progresses.

    romantasy slow-burn witches


245 reviews

Want to read

October 15, 2022

Okay cool a sequel but why the changed font and aesthetic…ahhhh this bothers me

Sylvie {Semi-Hiatus}

796 reviews1,489 followers

Want to read

July 19, 2023

A friend of mine gifted me this book as a birthday present, and she said: ''I know you love books and I know you loved watching Barbie movies when you were little, and when I saw this book I thought this would be perfect for you, because it looks like a high fantasy version of 'The Princess and the Pauper'.

Hearing that instantly made my day 10x better. :D

    action adventure epic-fantasy

Zoe Foley

42 reviews10 followers

March 26, 2024

5 stars, small rtc


380 reviews17 followers

April 4, 2024

My biggest issue with this series is that I’m really not a fan or either Queen. Rose was slightly less annoying and entitled in this one, but Wren was even more infuriating. She is so reckless and impulsive, and her decision impact their entire world. She has proven time and again that she is not worthy of a crown. I will say that I was happy with the change up in the romantic interest the author made. It was a bit obvious, but I am pretty done with Tor since he continually chooses duty over Wren. I may not be her biggest fan, but come on girl, know your worth.

It’s pretty obnoxious that they seem hell bent on repeating all the same mistakes as the first two Queens knowing what they know, but hopefully they’ll get their sh** together in book three. I did find this plot to be more entertaining than book one. Switching POV’s really took me out of the narrative when I read Twin Crown’s but I felt that this book flowed much more seemlessly. I���m hopeful that the next book will be even better.

Maggie ☘

578 reviews748 followers

November 8, 2023

*3.75/5 stars*

Not quite as amazing as the first one overall imo, but the story was very immersive and gripping nonetheless.

I enjoyed Rose's part of the story about as much as in the first book. Rose and Shen as a pair were, despite some bumps on the road along the way, just as likeable in the sequel. The part of the story with the seers was especially fun to read about and I liked the whole setting of it and, of course, Elske, the wolf. Rose's POV was, once again, one part filled with adventure and, this time, the other with her trying to be a fair ruler.

Wren's POV, which was undeniably a favourite of mine in Twin Crowns, was sometimes slightly aggravating for me, but at the same time the one that made me glued to the pages, intrigued to know what happens next. I really loved the romance in book 1, but here, I was very disappointed with the addition of a love triangle. Filled with court (ice castle) intrigue, old magic, darkness and mystery, this side of the story, nonetheless, kept me on my toes and guessing.

All in all, the plot was very intiguing and grabbing; main characters largely likeable (but sometimes aggravating), the world and history of the witches was explored more and the book had overall darker and more serious tone than the first one (which was at times laugh-out-loud funny and lighthearted). I preferred Twin Crowns to Cursed Crowns, I thought the first book had more heart to it, but this one is a solid continuation nonetheless, just not 100% in the direction I was hoping for.

    amazing-female-leads awesome-female-friendships good


164 reviews928 followers

August 2, 2023

La seule chose cool de ce livre c’était Alarik 😂😂😂
Wren, les deux étoiles elles sont pour le blizzard.
Shen t’en con, oh lala qu’est-ce que t’es con. T’es tellement con que ta petite crise là elle a durée 2 pages. Je pleure de rire. 2 pages. La résolution était SI SIMPLE genre on est au CP des conflits.
Bref, ça aurait dû être un one shot


Laura Fantasyliterature

405 reviews715 followers

December 6, 2023

El principio me hizo pensar que estaba leyendo algo repleto de demasiadas coincidencias y juvenil, pues hay muchísimos diálogos sin real valor en la historia.
Pero después empecé a disfrutarlo mucho más, pues la trama se enreda y hace unos giros bastante buenos. Es cierto que hay un cliché que no soporto:
"el malo que no es tan malo", pero es una historia que realmente recomiendo. Tiene todos los ingredientes para un cuento de hadas fantástico y protagonistas con personalidades diferentes. Muy guay.

Alice Waby

60 reviews18 followers

March 13, 2023

When a book has a build up and scene that has you screaming at the page, you know it’s gonna get a good review 😍

Thankyou for the advanced copy of this book for being on the Cursed Crowns street team 👑

One thing I’ll always say when someone asks me about twin/cursed crowns is that it’s such an easy and magical read that you can get lost in! There’s definitely angst and character development and all that good stuff too.

I loved the way the plot developed in this second book, the dual POV has you hanging on to each chapter particularly in the middle of the book where I couldn’t stop reading!

As always I will highly recommend this book 📚

B. Magnusdottir

74 reviews

May 17, 2023

sigh 2.5 stars, and i loved the first book.

I was so disappointed, i wanted to love it. But all of the characters acted so dumb throughout the book. The plot was not the best, the established character traits from book 1 did not appear in book 2.
Tor had zero personality in this book, Shen was just plain dumb, and Wren and Rose abandoned their kingdom when it was at its weakest.

Just so disappointing.

D Amora

258 reviews210 followers

February 11, 2023



51 reviews10 followers

March 25, 2023

My rating: 4.5/5

I was lucky to get an arc for Cursed Crowns!

They did it again! I loved this book so much.
What I really liked about Cursed Crowns is that we see more of the world and meet new characters.
Wren and Rose are mostly separated in the story, but I didn’t mind at all, because we had more stories and interactions between different characters.
That doesn’t mean I don’t like Wren and Rose together, I just loved how they went their own way and had their own storyline in this book.

Now let’s talk about the ships. I still love Shen and Rose together, But I’m a little conflicted about Wren haha. I don’t know who she should be with!! I Don’t want to spoil anything, but I adored Alarik and Wren toward the end. Their interactions developed through the story and I’m obsessed. But I still love Tor too, so aaah.
The world-building was great and I loved that something interesting was always happening.
I was never bored and wanted to keep reading.
I’m also glad I chose team frozen court (King Alarik ;))

Overall, I enjoyed Cursed Crowns and I can’t wait for book 3!!!


1,348 reviews966 followers

May 24, 2023

4.5* This series truly offers (and delivered) one of the most fun and enjoyable reading experiences. It's just an absolute delight. It plays into every trope imaginable in a self aware and almost nostalgic way that just does something great to my soul. This book knows what it's doing and it does it so well. I for one am very excited to hear there's going to be another book to look forward to because I love the way Catherine and Katherine's brains work together.

    2023-favourites audiobook fantasy


702 reviews304 followers

May 12, 2023

4.5 Stars

Just as much fun as the first book Twin Crowns. YA fantasy rom-com that is close as you can get to that feeling of falling in love with your first YA book. The magic system is easy to follow making it a good entry into fantasy. The characters and their relationships keep you invested throughout. I loved being back with Wren, Rose and Shen.

People always ask me if this book has spice and to that I say THIS IS A CHILDREN'S BOOK WHY ARE YOU LOOKING FOR SPICE HERE. The love stories are swoon-worthy for sure and features some popular tropes e.g. friends to lovers, enemies to lovers, only one bed, etc. But their story arcs are fleshed out and they have to deal with ever rising challenges.

I enjoyed that this book is a little darker. It takes the magic we learn about from the first book and shows us how that magic can be abused as well as the consequences of using it.

Another cliffhanger ending (AHH) but I am very much looking forward to book 3 and how the storylines will wrap up.


49 reviews

May 5, 2023

3,5⭐ with the first book this series really had potential, but the pace of this book feels a bit off. The authors seemed to want too much to happen at once, with every idea crammed into one book. But despite this I still enjoyed the read and storyline.

Sarah | The Marsies

528 reviews189 followers

August 30, 2023


Petite déception

Au début on partait bien, j’ai retrouvé la plume très drôle des 2 autrices qui jouent et tournent en dérision les stéréotypes du young adult pour en faire des clichés ambulants comme une parodie. Mais au fur et à mesure j’ai senti mon interêt se flétrir. Non pas que la lecture ait été difficile, je n’avais juste plus d’entrain à ouvrir le livre.

C’était surtout dû à un rythme assez inégal avec un gros passage à vide vers le milieu. On patauge dans l’intrigue et en tournant les dernières pages j’avais cette désagréable impression de retour à la case départ. L’avancée du récit est au final très minime bien que le dernier quart soit génial à lire.

Le schéma narratif est très similaire au 1er tome, les 2 soeurs sont encore séparées pour suivre chacune leur propre intrigue qui cette fois permet une avancée au niveau des personnages.

Rose et Shen sont encore tout pipou mimou, la jeune reine m’a bien fait rire avec sa naïveté et ses phrases empreintes d’une supériorité orgueilleuse.

Du coté de Wren, c’était plus compliqué. J’avais envie de la claquer très fort par moment pour ses décisions stupides ! Pour autant en ayant fini le livre je comprends que ce cheminement soit nécessaire pour son personnage. Si le tome 1 permettait à Rose d’avoir une évolution, le tome 2 centre son développement sur Wren.

Même si je n’ai pas trop compris certains choix des autrices concernant son perso, j’ai fini par me dire why not (j’espère que ceux qui l’ont lu savent de quoi je parle.)

Malgré tout, certaines révélation m’ont surprise et j’ai bien apprécié la fin ! Je lirai la suite ! Je déplore juste un tome qui est franchement trop transitoire.

Priscilla BookaddictNL

198 reviews18 followers

July 21, 2023

‘Twin Crowns‘ kreeg van mij een beoordeling van vier sterren. Het verhaal vond ik tof, maar volledig uniek was het naar mijn mening niet.

Na het lezen van het eerste boek kwam ik tot de conclusie dat ik meer delen van het koninkrijk van de zussen wilde zien en benoemde ik de hoop die ik had ten aanzien van enkele romantische ontwikkelingen.

Tijd dus om dit tweede boek in te duiken en te ontdekken of de auteurs hier aan hebben voldaan.

‘Cursed Crowns‘ is, net als ‘Twin Crowns���, afwisselend geschreven vanuit de zussen Wren en Rose.

We krijgen aan het begin, tussen de regels door, een fijne samenvatting van het einde van het eerste boek en dat zorgt er zeker voor dat je gemakkelijker terug in het verhaal “valt”.

Het eerste boek eindigde met een interessante cliffhanger en een zware taak die de zussen te wachten stond.

Wren en Rose hebben de taak hun koninkrijk te verenigen en de mensen en heksen met elkaar te verbinden zodat iedereen in harmonie naast en met elkaar kan leven.

Uiteraard lezen we in dit boek over deze zware taak. Want de angst voor heksen zit er bij de mensen goed in en de heksen zelf hebben de afgelopen decennia eigenlijk alleen maar verstopt gezeten in afwachting van het einde van hun verbanning.

Als de zussen ook nog eens door omstandigheden uit elkaar worden gedreven, neemt het verhaal een aantal spannende en verrassende wendingen.

Doordat dit tweede boek de draad van het eerste boek meteen oppakt, zien we direct een opbouw aan spanning.

Net als bij het eerste boek gebeurt er van alles in het leven van de zussen. Zeker wat betreft de taken die voor hen liggen.

De afwisseling tussen de perspectieven van Wren en Rose maken het verhaal in combinatie met de korte hoofdstukken vlot leesbaar.

De schrijfstijl van Doyle en Webber is eveneens weer vlot en beeldend.

Ook in dit verhaal vinden we ondanks serieuze aangelegenheden ook weer een hoop humor en dat maakt dit verhaal wat mij betreft zeker aantrekkelijk.

Ik wilde graag meer world building zien en het koninkrijk van de zussen leren kennen. Aan deze verwachting werd absoluut voldaan.

We gaan namelijk zowel met Wren als met Rose op reis. Niet alleen krijgen we hiermee een beeld van de omgeving, maar ook krijgen we zeker meer informatie over hoe de wereld, geschapen door Doyle en Webber, in elkaar zit.

Ook wat romantische ontwikkelingen betreft ben ik niet teleurgesteld, al moest ik zelf weer even wennen aan het feit dat het een YA fantasy betreft. Erg grafisch of verdiepend wordt het niet, maar het bevat zeker fijne slow-burn elementen en verrassingen.

Qua verhaallijn en personages voldoet dit boek dus zeker aan mijn verwachtingen.

Dit tweede boek is wat mij betreft in alle opzichten geslaagd. We zien zowel van het verhaal als de personages een groeiproces. We ontdekken nieuwe werelden, nieuwe personages en de actie en de gebeurtenissen maken het verhaal spannend.

Ik kon in ieder geval niet stoppen met lezen want het was gewoonweg fascinerend!

Waar ik dacht dat dit een duologie zou zijn, werd ik aan het einde enorm verrast. Doyle en Webber zijn namelijk nog niet klaar met deze wereld. En wij dus ook niet.

Het boek eindigt met een soort van cliffhanger en het deed mij meteen verlangen naar een volgend boek. Ik ben enorm benieuwd naar wat de zussen nog voor hun kiezen gaan krijgen.

Wat ook in dit tweede boek opvalt, is hoe verschillend de twee zussen zijn. Mede dankzij het schrijversduo, die beide een personage voor hun rekening nemen, komt dit goed naar voren.

Persoonlijk vind ik dat oprecht verfrissend. Dit zorgt er wat mij betreft ook voor dat Wren en Rose echt tot leven komen in het verhaal.

Hun verschillen zijn groot, maar ook wordt duidelijk dat ze elkaar perfect aanvullen.

In dit verhaal wordt hun nog best prille band behoorlijk op de proef gesteld. Hierdoor zien we bij beide zussen ook een mooie ontwikkeling.

Ook qua emoties, gedachten en gevoelens vinden we uitgebreide beschrijvingen. Veelal zijn zeker realistisch. Jongvolwassenen zullen wat bepaalde struggles betreft zichzelf zeker kunnen herkennen.

Naast bekende personages uit het eerste boek, onder andere Shen Lo en Tor, maken we ook kennis met een aantal zeer bijzondere en fascinerende nieuwe personages.

Koning Alarik van Gevra bijvoorbeeld. Met zijn komst krijgen we ineens twee extra tropes in het verhaal, een soort van enemies to lovers, maar ook een love triangle. Ik ben heel benieuwd hoe dit zich verder gaat ontwikkelen in een vervolg.

Alarik is een gevreesde koning, maar in dit boek krijgen we een hoop achtergrond informatie dat er voor zorgt dat we verklaringen voor gedrag krijgen.

Een complex en interessant personage dus!

Ondanks dat we het verhaal vanuit de zussen lezen, leren we dus ook andere personages beter kennen.

Ook wat betreft onze geliefde krijger Shen Lo doen we nieuwe ontdekkingen. Hij krijgt in dit boek zijn eigen verhaal en daar werd ik oprecht heel blij van!

De balans tussen de verhaallijn en de personages is in dit tweede boek wat mij betreft perfect!

‘Twin Crowns‘ beoordeelde ik met vier sterren. ‘Cursed Crowns‘ is een kers op de taart!

Mijn verwachtingen van dit tweede boek zijn zeker waargemaakt en ik vond zelfs nog veel meer dan dat!

Naast een spannend verhaal waarin veel gebeurt, vinden we ook interessante personages. Niet alleen de zussen leren we beter kennen, maar ook zeker de personen om hen heen.

Het verhaal en de personages zijn in perfecte harmonie.

Alles bij elkaar, inclusief de belofte aan het einde, zorgde ervoor dat ik het boek niet kon wegleggen en het in één adem uitlas.

Ik heb absoluut genoten van dit heerlijke YA fantasy verhaal en dat sterretje meer is wat mij betreft dan ook dik verdiend!


248 reviews99 followers

April 9, 2023

Rating: 4.25✨
No spice but yes to steam!

First off, I would like to thank the authors and HarperCollins for the eARC opportunity. Like always, this review is voluntary & honest.

In this YA series, there are moments of build up in this book that make you feel the romance SO GOOD. I went into this book rooting for two couples & I finished it still rooting one that is still going strong but I'm conflicted on the other (🤫). Is it the good type of conflicted? YES, because I'm honestly REALLY stuck in the middle. These authors made me fall hard for a new LI, one that I didn't expect to become a LI at ALL. But oof am I glad he is.

Rose & Wren had such growth in this book and it was growth they achieved independently. They separated to battle different conflicts but they never truly left one another. Their bond & sisterhood is such a huge part of their growth as Queens, their immeasurable trust in one another to find the right & better way to lead their Queendom.

Rose can be a bit spoiled at times. But in this book, she is able to see past her rosy lens of what being a Queen is. You see her grow into a fiercer Rose while also being a merciful, just & kind leader. Wren can be reckless. Doesn't think too far ahead because of her temper. But in this book, she sadly learns that there are consequences when one doesn't think before they act. But I couldn't fault her for it because loyalty & love for her family drove her decisions & what a graceful Queen she showed she could be by the end!

Shen Lo, gosh I love this warrior. Tor? This soldier forever has my heart. Celeste, a loyal friend who I have a love/hate relationship with. Alarik, what an intriguing King he is 👀. Kai Lo, I'm side eyeing you. I loved all the new characters we were introduced to & I am excited to see what comes next!



1,546 reviews461 followers

December 23, 2023

This sequel to Twin Crowns managed to hit all three points of my second book checklist to make it great - new settings, new characters, and new dangers to face, as Rose finds herself in the long lost Sunkissed Kingdom and Wren travels to the icy realm of Gevra to rescue Banba.

This story took so many turns I wasn't expecting, from the vivid new characters introduced in the Sunkissed Kingdom, to returning characters and a surprise new romance. These new challenges really moved Wren and Rose's story forward and set up the building blocks for the next book.

It's so refreshing to read a second book in a series that doesn't feel like filler, that has stories to tell in it's own right. The ending made me so excited for the third book, but I'm worried not all my favourite characters will make it to the final pages.


leanna 🦋

22 reviews13 followers

April 4, 2024


Leslie Ann Klein

187 reviews4 followers

November 6, 2023

4 ⭐️

A nice continuation of the series. Enjoyed learning about characters other than the twins. There were certain parts where things were just a little too easy which I wasn’t too fond of. Overall, I felt this book was better than the first and was good enough that I will read the 3rd book when it comes out.



174 reviews37 followers

May 7, 2023

I loved all of the adventure, action, romance, and characters that we gained more insight into (especially Alarik). That ending broke my heart multiple times. Full RTC!

3.5/5 stars. Cursed Crowns was a lovely sequel that takes places right where Twin Crowns left off. I will note that this did feel on the younger side of YA, but still enjoyable nonetheless. Which leads me to the characters, whom came off very juvenile, especially in the first half or so. Although, I will say during the latter half the characters, especially Wren and Rose showed growth. There was plenty of adventure and action along the way to keep you enthralled until the very end. Some did not enjoy the twins being parted throughout the book, but I actually loved getting the Dual POVs of the twins while in different locations. How about that love triangle that was blooming near the end? I stan Alarik. As much as this book made me laugh it also made me tear up multiple times. That ending ripped my heart out and stomped on it a few times. Last, but certainly not least...ELSKE! Oh, how I missed you my furry friend. I will be looking forward to a happy ending for all of these characters, fingers crossed.

I received an eARC from Netgalley in exchange for my honest review.

Cursed Crowns (Twin Crowns, #2) (2024)
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Author: Margart Wisoky

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Name: Margart Wisoky

Birthday: 1993-05-13

Address: 2113 Abernathy Knoll, New Tamerafurt, CT 66893-2169

Phone: +25815234346805

Job: Central Developer

Hobby: Machining, Pottery, Rafting, Cosplaying, Jogging, Taekwondo, Scouting

Introduction: My name is Margart Wisoky, I am a gorgeous, shiny, successful, beautiful, adventurous, excited, pleasant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.